Gemini horoscope january 2019 astrotwins

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  2. Libra Horoscope 2019
  3. Astrology By Sign - mindbodygreen
  4. Thursday 27th December
  5. Pisces Horoscope 2019

Eclipses arrive to sweep away all that no longer serves us. They can reveal shocking information or change our plans without warning. The January 31 eclipse is the culmination of the August 21, , Leo total solar eclipse that swept across the United States. Its " path of totality " left us with a trail of vision-saving paper glasses and Instagram feeds full of rooftop parties and backlogged country roads.

Now, we can use our light to serve a greater cause—not just to court attention or be "on top. When should you be the decision maker and when is it better to be a team player? Too much "me-first" Leo can create dictators and selfish agendas. But an excess of cooperativeness leaves NOBODY in charge, which can rouse chaos and prevent us from getting things done.

What can we learn from it all? Dive into the rest of 's astrology forecast with this yearly horoscope and this sign-by-sign breakdown. Your January Horoscope Is Here: Group 8 Created with Sketch. January 3, — 9: Group 7 Created with Sketch.

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Group 10 Created with Sketch. Group 11 Created with Sketch. Group 4 Created with Sketch. The full moon will appear twice this month. On January 6, Uranus retrograde ends. The new moon on January 16 will ground us in reality. Jupiter in your sensitive fourth house will prioritize downtime and self-care.

Meantime, structured Saturn is in your health and fitness zone until , forcing you to get regimented and reduce stress. Regular exercise and healthy eating are your new non-negotiables. You'll need to say "no" a Leo's least favorite word!

Libra Horoscope 2019

This could prove harder than it sounds, but set your FOMO aside in the name of your own health and happiness. July's Cancer eclipse could be the perfect time for spiritual healing or a retreat near water.

Your clan takes center stage this year, as bountiful Jupiter visits Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family until November. This transit could bring a move, a pregnancy or a long-overdue renovation that turns Chateau Leo into everyone's favorite crash pad.

Your relationship with your mother, a child or a female relative could go through an important evolution.

Astrology By Sign - mindbodygreen

While there will be a few growing pains, your bond should get tighter by the end of this year. Get ready to welcome people from all walks of life into your orbit and to do some nomadic traveling during the second half of the year.

In , you could be a surprising fixture on the social scene, or just in the mood to pop up on social media and at events to meet and mingle.

Looking for a new place to call home? Artists and makers could start getting serious about their craft. Work with a mentor, agent or public space where you can start showing your talents and wares.

Invest in your own marketing and media materials so the world can find out just how awesome you are! Your love life won't be the main event this year, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun! With expansive Jupiter in your social third house, single Virgos will enjoy lighthearted flirting and fun dates.

Check out the options before you commit. Coupled Virgos can keep the sparks lit by exploring new hobbies, getting involved in your community and mingling in fresh scenes.

Another reason not to rush? Serious Saturn will spend the next three years in your romantic fifth house, making you even more picky—er, discerning—than you already are.

Get your message to the masses! With outspoken Jupiter in your communication sector until November, writing, teaching and media are your sweet spots in No more hiding—your brilliant ideas can change people's lives. Is it time to rebrand the Virgo empire with sleek graphics and fresh tag lines?

Tech-savvy Uranus moves into your ninth house of publishing and global connections this May, staying for eight years. From memes to Medium, the internet is your canvas. But skip the fluff if you want to go viral. With mature Saturn in your creativity zone until , only a polished performance will build your loyal fan base.

The Buddha said it best: Curate a positivity playlist of audiobooks , podcasts , and TED talks. Then pop in those earbuds and get metaphysical while you get physical. Watch what comes out of your mouth, too.

Words really do have the power to shape your reality—now more than ever. Platonic friendships are the ice cream and the cherry on top of your With adventurous Jupiter in your social and open-minded third house until November, you'll meet kindred spirits from all corners of the world.

Soak up synergy with people from wildly different backgrounds and put your heads together on a joint project or two. You could get involved in your neighborhood, possibly around an activist or community-improvement effort. That is, if you stay in one place long enough to put down roots. In November, Jupiter dives into your domestic fourth house, putting home and family matters front and center.

Until then, mix and mingle away! Exploring sex, sensuality, and spirituality could become new fascinations. Hello, Libra on fire! This boost will begin with your paycheck, but by the second half of the year, it will have a ripple effect through all your relationships.

Exploring sex, sensuality, and spirituality could become new fascinations for some Libras, as you fearlessly own your desires, from the sacred to the profane.

Midyear, you could rise to powerful new career heights. Home and family could bring a few growing pains, though. You might decide to downsize or get serious about putting down roots and perhaps becoming a homeowner. Confidence is irresistible —and you'll start having that in spades this year, as Jupiter visits your second house of self-worth.

You're attracted to security and could meet a stable partner. Someone you may have considered "boring" now seems like a great catch and probably is! Couples can use this time to get more grounded in your current relationship.

Unpredictable Uranus ends a seven-year journey through your partner house this May, adding more consistency to your commitments. But it's not all scripted: Two passion-powered eclipses this February and July could bring new romance or even baby news.

Bring on the bounty! Abundant Jupiter spends most of the year in your second house of work and money. This could bring a new career path, a raise or promotion, or a relocation for work. With auspicious Jupiter playing accountant, could be your luckiest financial year in over a decade.

Innovative Uranus starts an eight-year visit to your joint ventures zone in May, which could spark an exciting collaboration. You might explore real estate, investing or passive income options online. July's solar eclipse in your ambitious tenth house says "CEO"…in skywriting! You could rocket to a leadership role or win a prestigious honor.

Good habits are everything this year. Jupiter in your streamlined second house infuses your daily routines with a pleasant and inspiring rhythm. It may sound basic, but eating, going to bed, and waking up at the same general times every day can do wonders for your vitality.

Keep everything simple, including your diet and exercise. For Libra women, Saturn in your feminine fourth house can spotlight hormonal and reproductive health. Home and family could be weighty topics in , as structured Saturn visits Capricorn and your domesticity zone.

Maybe it's time to get serious about homeownership, parenthood or putting down roots? This could be an "empty nest" year for some Libras, or a time when an aging parent becomes your responsibility.

Your relationship with your mother or a female relative could go through a rocky but important transition.

Thursday 27th December

Have you outgrown your crew? Eclipses in your friendship sector this January and August can reshuffle your alliances. The year ends on a vibrant note once Jupiter starts a month visit to your social third house in November. Welcome to the Year of You! Let others take care of their own needs, because you need to fly free.

For now, cast a wide net. Sign up for classes, take vacations, get a "bridge job" if a 9-to-5 is sucking your soul dry. In the second half of the year, relationships could go through radical changes, or you might start clicking with an avant-garde group of people.

Adventurous Jupiter in your sign makes you fall in love with your own life again. Unconventional Uranus starts an eight-year visit to your committed relationship house in May, bringing fascinating and quirky people into your orbit.

Existing partnerships can go through big changes. You could shock yourself and your friends by choosing someone wildly different from your usual type. Under this impulsive transit, you may rush into and out of relationships at lightning speed. The burden has lifted!

In December , restrictive Saturn ended a three-year transit through your financial house that forced you to tighten your belt. Apply your hard-won skills and wisdom to building your nest egg now. Two eclipses in Leo ignite your career sector, which could bring exciting professional opportunities when you least expect them.

Abundance is yours for the asking in November, once Jupiter starts a month visit to your prosperous second house. With unpredictable Uranus leaving your health and fitness house after seven years, you can finally resume a more predictable pattern. You may have radically revamped your approach to diet and exercise during this time.

Tech-savvy Uranus will make one last visit to Aries from November to March , so haul out your Fitbit and Vitamix. With structured Saturn in your community zone, you might join a marathon or walk for a cause.

Build your power posse, Scorpio! New friendships could form around common goals as serious Saturn visits your social third house. Mixing work and play will be a no-brainer, and don't be surprised if you "uplevel" the type of people you call friends. Two eclipses in Aquarius touch your domestic fourth house which could bring a move, a pregnancy or unexpected changes at Chateau Scorpio.

Cultivate a practice to help yourself surrender and tune into the divine flow. It refuses to cooperate with your enterprising and managerial ways.

Your ruling planet Jupiter is in your twelfth house of closure and endings, wrapping up a year life cycle that began back in In , trying to force things will be a useless battle. Cultivate a practice to help yourself surrender and tune into the divine flow: Heal with a therapist , do some forgiveness work, face old demons.

This will be the dawn of a new year chapter, one that will make sense of all the struggle or things that fell away. Now, move forward with a clean slate and clear conscience. Hotheaded Uranus, the planet of sudden change, starts its departure from your fifth house of love and passion mid-May, after a seven-year sprint.

But with your ruler, Jupiter, in your fantasy-fueled twelfth house until November, you could be swept off your feet this year.

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Is this person your soul mate…or just passing through? It could be hard to tell. Mid-July, an eclipse in your intimacy zone could find some Archers saying "I do. Give yourself that space. You'll emerge from the cocoon to spread your wings when Jupiter enters Sagittarius for 13 months in November.

You've grown up so much, Sag, thanks to maturity-planet Saturn's three-year visit to your sign from to Now, frugal Saturn is bringing structure to your finance sector, pushing you to budget and prioritize long-term security.

Build that nest egg, Sag! You may need to live leaner, but your sensible approach will pay off over time. An exciting joint venture or unexpected windfall could arrive at the July 12 Cancer solar eclipse, which illuminates your wealth sector.

In , there are also two full moons in Cancer, on January 1 and December 22, which could bookend your year with bountiful bonuses. With Jupiter in your restful twelfth house until November, you could be sleepier than usual. Wave the white flag and focus your energy inward toward spiritual pursuits , healing and self-discovery.

Trying to force an agenda will be an exercise in frustration, but when you surrender and let the universe guide, miracles will occur. Luckily, you'll be saved from couch potato status mid-May, when innovator Uranus sweeps into your health and fitness zone for an eight-year visit. Get ready for an extreme makeover to your diet, fitness and lifestyle—one you'll probably welcome.

Energy vampires , be gone! With Jupiter in your twelfth house of hidden agendas, "user-friendly" types will be exposed.

Cut those codependent cords and get relationships back on healthy ground…or move on. Four eclipses this year bring new opportunities for friendship, travel and learning, so stay open to new people and experiences.

Your mother or a female relative could be a healing force from May through August, as Jupiter forms a golden trine to compassionate Neptune in your maternal fourth house. Bonds deepen with women and children and you may be inspired to learn more about your own lineage.

Outmoded parts of your life and identity will fall away over the next three years, making way for a new and mature Capricorn 2. Get ready to rebuild! This is a time to take inventory: Where in your life are you out of alignment with your values and truth? You might change anything from your appearance to your diet to your friendships this year.

In the second half of the year, new romantic and creative synergies could spark up, and a July eclipse can bring an out-of-the-blue partnership opportunity, either romantic or professional. Your relationship to money, investing, sex, and intimacy will all get a makeover in , too. Romance with a twist?

Unconventional Uranus will start an eight-year journey through your passionate fifth house this May, sparking desires that might surprise even you. A pregnancy is possible. Monogamy doesn't need to equal monotony, and experimental Uranus could get the fires burning for longtime couples, too.

In July, a solar eclipse in your committed relationship house might move things into official territory fast. Longtime duos will embark on a new chapter together, which may be a refreshing change of pace. With accomplishment-driven Saturn your ruler in your sign for the next three years, you'll get serious about your goals!

You could slowly and steadily build a solo venture into your next empire. If you're an expert in your field, Saturn may help establish you as a recognized and respected figure. Money management gets a makeover from this year's four eclipses in your financial houses.

You could explore a joint venture, an investment or real estate, and you might field some unexpected job offers. With lucky Jupiter in your teamwork and technology zone, collaborations bring abundance.

Pisces Horoscope 2019

Look no further than your social circles for promising hookups. While disciplined Saturn is in Capricorn, you'll need to cut the excess and prioritize. Luckily, many Caps already take this "less is more" approach. Saturn rules time, and while he's in your first house of appearances, you may explore anti-aging treatments or natural ways to keep your vitality glowing.

Or, you'll embrace the beauty of getting older. In November, Jupiter enters your healing twelfth house for 13 months, a transitional time to rest and go within.

Your efforts to establish firm roots hasn't been easy for the past few years. But in , sweet stability could come to your home life at last. Disrupter Uranus has spent the last seven years in your domestic fourth house.

Since , you've had your share of ups and downs with a living situation. A female relative, possibly your mom, could have been a source of stress.

Gemini January 2019 ~ MAJOR ENDINGS & AWESOME NEW BEGINNINGS ~ Astrology ~ Horoscope

Mid-May, Uranus departs, helping you settle into a deeper sense of security. With expansive Jupiter in your eleventh house of friendships, you could connect with a whole new tribe. Embrace the spirit of community, whether it happens locally or virtually. This could be a fabulous year to travel with friends or to try an all-inclusive resort where you can meet new people.

Every single major part of your life is going through a change this year, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

With expansive Jupiter in your career house until November, your ambitions could take you to far-flung places, perhaps even a new city or an executive suite. This is one of your luckiest career years in over a decade, and with two eclipses in your sign, you could emerge as a surprisingly outspoken and trailblazing figure in your field.

Your closest relationships will also undergo some shifts, as the people in your universe adapt to Aquarius 2.

From May onward, you could get a sudden opportunity to move, buy or sell a home, or expand your family. While part of you is ready to put down roots and settle into a professional groove, fluctuating circumstances could challenge your efforts.

For example, you might need to travel for business or work long hours, which will demand extra efforts to juggle your obligations to relatives, romantic partners, and your own passion projects. Your personal needs and your approach to relationships are getting an overhaul. That could bring anything from a sudden split to a quickie engagement to improved dynamics with your longtime love.

Balancing "me" and "we" is the greater goal of these eclipses—and always the holy grail for your independent but people-loving sign. Cheers to your success, Aquarius! Expansive Jupiter is soaring through the top of your chart until November, bringing fresh possibilities to your tenth house of career and ambition.

This could be one of your luckiest years in over a decade to take a calculated professional risk. You might settle into a steady gig, get promoted through the ranks or take an important new job that requires relocation or travel.

Libra Horoscope 2019 Keywords

Structured Saturn is spending the next three years in your restful and healing twelfth house. Pushing yourself past the point of burnout will take its toll.