Number 23 birthday

Birthday Number 23
  1. Numerology: Secrets of Your Birthday. 5th, 14th, 23rd - Number 5 Life Path - Michele Knight
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  4. Your strengths

Numerology: Secrets of Your Birthday. 5th, 14th, 23rd - Number 5 Life Path - Michele Knight

Relating with others is not a tough task for you. Even the people you have just met minutes ago enjoy being with you. You know how to express yourself well. You have the ability to effectively communicate with others. You can take advantage of your gifts in writing and speaking by considering a career in sales, editing or writing.

The affection that you show for others and your sensitive nature are very much appreciated. While working with others is easy for you, you do not want to be boxed in by other people. Staying in one place and doing the same thing over and over will bore you to death.

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  • Numerology: Secrets of Your Birthday. 5th, 14th, 23rd – Number 5 Life Path?

It seems that there is nothing that you cannot do. Your attractive and cheerful personality makes you popular.

You are better as a friend than as a spouse as you are important ans suspicious and are appreciative of beauty and colour. This is a number of creativity and expression. Professions best suited for you will be publishing, acting, advertising and journalism. Being emotional you are inclined to brood and sometimes become too depressed. This birthday is more fortunate for those born in March, October, November and December.

Thursdays and Sundays are good for you. This is a master number, which is why if you are born on this birthday, you must try to have altruistic aspirations and not purely personal ones.

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Periods of rest and seclusion are necessary for you as you are highly strung. Will power and strong determination help you accomplish whatever you desire.

You may be misunderstood, have few trustworthy friends and be brought to grief in relationships. You should live positively as everything you experience is doubtly good or bad. You are intuitive, and should rely on first impressions. You need to learn to compromise but are otherwise more suited to working in large groups.

You should avoid being extravagant. Professions best suited for you will be exports, teaching, accountancy, law , mining and in the labor industry. This is a fortunate birthday, de to the presence of the moon 2 and juppiter 3. You belong to the intellectual world but are also very practical.

You may overinduldge in food, alcohol and. As you grow older you may suffer from rheumatism any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue.

This birthday indicates you have at least two sources of income. You love freedom and informality. Your strong spirit of independence gives you a desire for domination.

Though you will have an eventful life, you may suddenly decide to give up everything. Profession you are well suited for are acting, film producing, teaching, medicine, science, writing, publishing, marketing and anything to do with the entertainment industry.

Your strengths

The principle is obvious, and is easy to understand. Your natural charm, wit, and ease of communication will ensure you success with the opposite sex.

Born On March 23 - Birthday - #aboutyourbirthday - Sample

And your affectionate and emotional nature guarantees sincerity of your feelings. They will arise later. If you are not spiritually ready to meet the requirements of family life, its many aspects are going to come as unpleasant surprises for you.

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    One can live a whole interesting, bright, eventful life in just one year and change their own future, as a result. Or just sleep it away going with the flow, reacting to nothing.