Daily taurus horoscope cafe

More Horoscopes for Taurus
  1. Taurus Horoscope: Daily & Today | jakubzidek.cz
  2. Daily Planetary Overview
  3. Taurus Good Days Calendar
  4. Daily Sun Sign Horoscope

Feb 15, Feb 15, to Feb 17, Moo 3rd H. Feb 17, Feb 17, to Feb 19, Moo 4th H. Feb 18, Feb 7, to Mar 1, pal oppos asc This is a good time to seek out the personal viewpoint and advice of your mate, business associates or those in the counseling or legal fields.

Feb 18, Feb 18, to Feb 19, Sun Sxtil Asc This is a time for being with people and especially giving something of yourself and your talents to others. Feb 18, Feb 17, to Mar 20, Sun 11th H. Feb 19, Feb 19, to Feb 19, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Feb 19, Feb 19, to Feb 21, Moo 5th H. Feb 21, Feb 21, to Feb 21, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Feb 21, Feb 21, to Feb 23, Moo 6th H. Feb 23, Feb 23, to Feb 23, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. Feb 23, Feb 23, to Feb 25, Moo 7th H. Feb 25, Feb 25, to Feb 25, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Feb 25, Feb 25, to Feb 28, Moo 8th H. Feb 28, Feb 28, to Feb 28, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Feb 28, Feb 27, to Mar 2, Moo 9th H. Mar 1, Feb 28, to Mar 2, Ven Sqr Asc You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever. Mar 1, Feb 28, to Mar 26, Ven 10th H.

Mar 2, Mar 1, to Mar 5, Moo 10th H. Mar 5, Mar 5, to Mar 5, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Mar 5, Mar 5, to Mar 7, Moo 11th H.

Mar 6, Feb 6, to Mar 26, Ura Conj Asc During this time period, you cast off some of your old roles and adopt new ones. Mar 6, Mar 4, to Jun 1, Ura 1st H. Mar 7, Mar 7, to Mar 10, Moo 12th H. Mar 10, Mar 9, to Mar 12, Moo 1st H. Mar 12, Mar 11, to Mar 14, Moo 2nd H. Mar 14, Mar 14, to Mar 14, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Mar 14, Mar 13, to Mar 16, Moo 3rd H.

Taurus Horoscope: Daily & Today | jakubzidek.cz

Mar 16, Mar 15, to Mar 18, Moo 4th H. Mar 18, Mar 18, to Mar 18, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Mar 18, Mar 17, to Mar 20, Moo 5th H. Mar 20, Mar 19, to Apr 20, Sun 12th H. Mar 20, Mar 19, to Mar 22, Moo 6th H. Mar 20, Mar 20, to Mar 20, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Mar 22, Mar 22, to Mar 22, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. Mar 22, Mar 21, to Mar 25, Moo 7th H. Mar 25, Mar 24, to Mar 25, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Mar 25, Mar 24, to Mar 27, Moo 8th H. Mar 26, Mar 26, to Mar 27, Ven Sxtil Asc Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. Mar 26, Mar 25, to Apr 20, Ven 11th H.

Mar 27, Mar 27, to Mar 27, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Mar 27, Mar 27, to Mar 29, Moo 9th H. Mar 29, Mar 29, to Apr 1, Moo 10th H. Mar 31, Mar 29, to May 15, Mar 2nd H. Apr 1, Apr 1, to Apr 1, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Apr 1, Mar 31, to Apr 3, Moo 11th H. Apr 3, Apr 2, to Apr 6, Moo 12th H. Apr 6, Apr 6, to Apr 8, Moo 1st H.

Daily Planetary Overview

Apr 8, Apr 8, to Apr 10, Moo 2nd H. Apr 10, Apr 10, to Apr 10, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Apr 10, Apr 10, to Apr 13, Moo 3rd H. Apr 13, Apr 12, to Apr 15, Moo 4th H. Apr 15, Apr 15, to Apr 15, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Apr 15, Apr 14, to Apr 17, Moo 5th H. Apr 17, Apr 16, to May 6, Mer 12th H. Apr 17, Apr 17, to Apr 17, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Apr 17, Apr 16, to Apr 19, Moo 6th H. Apr 19, Apr 19, to Apr 19, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs.

Apr 19, Apr 18, to Apr 21, Moo 7th H. Apr 20, Apr 19, to May 21, Sun 1st H. Apr 20, Apr 19, to May 15, Ven 12th H. Apr 20, Apr 18, to Apr 22, Jun Sxtil Asc An important love relationship or your marriage can be especially rewarding to you now.

Apr 21, Apr 21, to Apr 21, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Apr 21, Apr 20, to Apr 23, Moo 8th H.

Apr 23, Apr 23, to Apr 23, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Apr 23, Apr 22, to Apr 26, Moo 9th H. Apr 26, Apr 26, to Apr 28, Moo 10th H.

Apr 28, Apr 28, to Apr 28, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Apr 28, Apr 28, to May 1, Moo 11th H. May 1, Apr 30, to May 3, Moo 12th H. May 3, May 2, to May 5, Moo 1st H. May 5, May 4, to May 8, Moo 2nd H. May 6, May 6, to May 7, Mer Conj Asc Sales, teaching, public speaking, negotiating, or any endeavor that involves giving information to others is favored now.

May 6, May 6, to May 21, Mer 1st H. May 8, May 8, to May 8, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. May 8, May 8, to May 10, Moo 3rd H. May 10, May 10, to May 12, Moo 4th H. May 12, May 12, to May 12, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

May 12, May 12, to May 14, Moo 5th H. Featured at Cafe Astrology: Taurus Ascendant Daily Horoscope Guide For those of you born with your Ascendant or Sun in the second ten degrees of Taurus 10 to 20 degrees Taurus , this is your daily horoscope guide to the month ahead.

Aug 2, Aug 1, to Sep 2, Sun 4th H. Aug 4, Aug 3, to Aug 6, Moo 1st H. Aug 6, Aug 5, to Aug 8, Moo 2nd H.

Aug 8, Aug 8, to Aug 8, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Aug 8, Aug 7, to Aug 10, Moo 3rd H. Aug 10, Aug 9, to Aug 12, Moo 4th H. Aug 12, Aug 12, to Aug 12, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Aug 12, Aug 11, to Aug 14, Moo 5th H. Aug 14, Aug 14, to Aug 14, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Aug 16, Aug 16, to Aug 17, Ven Qucnx Asc You are disinclined to stir up trouble or cause unpleasantness of any kind at the moment. Aug 16, Aug 15, to Sep 28, Ven 6th H. Aug 16, Aug 15, to Aug 19, Moo 7th H. Aug 19, Aug 19, to Aug 19, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Aug 19, Aug 19, to Aug 21, Moo 8th H. Aug 21, Aug 21, to Aug 21, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Aug 21, Aug 21, to Aug 24, Moo 9th H. Aug 24, Aug 23, to Aug 26, Moo 10th H. Aug 26, Aug 25, to Aug 29, Moo 11th H. Aug 29, Aug 29, to Aug 31, Moo 12th H.

Aug 31, Aug 31, to Sep 2, Moo 1st H. Sep 2, Sep 1, to Sep 3, Sun Trine Asc You are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment. Sep 2, Sep 1, to Oct 3, Sun 5th H. Sep 5, Sep 4, to Sep 4, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Sep 5, Sep 4, to Sep 7, Moo 3rd H. Sep 7, Sep 6, to Sep 9, Moo 4th H. Sep 9, Sep 9, to Sep 9, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Sep 9, Sep 8, to Sep 11, Moo 5th H. Sep 11, Sep 11, to Sep 11, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Sep 11, Sep 10, to Sep 13, Moo 6th H. Sep 11, Sep 10, to Sep 27, Mer 5th H. Sep 13, Sep 13, to Sep 13, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs.

Sep 13, Sep 12, to Sep 15, Moo 7th H. Sep 15, Sep 15, to Sep 15, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Sep 15, Sep 14, to Sep 18, Moo 8th H. Sep 18, Sep 18, to Sep 18, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Sep 18, Sep 18, to Sep 20, Moo 9th H. Sep 20, Sep 20, to Sep 23, Moo 10th H. Sep 23, Sep 23, to Sep 23, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Sep 23, Sep 22, to Sep 25, Moo 11th H. Sep 23, Sep 21, to Sep 25, Pal Trine Asc You are comfortable and at ease in displaying your creativity and skills in career endeavors and one-on-one relationships. Sep 25, Sep 24, to Sep 27, Moo 12th H. Sep 27, Sep 26, to Oct 16, Mer 6th H. Sep 27, Sep 26, to Sep 30, Moo 1st H. Sep 28, Sep 25, to Sep 30, Cer Qucnx Asc Doubts about the love and concern you are receiving from family members and loved ones can manifest during this period.

Sep 28, Sep 25, to Oct 15, Ven Oppos Asc This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Sep 28, Sep 25, to Oct 12, Ven 7th H. Sep 30, Sep 30, to Oct 2, Moo 2nd H. Oct 2, Oct 2, to Oct 2, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Oct 2, Oct 2, to Oct 4, Moo 3rd H. Oct 3, Oct 3, to Oct 4, Sun Qucnx Asc At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. Oct 3, Oct 2, to Nov 2, Sun 6th H.

Oct 4, Oct 4, to Oct 6, Moo 4th H. Oct 6, Oct 6, to Oct 6, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Oct 6, Oct 6, to Oct 8, Moo 5th H. Oct 8, Oct 8, to Oct 8, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Oct 8, Oct 8, to Oct 10, Moo 6th H. Oct 10, Oct 8, to Oct 12, Mar Sqr Asc Irritations, conflicts with the people you relate to on a daily basis, and a generalized feeling of impatience or edginess characterize this period.

Oct 10, Oct 8, to Dec 1, Mar 10th H. Oct 10, Oct 10, to Oct 10, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. Oct 10, Oct 10, to Oct 12, Moo 7th H.

Oct 12, Sep 25, to Oct 15, Ven Oppos Asc This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Oct 12, Oct 12, to Dec 16, Ven 6th H. Oct 13, Oct 12, to Oct 12, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Oct 13, Oct 12, to Oct 15, Moo 8th H. Oct 15, Oct 15, to Oct 15, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Oct 15, Oct 14, to Oct 17, Moo 9th H. Oct 16, Oct 15, to Oct 17, Mer Oppos Asc Conversations with your partners and friends are critical now. Oct 16, Oct 15, to Nov 9, Mer 7th H. Oct 16, Oct 14, to Oct 19, Ves Trine Asc This is a favorable period to dedicate yourself to turning your professional and personal objectives into real opportunities.

Oct 17, Oct 16, to Oct 20, Moo 10th H. Oct 20, Oct 20, to Oct 20, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Oct 20, Oct 20, to Oct 22, Moo 11th H. Oct 22, Oct 22, to Oct 25, Moo 12th H. Oct 25, Oct 24, to Oct 27, Moo 1st H. Oct 27, Oct 26, to Oct 29, Moo 2nd H.

Oct 29, Oct 29, to Oct 29, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Oct 29, Oct 28, to Oct 31, Moo 3rd H. Oct 31, Oct 30, to Nov 2, Moo 4th H. Nov 2, Nov 1, to Dec 2, Sun 7th H.

Nov 4, Nov 3, to Nov 7, Moo 6th H. Nov 7, Nov 6, to Nov 7, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. Nov 7, Nov 6, to Nov 9, Moo 7th H.

Nov 9, Nov 8, to Nov 23, Mer 8th H. Nov 9, Nov 9, to Nov 9, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Nov 9, Nov 9, to Nov 11, Moo 8th H. Nov 11, Nov 11, to Nov 11, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Nov 11, Nov 11, to Nov 14, Moo 9th H. Nov 14, Nov 13, to Nov 16, Moo 10th H. Nov 16, Nov 16, to Nov 16, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Nov 16, Nov 15, to Nov 19, Moo 11th H. Nov 19, Nov 19, to Nov 21, Moo 12th H. Nov 21, Nov 21, to Nov 23, Moo 1st H. Nov 23, Nov 23, to Dec 21, Mer 7th H. Nov 23, Nov 23, to Nov 25, Moo 2nd H.

Nov 25, Nov 25, to Nov 25, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Nov 25, Nov 25, to Nov 27, Moo 3rd H. Nov 28, Nov 26, to Dec 1, Pal Qucnx Asc You may experience mental strain and tension caused by difficulties and interruptions in your work, relationships or personal plans.

Taurus Good Days Calendar

Nov 29, Nov 29, to Dec 2, Moo 5th H. Dec 1, Nov 30, to Dec 3, Mar Sxtil Asc At this time you are able to be very clear and aboveboard with other people, bringing out your desires and differences between yourself and others in a way that is unlikely to offend or stir up hostility.

Dec 1, Nov 30, to Jan 15, Mar 11th H. Dec 2, Dec 2, to Dec 3, Sun Qucnx Asc At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. Dec 2, Dec 1, to Dec 31, Sun 8th H.

Dec 2, Dec 2, to Dec 2, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Dec 2, Dec 1, to Dec 4, Moo 6th H. Dec 4, Dec 4, to Dec 4, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. Dec 4, Dec 3, to Dec 6, Moo 7th H. Dec 4, Dec 2, to Dec 7, Cer Oppos Asc A dose of tender loving care may be needed in a close relationship at this time.

Dec 6, Dec 6, to Dec 6, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Dec 6, Dec 5, to Dec 9, Moo 8th H. Dec 9, Dec 9, to Dec 9, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Dec 9, Dec 9, to Dec 11, Moo 9th H.

Dec 11, Dec 11, to Dec 14, Moo 10th H. Dec 14, Dec 14, to Dec 14, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Dec 14, Dec 13, to Dec 16, Moo 11th H. Dec 16, Dec 15, to Dec 18, Moo 12th H. Dec 16, Dec 15, to Jan 16, Ven 7th H. Dec 16, Dec 15, to Dec 18, Ven Oppos Asc This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Dec 18, Dec 17, to Dec 21, Moo 1st H. Dec 20, Dec 11, to Dec 28, Sat Trine Asc Stability, maturity, and cooperation are the key issues for this time period.

Dec 20, Dec 18, to Jun 1, Sat 9th H. Dec 21, Dec 21, to Dec 23, Moo 2nd H. Dec 21, Dec 21, to Jan 11, Mer 8th H.

Dec 22, Dec 20, to Dec 24, Ves Sqr Asc Demands or obligations in your work or personal life can cause you to avoid relating on an intimate basis with others at this time. Dec 23, Dec 23, to Dec 23, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Dec 23, Dec 23, to Dec 25, Moo 3rd H. Dec 23, Dec 18, to Dec 28, Jup Qucnx Asc Unexpected increases or overexpansion creates inconvenience and stress at this time. Dec 23, Dec 18, to Jan 15, Jup 8th H.

Dec 25, Dec 25, to Dec 27, Moo 4th H. Dec 27, Dec 27, to Dec 27, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Dec 27, Dec 27, to Dec 29, Moo 5th H.

Dec 29, Dec 29, to Dec 29, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Dec 29, Dec 29, to Dec 31, Moo 6th H. Dec 31, Dec 30, to Jan 1, Sun Trine Asc You are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment.

Dec 31, Dec 30, to Jan 30, Sun 9th H. Dec 31, Dec 31, to Dec 31, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs.

Dec 31, Dec 31, to Jan 2, Moo 7th H.

Jan 2, Jan 2, to Jan 5, Moo 8th H. Jan 5, Jan 5, to Jan 5, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Jan 5, Jan 4, to Jan 7, Moo 9th H. Jan 7, Jan 6, to Jan 10, Moo 10th H. Jan 10, Jan 10, to Jan 10, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Jan 10, Jan 10, to Jan 12, Moo 11th H. Jan 11, Jan 10, to Jan 29, Mer 9th H. Jan 12, Jan 12, to Jan 15, Moo 12th H. Jan 15, Jan 14, to Jan 17, Moo 1st H.

Jan 15, Jan 14, to Mar 1, Mar 12th H. Jan 16, Jan 15, to Jan 17, Ven Qucnx Asc You are disinclined to stir up trouble or cause unpleasantness of any kind at the moment. Jan 16, Jan 15, to Feb 12, Ven 8th H. Jan 17, Jan 16, to Jan 19, Moo 2nd H.

Jan 19, Jan 19, to Jan 19, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Jan 19, Jan 18, to Jan 21, Moo 3rd H. Jan 21, Jan 20, to Jan 23, Moo 4th H. Jan 23, Jan 23, to Jan 23, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Jan 23, Jan 22, to Jan 25, Moo 5th H. Jan 25, Jan 25, to Jan 25, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Jan 25, Jan 24, to Jan 27, Moo 6th H. Jan 27, Jan 26, to Jan 30, Moo 7th H. Jan 29, Jan 28, to Feb 15, Mer 10th H. Jan 30, Jan 29, to Jan 31, Sun Sqr Asc You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with.

Jan 30, Jan 29, to Feb 28, Sun 10th H. Jan 30, Jan 30, to Jan 30, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Jan 30, Jan 30, to Feb 1, Moo 8th H. Feb 1, Feb 1, to Feb 1, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Feb 1, Feb 1, to Feb 4, Moo 9th H. Feb 4, Feb 3, to Feb 6, Moo 10th H. Feb 6, Feb 6, to Feb 6, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Feb 6, Feb 5, to Feb 9, Moo 11th H. Feb 9, Feb 9, to Feb 11, Moo 12th H. Feb 11, Feb 11, to Feb 13, Moo 1st H.

Feb 12, Feb 12, to Feb 13, Ven Trine Asc At this time you are inclined to invest your time and money into making your environment more beautiful and comfortable. Feb 12, Feb 11, to Mar 9, Ven 9th H. Feb 13, Feb 13, to Feb 16, Moo 2nd H. Feb 15, Feb 15, to Apr 24, Mer 11th H.

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Feb 16, Feb 16, to Feb 16, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Feb 16, Feb 15, to Feb 18, Moo 3rd H. Feb 18, Feb 17, to Feb 20, Moo 4th H. Feb 20, Feb 20, to Feb 20, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Feb 20, Feb 19, to Feb 22, Moo 5th H. Feb 21, Feb 19, to Feb 23, Ves Sxtil Asc You may have the advantage of keeping other people from getting in the way of your work and personal goals now.

Feb 22, Feb 22, to Feb 22, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Feb 22, Feb 21, to Feb 24, Moo 6th H. Feb 24, Feb 24, to Feb 24, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs.

Feb 24, Feb 23, to Feb 26, Moo 7th H. Feb 26, Feb 26, to Feb 26, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Feb 26, Feb 25, to Feb 28, Moo 8th H. Feb 28, Feb 28, to Mar 1, Sun Sxtil Asc This is a time for being with people and especially giving something of yourself and your talents to others.

Feb 28, Feb 27, to Mar 30, Sun 11th H. Feb 28, Feb 27, to Mar 3, Moo 9th H.

Mar 1, Feb 27, to Apr 15, Mar 1st H. Mar 2, Feb 25, to Mar 7, Cer Qucnx Asc Doubts about the love and concern you are receiving from family members and loved ones can manifest during this period.

Mar 3, Mar 3, to Mar 5, Moo 10th H. Mar 5, Mar 5, to Mar 8, Moo 11th H. Mar 8, Mar 7, to Mar 10, Moo 12th H.

Mar 9, Mar 9, to Mar 10, Ven Sqr Asc You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever. Mar 9, Mar 9, to Apr 3, Ven 10th H. Mar 10, Mar 9, to Mar 13, Moo 1st H. Mar 13, Mar 13, to Mar 15, Moo 2nd H. Mar 15, Mar 15, to Mar 15, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past.

Mar 15, Mar 15, to Mar 17, Moo 3rd H. Mar 17, Mar 17, to Mar 19, Moo 4th H. Mar 19, Mar 19, to Mar 19, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Mar 19, Mar 19, to Mar 21, Moo 5th H.

Mar 21, Mar 21, to Mar 21, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Mar 21, Mar 21, to Mar 23, Moo 6th H. Mar 23, Mar 23, to Mar 23, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs.

Mar 23, Mar 23, to Mar 25, Moo 7th H. Mar 25, Mar 25, to Mar 25, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you.

Mar 25, Mar 25, to Mar 28, Moo 8th H. Mar 28, Mar 28, to Mar 28, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. Mar 28, Mar 27, to Mar 30, Moo 9th H.

Mar 30, Mar 29, to Apr 2, Moo 10th H. Mar 30, Mar 29, to Apr 30, Sun 12th H. Apr 2, Apr 2, to Apr 2, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Apr 2, Apr 2, to Apr 4, Moo 11th H. Apr 3, Apr 2, to Apr 28, Ven 11th H. Apr 4, Apr 4, to Apr 7, Moo 12th H.

Apr 7, Apr 6, to Apr 9, Moo 1st H. Apr 9, Apr 8, to Apr 11, Moo 2nd H. Apr 11, Apr 11, to Apr 11, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Apr 11, Apr 10, to Apr 13, Moo 3rd H. Apr 15, Apr 13, to May 31, Mar 2nd H. Apr 17, Apr 16, to Apr 20, Moo 6th H.

Apr 20, Apr 19, to Apr 20, Moo Oppos Asc Your interaction and perception of others is highly colored by your past experiences and personal prejudices, tastes, and needs. Apr 20, Apr 19, to Apr 22, Moo 7th H.

Apr 22, Apr 22, to Apr 22, Moo Qucnx Asc People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Apr 22, Apr 22, to Apr 24, Moo 8th H. Apr 24, Apr 23, to May 11, Mer 12th H. Apr 24, Apr 24, to Apr 24, Moo Trine Asc Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now.

Apr 24, Apr 24, to Apr 27, Moo 9th H.

Daily Sun Sign Horoscope

Apr 27, Apr 26, to Apr 29, Moo 10th H. Apr 28, Apr 27, to May 23, Ven 12th H. Apr 29, Apr 29, to Apr 29, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Apr 29, Apr 28, to May 2, Moo 11th H. Apr 30, Apr 29, to May 31, Sun 1st H. May 2, May 1, to May 4, Moo 12th H.

May 4, May 4, to May 6, Moo 1st H. May 6, May 6, to May 8, Moo 2nd H. May 8, May 8, to May 11, Moo 3rd H. May 11, May 8, to May 13, Jun Sxtil Asc An important love relationship or your marriage can be especially rewarding to you now.

May 11, May 10, to May 13, Moo 4th H. May 11, May 11, to May 12, Mer Conj Asc Sales, teaching, public speaking, negotiating, or any endeavor that involves giving information to others is favored now.

May 11, May 10, to May 25, Mer 1st H. May 13, May 12, to May 15, Moo 5th H. May 16, May 11, to May 21, Cer Qucnx Asc Doubts about the love and concern you are receiving from family members and loved ones can manifest during this period. Taurus Ascendant Daily Horoscope Guide For those of you born with your Ascendant or Sun in the third decanate of Taurus 20 to 30 degrees Taurus , this is your daily horoscope guide to the month ahead.

Aug 4, Aug 3, to Aug 30, Mer 3rd H. This is a good time to take a field trip or to travel for business purposes. Aug 5, Aug 5, to Aug 7, Moo 1st H. Aug 7, Aug 7, to Aug 9, Moo 2nd H.

Aug 9, Aug 9, to Aug 9, Moo Sxtil Asc You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. Aug 9, Aug 9, to Aug 11, Moo 3rd H. Aug 11, Aug 11, to Aug 13, Moo 4th H. Aug 12, Aug 12, to Aug 13, Sun Sqr Asc You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with.

This Week in Astrology. Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day. Want to know your Sun sign or Ascendant sign? Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here. The Astrology of Tomorrow — All Signs Horoscope for All on Saturday, December 29, We can feel compelled to uncover something, perhaps a wound or emotional sore point, and to work on first feeling and then healing it. There can be some discomfort involved, but we are also quite drawn in.

Taurus, the 2nd Sign of the Zodiac, is an Earth Sign. It is hard working, rock solid, stable and practical. Ruled by Venus, Taurus, however, is also given tremendously to sensual pleasures. So, be it the physical pleasures or material comforts, the Taurus-born love to indulge in excesses.

And, they will not hesitate in going an extra mile to find these pleasures. Most Taurus-borns are connoisseurs of good food and good life. Paradoxically, though, Taurus natives are fixed in their approach; they disregard change. They are loyal and attached to their loved ones, jobs, employers, project, friends and almost everyone and everything.

Find here the free weekly astrology predictions as per your horoscope and zodiac signs for this week.