Astrology sagittarius sagittarius friendship

Sagittarius Friend Compatibility
  1. A Sunshiny Friend
  2. Sagittarius and Sagittarius - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life
  3. Horoscopes
  4. Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility, Love And Friendship

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  • Sagittarius ♐ And Sagittarius ♐ Compatibility, Love And Friendship?
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  • Friendship Compatibility For sagittarius And sagittarius;

They simply cannot stay in one place for too long without getting itchy feet. The relationship is also characterised by a wide circle of mutual friends, all of whom are charmed by the vivaciousness and joie-de-vivre of this team of Adventurers. Because of this, Sagittarius and Sagittarius compatibility, although strong, often never makes it as far as marriage.

This couple could hardly be jealous of one another if they tried, because they both understand how much freedom means — but this can be a double edged sword.

On the one hand, they will never be weighed down by jealousy issues; on the other hand, both are quite likely to stray. Of all the zodiac matches, this one is the most likely to settle for an open relationship, with both partners free to enjoy sex elsewhere. Apart from the lack of commitment, a thorny issue for this couple is intellectual superiority.

Sagittarius is a truth seeker, and a truth spreader. The Adventurer finds new knowledge on his or her travels, and seeks to spread it far and wide. Great — except where the couple disagree on a fundamental issue such as religion, parenting, morals or extended family. Sagittarius and Sagittarius compatibility does at least benefit from the fact that Sagittarius is a mutable sign , however.

Overall, here there is excellent compatibility. Sagittarius is exciting, dynamic and fearless, and so is this relationship. In an ideal world, these two would travel widely, sowing their wild oats as they go, free from the constraints the rest of the world wants to put upon them.

A Sunshiny Friend

Under such circumstances, the two Adventurers make an unbeatable team and will exude happiness in their relationship. Making this wide-ranging, free flowing relationship work while also seeing the kids off to school, making a living and taking out the trash could be more challenging.

Being caught up in the mundane realities of life is the most likely death knell for this partnership, as sadly they both really need a more domestic, less freedom loving partner to take care of the details. Ready to discover the real potential of your relationship?

Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility

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Sagittarius and Sagittarius - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

They match well with people who can give them enough space to do things on their own and time to allow their feelings to fully evolve. Archers clash with demanding, clingy and overbearing people.

Too much relationship drama will also send them scurrying away. Sagittarius woman is a seeker of truth. She wants answers to her queries on life, people and love.


The Archer loves lengthy conversations on any given topic. She has a lot to share and is also willing to listen and learn. This lady is a prized possession of her social circle.

The Signs According to People I Know - Sagittarius

Her friends truly cherish her because she is more than willing to help them in times of need. Not only is she a lifesaver but a court jester as well. She brings laughter and cheers to everyone around her. This lady beams with positivity which draws a lot of admirers.

When it comes to love, this independent woman is quite difficult to pin down. Sagittarians cherish their independence far too much that matters of the heart often land in second place. However, when the right kind of man comes along, this lady will give love the time of day and will stay faithful to him.

He must be someone who can understand and embrace her ways. Jealous, controlling and possessive men will make her walk away. This man must always be ready to pack his bags for a fun adventure with this lady who finds happiness in discovering the unknown. Knowledge makes the world of a Sagittarian man go round.

He seeks to learn philosophy, religion, different cultures and meaning of life. This man will go to the farthest corner of the world in order to find answers to his queries and will only come back home when content with his new discovery. The Sage or the counselor of the Zodiac feels the need to discover in order to teach others.

Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility, Love And Friendship

He will go where no one dares and will passionately pursue his dreams regardless the odds. Can an eternal wanderer stay in love? Yes, but she has to match him well. The Archer is looking for a woman who can love him faithfully and give him ample space for himself. He wants to be involved yet wants to be free. The perfect match for him is a woman who will not keep a noose on his neck and respect his independence.

Archers run away from too much drama so a cool headed lady will surely make him stay. Two people who think and feel alike always make a great couple. In the case of two Sagittarians, fun and adventure begins and continues for as long as they have each other.

These two are perfect travel companions. Spontaneity will take them anywhere their hearts desire and just go where the winds blow.