February 14 libra daily horoscope

  1. Feb. Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail
  2. Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 27
  3. Feb. 14: Your daily horoscope
  4. More Horoscopes for Libra
  5. Thursday 27th December

You couldn't have a better today for defending the interests of others, particularly if money is concerned. People will want to invite you to the negotiation tables because you have the ability to compromise in even the most difficult situations. While it's true that a lawyer who hires himself has a fool for a client, today would be a good day for you to apply your mediation skills!

You may have an interest in metaphysical and spiritual matters.

Feb. Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail

If so, today you are likely to find that your mystical abilities are stronger than usual. You may receive telepathic communication disguised as dreams or other insights. You can also expect some divine inspiration, so get out the paint and paintbrushes or the paper and pen and see what wonderful creations you can produce.

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  • Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 27!

If you plan on arguing for a cause today, make sure you have solid facts to back up your statements. People aren't likely to fall for things too easily. It will take a great deal to change someone's mind about something. It is a great day for you to get outside and take a walk through the woods. Get back to the Earth.

Think of maybe planting some seedlings in your window box. You like places with quirky atmospheres, new sensations and surprises. Here are your free predictions for the month of December Love: Take care on the first of the month.

Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 27

Some tension may split your partner and yourself. Singles, pay attention, the partner of you dreams risks slipping through your fingers! Your Libra Horoscope is already here.

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Feb. 14: Your daily horoscope

Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. I'm already a fan, don't show this again. The and are some of the better dates for work and health endeavors.

All month, however, you're feeling especially motivated to tackle projects that get you ahead in these areas.

Mars in your solar sixth house revs you up and motivates you to take care of business. You're challenging yourself to do better. You're bringing more muscle to your health and wellness or self-care programs, getting back into action or stepping up the pace.

Libra daily horoscope December 14, jakubzidek.cz4

Your desire to initiate, lead, and work independently can stir up competition or conflict with others at times, and this is more likely on the and when you may want to tone things down or prepare yourself for a battle, depending on which you prefer at the moment!

Otherwise, you're motivated and self-starting, and this feels good. It's a time for pushing yourself to improve your health and fitness while being mindful that you don't overdo it.

Or, you can be feeling quite pumped about getting organized. Difficulties with workload or excessive demands on you can now be acknowledged. Avoid overstrain and enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape. The 21st brings the Sun into your sector of home and family where Saturn and Pluto are already long-term guests, and this stimulates your domestic side further.

As exciting as your projects and interactions have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more downtime and the comfort of familiar settings. Seeking a balance is helpful now, and the Full Moon just a day later helps you do just that.

More Horoscopes for Libra

This lunation pulls your attention to a career or public matter, or a responsibility for which you're accountable. It's an excellent time for attracting attention for positive efforts or a good deed. Otherwise, this Full Moon can reveal to you how vital meeting your responsibilities and thriving in the work you do or performing at your peak is to the rest of your life.

You need to feel good about your performance so that other projects and endeavors to thrive, as well as to feel more comfortable in your personal life.

The third week of the month is also strong for handling a relationship matter so that you can move forward.

The need to feel secure, rooted, and comfortable is especially strong for you in , dear Libra. More day-to-day contact with friends and family can be healing and pleasurable from November forward. Until then, you continue to enjoy building and growing your material resources.

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There can be a strong emphasis on comfort and the enjoyment of simple pleasures. Saturn has moved into hard aspect to your sign and into your solar sector of home and family and will remain here until This is a time for bringing more structure and discipline to your personal life.

This is a time for doing important work on your self-image, foundations, and domestic life that involves pruning, simplifying, and structuring.

Libra Daily Horoscope

There can be changes with parents, children, support, and home life that are significant, but these involve both challenges and rewards, setbacks and advances.

Saturn has spent the better part of the last three years transiting your communications sector which may have limited your responsiveness to social contact from time to time. This is a time for taking greater responsibility with family as well as for better organizing your home life.

Thursday 27th December

Making money in is a stronger ambition than usual, particularly until November. Career matters assume more importance to you in the last two months of the year. Uranus continues to transition out of a direct opposition to your sign. Partnerships may have been a wildcard in your life for many years, but this is set to change.

Even so, some experimentation with relationships is likely to continue. Your attitude towards intimacy will be changing over the coming years as you open yourself up to new pleasures and experimentation. From October 5-November 16, take more time with decision-making and aim to understand your needs, particularly related to love and money, more intimately.

From November forward, you enjoy strong support for your social life and for learning, communicating, and new interests. You are hungry to learn, to produce, and to share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, a partner, and even neighbors can improve significantly. Uranus moves out of your partnership sector for good on March 6, , dear Libra.

Uranus has been bringing a spirit of rebellion, unpredictability, and unruliness to your close partnerships for the past seven years, and will continue to do so just until March. From March forward until ! Uranus moves through your intimacy sector and can bring change, excitement, and experimentation to your sex life or intimate world.

Uranus is also a ruler of your romance sector, suggesting relationships revving up. This is likely to be exciting and different. You are approaching intimacy and relationships in unconventional ways.