Moon sign compatibility libra

Libra Moon Sign Relationships
  1. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign
  2. But Make It Fashion
  3. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility
  4. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility
  5. Starstruck: What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Romantic Compatibility | Autostraddle

It is just very hard for Libra Moon to give Scorpio Moon what they need, and vice versa. Libra Moon and Sagittarius Moon have a very good chance at a long, loving relationship. Both partners are friendly, tolerant, outgoing, idealistic and think the best of people.

Libra Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign

Where they differ is in their needs. Libra Moon needs more time with their partner than Sagittarius Moon may be willing to give. Sagittarius Moon has a strong independent streak, and they may find Libra a bit clingy. Together, they have a great time out with friends or having adventures.

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Libra may get hurt occasionally by Sagittarius' complete obliviousness to the feelings of others. Libra Moon won't ever say anything, however, in the interest of keeping everything conflict-free.

Libra Moon's diplomacy will keep the peace more often than not with Sagittarius Moon. When Sagittarius Moon goes off on one of their solitary adventures, Libra Moon may find themselves feeling abandoned and insecure. With these conflicts, both partners will need to make some concessions to be truly happy.

If they are really attached to each other, they will make it work out to both their advantages. Their good times will far outweigh the bad, and Libra Moon will tolerate quite a bit in the name of diplomacy and tact. Libra Moon and Capricorn Moon may not be very likely partners.

Unless one is willing to compromise, they may never find a meeting of the minds. With Libra's airy qualities and Capricorn's down to earth ethics, it is difficult for them to get along.

But Make It Fashion

Libra Moon wants a loving relationship based on give and take, with each partner responding to the other's needs. Capricorn Moon is rather reserved and is focused on responsibility. They are willing to forego immediate gratification for the ultimate reward down the road.

They are practical and will work hard to attain financial security for their family. Libra Moon will have a difficult time with Capricorn's aloofness and seriousness. Capricorn Moon will have a rough time by Libra's obsession with pleasure, lighthearted romantic notions and indecisiveness.

They just find their own security in very different ways. Idealism doesn't always match practicality. If they can make it work, Libra can teach Capricorn how to enjoy a break once in awhile, and Capricorn can teach Libra some independence.

In most cases, however, they just can't satisfy each other's needs. They just don't have it in them to see eye to eye. Libra Moon and Aquarius Moon will get along terrifically. They share a lot of things in common and are able to understand each other easily.

They can converse together endlessly and respect each other's ideas. They make great friends as well as lovers. Both Libra Moon and Aquarius Moon love to socialize. They like to be a part of a group and like intellectual pursuits. While Libra is into appropriate behavior and diplomacy, Aquarius likes to stir the pot a bit and make a unique impression.

Both may be a bit detached emotionally. Libra is a romantic; while Aquarius must have personal freedom to be happy. Each partner learns to appreciate the other's point of view.

Both must be flexible and understanding.

Libra Moon may appear a little clingy to Aquarius Moon because they truly need a partner to feel complete. Aquarius Moon may appear uncaring as they put everyone else before their family. In all other areas they share so many things that these two small annoyances can easily be forgiven and overlooked by both partners. This pairing will ultimately make a very satisfying home for both members.

Their open communication helps them to succeed and overcome obstacles. Libra Moon and Pisces Moon share a lot of romance and desire, but they really don't have a lot more in common.

If they are willing to work at their relationship, they may find that they each have just enough to fulfill the other. The relationship could also end up being so sweet that neither partner can stomach it.

Libra Moon is social, diplomatic, and likes everything to be in order. Pisces Moon is sensitive, intuitive and disorganized. Both like a peaceful environment without conflict. To make the most of this relationship, Libra must go into it with willing to see everything that goes on.

Pisces must be very honest. If they don't do this, Libra will diplomatically dismiss things that Pisces does, and Pisces will subtly manipulate with their emotional scenes. If they can bring a sense of moderation to the relationship, they may make it work.

Pisces Moon has a tendency towards excess in all things, so this may be difficult. Pisces seems to prefer relationships where one partner gives to the other, while Libra wants it equal and balanced, with both partners in a give and take as needed.

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If you have not logged into Facebook recently, a login window will open when you click on the Like button. Your insecurities and negative feelings will bounce off each other and amplify, making you both miserable together. You both love to talk things out, which is beneficial for your relationship. However, you will have to come up with a compromise you both can agree on, which will be harder than it sounds.

Overall, you are a compatible pair when it comes to Libra moon astrology. You like the same things and have the same values in life. You know each other well, but you need to find a way to address conflicts without compromising too much. Libra, you and Moon Scorpio can get along well, but you are very different people deep down.

If you can tolerate the differences, then you might be able to have a long lasting romance relationship. However, you and Moon in Scorpio could have a good business relationship due to your differences. Libra, you see the good in people, while Scorpio is naturally suspicious and focuses on the darker side.

Scorpion also likes to manipulate and control a situation, a total opposite to your instincts. You like peace and harmony, Scorpio prefers intense experiences and passion. In essence, you are total opposites of each other. You will both need to make major concessions for this moon love compatibility to be viable romantically.

Moon Libra, you and Moon in Sagittarius have the same values and ideas: That is where the similarities end. You avoid offending people, hence you pick your words and not take a side. But, Moon Sagittarius can be bluntly candid and cares nothing about offending people, any opinions are expressed openly.

You prefer a partner who is always there, while Sagittarius moon sign needs moments of alone time, which can make you feel abandoned. Your need to be together always makes Sagittarius feel a little claustrophobic. Your needs in a romantic relationship is different, but Libra you would never voice it out for fear of discord.

If you truly want this marriage compatibility to work, you and Sagittarius Moon have to work out your needs and expectations in this partnership. You are quite compatible as a couple. Libra, you and Moon Capricorn are very unlikely partners, you are different people with no similar needs to have a successful relationship. Libra you like people, and want a partner to share your life with; Moon in Capricorn is emotionally self-sufficient and is not a fan of dependency.

Libra, you want a loving relationship that is harmonious, but Capricorn Moon has more focus on responsibility. Capricorn moon sign finds work and responsibility more important than your need for life balance. You will struggle with their practical viewpoint, while the goat finds your romantic notions and indecisiveness annoying.

Libra Moon Sign Compatibility

You have different needs and expectations that neither can fulfill. But if you work together, Capricorn can give Libra material security, you can create a home for Capricorn. Unless you have an agreement, this is a hard moon sign compatibility to maintain. You ideals are different, but you can learn from each other. Libra you have to gain some independence, while Capricorn can learn how to take a break from you.

You both can gain much from each other, and can contribute to a unique relationship. If you work hard, this might be a good partnership, but not always will you see eye to eye. You and Moon Aquarius can be great friends, or more. Socializing is easy as you both love to be in a group and you can relate to each other values.

However, there are differences between you and Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius loves to rebel social convention sometimes but you balk at that. Aquarius also has need to be an independent individual, needing some freedom alone.

Mercury enters Capricorn

You find Aquarius uncaring; they may feel that you are clingy. A small hitch, but you can talk about it openly, which makes it easier to overcome any issues. Good communication helps you and Aquarius Moon to define your partnership better, and helps you move forward. You can learn how to have some independence, Aquarius learns how to place family first.

This might portray Arians as the trouble makers in the relationship. Arians resist discussing their feelings with others and do not seek help that easily, while Libras are more open to suggestions and want to discuss their problems with a friend or counselor.

You both may have to work a lot to overcome your differences in order to balance your relationship. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility with Taurus Moon Sign Both of you can share a great relationship as you both consider domestic harmony and personal relationships more important.

You both will do anything to avoid clashes at home and are generally uncomfortable with conflicts or turmoil.

Libra Moon Sign Compatibility

However there are enough differences amongst you two and one of you may end up feeling that they are over-compromising to keep the relationship balanced.

Libras love conversations and may feel avoided or unloved, when Taureans are not that much interested in verbal expression. Also, once a relationship is established Taureans are more comfortable with the routine, while Libras expect and want romantic gestures to stay happy in the relationship.

Although both of you love the same thing, you tend to express it in different ways. Libras like to experience things through their intellect, unlike Taureans who use their senses to analyze things.

Both of you may impose your flaws on each other which may create discomfort. Both of you need to confront problems and come to a solution instead of just letting them slide away and intensify.

If you can work on these differences, then you both could make a successful pairing. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility with Gemini Moon Sign Both of you would make a perfect couple as you base everything logically and rationally rather than on emotions.

You both have so many things in common and have great respect for each other. You both tend to analyze and discuss fairly during tough times instead of expressing them with emotional outbursts. Both of you may ignore and try to avoid expressing your true feelings of anger, sadness or fear.

While Libras like to keep things smooth and light and sort out issues as early as possible, Geminis tend to discuss and debate on things endlessly and may become uncomfortable when emotions take over the situation.

During such situations, Gemini natives tend to use humor as a defensive tool to cope up with difficult emotions. Both of you love to socialize with people, with Libras being more interested in people and human experiences and Geminis who love to talk about anything and everything under the sky.

You both will make great friends as well as enjoy a romantic relationship. Libra Moon Sign Compatibility with Cancer Moon Sign Although you both have a great understanding and respect for each other, you may have to face challenges in your relationship. You both go out of your way to please the other and try to make your partner be at ease.

Both of you are actually frightened to confront any personal conflict and avoid discussing your differences. Cancereans will be moody and Libras will try to be diplomatic. Cancer natives are more needy, secured and are inclined to suppress their loved ones.

Hence, they may be more of a parent than a lover to Libra natives, which might upset the Libras who expect a lover rather than a parenting partner. Even though you both share certain attributes, you react differently to the same situation. If you are willing to overcome your differences and compromise with each other, you can run things smoothly.

You both share a relationship based on friendship and honesty and adore taking care of family and children.

Leo natives want to center of attraction and can be a little commanding, while Libras are more accommodating.

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  4. This could often cause problem to the Libras who are too compromising and considerate. Libra natives are indecisive rather than Leos who are strong, self-centered and decisive. The indecisive nature of the Libras might upset the Leos. Though a little selfish, Leo natives are extremely good-hearted that they will not take the agreeableness of their partners for granted.

    Despite your differences, you both will find it easy to cooperate and harmonize with each other. Leo natives appreciate the nature of Libras to analyze both the sides of a situation.

    Starstruck: What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Romantic Compatibility | Autostraddle

    Both of you respect each other and enjoy a romantic relationship. Leos are naturally strong and certain and Libras are rather submissive and find this inner strength of Leos very attractive indeed. You both are emotionally a very good couple and can make a loving couple.

    Libra Moon Sign Compatibility with Virgo Moon Sign Although you both have many differences, you both may be able to make the relationship work out. Both of you are perfectionists in your own way. Libras want a perfect relationship where both the partners equally share everything and discuss things fairly to sort things out.