February 2019 monthly horoscope scorpio

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  3. Scorpio 2019 Horoscope
  4. Horoscope Scorpio February

Your spouse will enjoy the romance that flows from you and lots of love that the two of you will share. According to the February horoscopes for , there is a possibility of Scorpio pregnancy this month since your relationship is at a good place. Singles will be able to find love easily in places of work and social gatherings. As per the February Scorpio predictions , your family affairs are likely to hit the rock this month since your choices may at times grieve the elders who might not be happy with you.

You should try as much as possible to ensure that the choices you make are backed by the elders so that they do not curse you. The astrology forecast is foretelling that your health this month will not be that good since your energy levels will be below average.

As the month progresses, your health will improve hence you need to take good care of yourself. According to the horoscope for Scorpio , you can choose to be the greatest at work by doing what you do best and adding natural talents to your expertise.

Daily horoscope

People will envy you, but it is all a matter of wise choices for you. The choices you make will enable you to grow and expand your career development to another level.

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January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Strongly flavored or spicy foods should not be missing from their diet. The native can get so much involved in his work that sometimes he forgets to eat. You have endless energy, so you need to move a lot, regardless of your weight.

Being a water sign, you love aquatic sports swimming, canoeing, diving etc.

Boxing and martial arts are also demanding sports that burn a lot of calories, suitable for your aggressive nature.

January 21, Full Moon in Leo: The news for January target the relationships with the close ones. Either the meetings with the relatives and family happen more often, or various discussion regarding older issues occur.

Many trips on short distance are predicted at the beginning of the month for solving a number of problems. February 18, Sun enters Pisces: In February , you begin to feel that is the moment to breathe a new air in their love life.

My Horoscopes

It is possible to end an unsuccessful relationship or to decide it is the right moment to forsake the bachelor status and to let someone new in your life. In the second part of the month, you will enjoy more achievements at work.

March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: You probably had happier times in their lives than now — and you will probably have it the future. For now, March is not promising too much happiness in your relational life. April 10 — August 11, Jupiter retrograde: Therefore, your love life will probably pass a difficult time.

April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: Saturn and Jupiter are continuing to be your allies, instilling enough force to successfully overcome any obstacle.

  1. Horoscope for Scorpio for February ;
  2. 2019 monthly horoscope scorpio born 2 february?
  3. Scorpio February Monthly Horoscope Predictions | jakubzidek.cz.
  4. Scorpio February 2019.
  5. cafe astrology aries love.
  6. Scorpio horoscope February 2019.
  7. This is not an easy period, since your other ruller, Pluto, is in conflict with the one that should offer them support Jupiter , but not all days can be perfect.

    April 24 — October 3, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: You should take it easy during this period, and if you are aware of certain affections or sensibilities, it is recommended to immediately see a doctor and to strictly follow treatments.

    Scorpio 2019 Horoscope

    May is important for the relational life. June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: The earning will increase, attracting further spending. This spending is not going to destabilize your budget though, instead it will help them fulfil a few older wishes and maybe even a few new ones.

    June 21 Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: The ingenuousness, the original and innovative ideas, the enthusiasm the Scorpio natives get involved in any project will facilitate their success. In June, , you can exercise your leadership and management abilities and highlight your competence and talents.

    Horoscope Scorpio February

    July 23, Total Sun Eclipse: Caution is recommended for the last decade of June , because you never know what surprised the Sun Eclipse from the 23rd of July can bring, which happens exactly in your couple house.

    July , Partial Moon Eclipse: July highlights your creativity and talents. Moreover, this is an opportune month for promotional activities. During this period, you must avoid making major acquisitions, you need to carefully examine your bank accounts, the financial invoices, the shopping receipts. Finally, Mars will enter yoru opposite and complementary sign, Taurus, on the 14th.

    2019 Horoscope Month by Month

    The second half of the month promises to be sensual and torrid for couples and single people alike, who will have every chance of finding their soul mate - at least for one night. Don't trust the ambiance during the first half of the month, which will most likely exasperate you: Fortunately, when it comes to love, Venus in Capricorn promises solid and long-lasting relations.

    Stay on the level of feeling and don't try to cause a stir or convince, persuade anyone. Your charm isn't in your intellect but in your instinctive sensuality. This is a time for making up between the sheets, whispered secrets, and for forming solid, deep, and steady bonds You will, without a doubt, have a little trouble adapting to those around you at the start of the month, but your intuition will favorably take over for your intellect, and you will know how to pick out the atmospheres that are good for using your seductive wiles.