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Soon enough, you will begin to wonder why you ever had a doubt. Things are going to pan out for sure; and things are definitely Whatever your circumstances, be resourceful and think on your feet.

You may have to let a loved one spread their wings in an unexpected way. Place the emphasis on enjoyment: Any diversion bringing you out of a hermit-like existence is to be Skills of extra sensory perception are enhanced, so tune in and listen up.

It is time to get cracking with a new enterprise. But you may need to tie up loose ends first. Search your soul for what comes next. It is very much your decision, so dig deep and find the missing link Guard your privacy with some clever side stepping and do not let prying eyes in on your secrets.

You need to be nifty!


So use diversionary tactics to throw people off the scent. Your love life is all set to get very interesting. Keep your wits about you; but do avoid premature Smoke the peace pipe with a friend.

There is no point holding onto regret or recrimination. And the planets advise you to artfully pull strings rather than bash dustbin lids. Make the most of your ties and connections. Victory is guaranteed if you keep a level head. Circumstances will anyhow pan out in a way that you will be very chuffed with.

So there is really no need to fret or panic. Just try to curb your exuberant side and take a lesson on the chin. Think things through before you make a move.

Just do not step on too many toes as you go Do not try to be too independent or come unstuck making a point. You do not really have as much to prove as you think. Be aware that it is important not to isolate yourself. Stick with that treading-water sensation. Things may not move along as quickly as you would like.


Complex issues can be resolved, but it is important to keep it real. Attract or keep love sweet simply by being yourself. This can be a lively time, full of fun and frolics.

Do not over spend, but do pay special attention to your appearance and image. Take up an unusual chance to shine Notice that life is generally running in your favour and do not be put off by the odd setback. It is all as it is meant to be.

Your Daily Horoscope for Friday, November 16

Special opportunities manifest romantically. Are you going to dither and so miss out? Simply go along with Try to take all the angles of a situation into account. You may be missing something. This is real emotional balance, Cancer. But today, you're feeling unusually sensitive.

Careless words and actions get right under your skin. It's unlikely that anyone is trying to hurt your feelings, but it certainly feels as if they aren't being thoughtful enough.

Daily Horoscopes

Try to remember that any remarks that you find hurtful were probably delivered with the best of intentions. Summon that inner strength, Leo.

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Perhaps an efficient, logical day just isn't in the stars. Try paying closer attention to your feelings, and to how your friends and family are doing emotionally. You might find that you were using logic or busy work to mask your feelings, or to avoid an emotional confrontation. But facing things is much more effective.

You're used to an active work and social life, but today it's good to slow down a bit. If your agenda or workspace is disorganised, it's hard to get anything done. But imposing order is difficult now, too.

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Your body is trying to tell you something: It's time for some rest and relaxation! Get some extra sleep, or build in time to zone out with a bubble bath or a good book. Love and even romance flow easily now.

Or you could soften on some issue that's been making things tense between you and someone else. If you're on your own, you can turn that kind, gentle attention toward yourself by indulging your creative side. You can also simply enjoy a day of rest and relaxation, and gear up for more energetic days ahead.

A lazy mood sets in today. If your job requires high energy, don't be surprised if all you want to do is sit down and take a quick snooze. And if you're parked at a computer all day, the urge to doze off might be even stronger! Get a midday nap if you possibly can, or get to bed early.

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If you're feeling moody or nervous, yoga or meditation can also help. Reach out to a child, a pet or someone else you love today. Lending your assistance to someone who needs it is a great way to tap into the current energy.

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You're feeling tender and compassionate. If someone needs your strength, you can sense it, and you genuinely want to help. You're practical enough to keep your personal boundaries in place, too. That creates the perfect balance of helping others while protecting yourself. If you feel low-energy today or uncertain about some aspect of your life, it's best not to push it.

There's no need to throw yourself into strenuous pursuits now; you'll only tire yourself out.

The Sydney Morning Herald

And if you can't seem to make a decision, it's probably because there are still too many variables to mull over. Give yourself permission to withdraw today from anything fast-paced or challenging.

You deserve a break.