Vedic astrology decanates

Personality Traits of each Decan in a sign:
  1. The definition of a Decanate or Drekkana:
  2. Vedic Astrology – Component XXX- The 36 Decanates ( contd )
  3. Vedic Astrology - Lesson 30
  4. Scorpio decan | Decans for Scorpio | Tula first, second, third decan

This Virgo decanate ruled by Mercury usually faces many conflicts and challenges for the mind as well as physical ones.

The definition of a Decanate or Drekkana:

Orion hunted many wild beasts before he was killed and placed in the stars. Many obstacles need to be overcome in order to attain success. Auriga drives a chariot and holds a baby goat in his other arm, representing control and protection of the weak. The story of Phaethon's ill-fated chariot trip with the sun indicates the dangers of losing control over one's life.

This Capricorn decanate of Taurus ruled by Saturn is concerned with attaining skills and managing resources. One may be in positions of authority and responsibility that can be used for healing and great benefit to those in need.

Ursa Minor, the little bear, represents the intuitive part of the mind. This double Gemini decanate ruled by Mercury can be very intelligent, perceptive, skillful, and youthful. When one's attention is well directed insights can come from the unconscious mind. The guiding pole star found in this constellation symbolizes the important principle of truth that must ever be one's guide.

Interest in communication, education, and the arts may be indicated. Canis Major is the large dog containing the brightest star Sirius. For the ancient Egyptians the dog-star was associated with the annual flooding of the Nile on which they could depend.

The dog symbolizes loyalty to a master, whether it be another person, an institution, or God. This Libra decanate of Gemini ruled by Venus represents loyalty and faithfulness particularly in marriage and partnership. Following the voice of conscience can be very important.

Ursa Major, the big bear, represents the larger reasoning part of the mind. This Aquarius decanate of Gemini ruled by Uranus can have well developed thinking powers, scientific and literary gifts, and persuasive abilities. The reasoning mind can be very powerful when it is well trained and applied with diligence.

Scientific research and inventiveness as well as comprehensive understanding can be developed. Canis Minor, the little dog, represents a creature who is susceptible to the influences of others.

This double Cancer decanate ruled by the moon can be quite emotional and family oriented. Feelings are strong and sensitive and can express through poetic and dramatic arts.

One tends to take the shape of the environment and needs to be careful about negative influences though one can also be a positive channel for Spirit. Hydra was a monster with many heads so poisonous that even its breath could kill. When Heracles tried to kill the monster by crushing its heads, more heads would grow back until his friend Iolaus seared them with a burning branch.

  1. Decan (astrology).
  2. horoscope friday february 7 2019;
  3. What are Decans?.
  4. astrology scorpio february 6 2019!
  5. february 22 2019 venus transit astrology.
  6. scorpio horoscope 27 january.
  7. Vedic Astrology – Component XXX- The 36 Decanates ( contd ) | cazareofertepromotionaletarguocna.

The last immortal head had to buried under a heavy rock. This Scorpio decanate of Cancer represents the power and persistence of desires which when repressed can become even stronger. Desires can be sublimated into creative expression, but they cannot be denied without cost. Argo was the ship used by Jason and his argonauts to search for the golden fleece, and it also represents the ark Noah used to survive the great flood that caused the final destruction of Atlantis about BC when the precession of the equinoxes was moving into this decanate.

Restless adventures can lead to stormy seas. This Pisces decanate of Cancer symbolizes the curious mind that continually seeks new horizons and the secrets of Nature. Discontent often stimulates further exploration. Crater is a furnace of fire that has tremendous concentrated energy. This double Leo decanate ruled by the sun contains great power that may express as a ruler or leader.

Because Leo is the heart, the best expression of this power is through love and giving. The tendency toward the extremes of luxury or asceticism can usually be best directed through moderation and creativity.

Centaurus is half man and half horse armed with a spear and a shield. The human spirit learns how to cooperate with animalistic prowess. This Sagittarius decanate of Leo ruled by Jupiter is ready to fight for a cause and always looking to bring about progressive improvements. The spirit of adventure and playfulness are often combined with some higher purpose.

Corvus, the raven, represents a strong bird which feeds on the weak and wounded. This Aries decanate of Leo ruled by Mars can be ruthless and zealous in striving for goals.

The effort to lead, accomplish, or rise to the top may be willing to sacrifice oneself or others to reach the power that will lead to desired ends. Survival instincts and power instincts are strong motivators. Bootes with his sickle represents the harvest of grain and the vine. This double Virgo decanate ruled by Mercury works hard to garner fruit from the fields.

This extraction of value involves selection of the good from all experiences by discerning the fruit from the dross. Then what is gained can be applied for still greater accomplishments. Hercules is the hero who performed twelve labors of heroic proportion.

This Capricorn decanate of Virgo ruled by Saturn manages tasks in order to develop even greater abilities. Every experience is a gain for the soul as greater mastery is learned.

Planning and ambition diplomatically controlled and organized can overcome difficult challenges. Corona Borealis is the northern crown that represents the last decanate of the northern signs of spring and summer. The sacrifices and efforts required to complete work for a good cause can make this the crown of thorns.

This Taurus Decanate of Virgo ruled by Venus may be called upon to rise to a higher sense of love. Choosing one's duty can mean giving up other pursuits that might be more pleasurable.

Serpens is the snake that can represent power, wisdom, and temptation. This double Libra decanate ruled by Venus strives to be as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove. Diplomacy and compromise often enable them to find a balance between extreme factions and opposed parties. The ability to harmonize divergent tendencies and bring people together depends on subtle understanding of human nature.

Draco comes from the word meaning to see or watch, and the dragon is often guarding something such as the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides. To win the treasure the monster guarding it has to be overcome.

This Aquarius Decanate of Libra ruled by Uranus rebels against restrictions and greatly values liberty and autonomy. Principles of justice, equality, and fairness are very important in attaining the balance symbolized by the scales of Libra.

Lupus is the wolf who often preys upon the weak and unwary. This Gemini decanate of Libra ruled by Mercury is responsible for paying back debts and rectifying wrongs.

Learning that to injure anyone else is to injure oneself and to help anyone else is to help oneself leads to the practice of the golden rule. Violations of this principle bring difficulties and problems, but those who can accomplish without exploiting others win great rewards. Ophiuchus wrestles with a serpent symbolizing the struggle with desires and instinctive drives such as sex.

This double Scorpio decanate ruled by Pluto is deeply concerned with motivation and relations between the sexes. These energies may be expressed positively or negatively, repressed in neurotic ways, or sublimated into more exalted creativity.

Ara is the altar upon which is placed what is sacrificed to a higher purpose. This Pisces decanate of Scorpio ruled by Neptune tends to turn from the animalistic drives to loftier purposes and endeavors. Moving from selfish gratification to devotion to others one may explore the spiritual heights like the eagle.

The second Drekkana of Aries is described as representing a woman with a pot belly. This is a female decanate. Since the second decanate of Aries is rising they maintain that End Justifies the Means and go all out for Wealth. They show off and people get the impression that they are richer than what they really are.

The third Drekkana of Aries represents a yellow complexioned man, festooned in cruelty, with artistic skill, a workaholic, unscrupulous, with an irate temparament, with lifted-up stick, clad in purple clothes.

This is an armed decanate and human. Since the third decanate of Aries is rising they have entreprenaurial ability. They generate enemies who are powerful. They become lucky in financial dealings as they combine both risk and caution. They should control their negative aspect as it can destroy them.

This is a female decanate and fiery. As the first decanate of Taurus is rising they have heavy expenditure commensurate with income. They spend all that they have as they believe that money is for comforts.

Vedic Astrology – Component XXX- The 36 Decanates ( contd )

They have to take care not to get into debts. They should also control their anger. Their dependents hardly get anything. The second Drekkana of Taurus represents a man possessing a discriminative intellect, with good knowledge of lands, grains, houses, cows, arts, ploughing and carts, hungry, sheep faced, dirty clothes and shoulders like the hump of an ox.

This is a human decanate.

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 30

Since the second decanate of Taurus is rising they are likely to practice thrift and be careful with their money. They follow the principle " Economy is Prudence ". The world may condemn them as misers. They miss good opportunities as they are meticulous in investing money.

Since the third decanate of Taurus is rising they may not gain happiness from wealth. They may experience difficulties as age advances and the need for money becomes more.

They are advised to practice thrift and be cautious as they have a tendency to give away money. Since the first decanate of Gemini is rising they will be subject to dire vicissitudes. Their fortune will be influenced by women. At the age of 30 and after they will control big sums of money. They should be careful not to fall a prey to litigation.

The Second Drekkana of Gemini represents a man, living in garden, well armoured, with a bow, warlike, armed with weapons, face like that of a Bird and fond of play, children, ornamentation and wealth.

This is a human decanate and and a Bird decanate. Since the second decanate of Gemini is rising they will shine in business and not in service. Since they spend a lot they may not save enough for old age. In spite of good IQ they may have to countenance losses. They should not allow themselves to be exploited. Since the third decanate of Gemini is rising they use their good intellect and make money.

They are not likely to succeed in speculation. They may have to face litigation during their 45th or 46th year. Know that this is a quadruped Drekkana. Since the first decanate of Cancer is rising they are thrifty and careful with money.

They follow the principle Economy is Prudence In fact society may dub them as misers.

Their wealth will be subject to dire vicissitudes. The important years are 17, 24, 29, 31, 39, 49 and Most probably they will gain by private enterprise. Know that this is a serpentine decanate. Since the second decanate of Cancer is rising Lady luck does not smile on them in financial matters.

They should avoid risk in investments.

Scorpio decan | Decans for Scorpio | Tula first, second, third decan

They may lose money due to litigation. The third Drekkana of Cancer represents a man covered with serpents, adorned with many golden ornaments, with a face flattened, crossing the ocean in a boat in order to make his wife rich and adorned with gold and jewellery.

Since the third decanate of Cancer is rising they are careless in money matters generally. In advanced years loss of economic position and money are likely. Their fortunes are subject to dire vicissitudes. They always find it difficult to manage their financIal matters. The First Drekkana of Leo represents a creature who is a cross between vulture and a jackal, a dog and a man dressed in dirty clothes, a creature who is away from its parents, and crying.