Sagittarius weekly horoscope 10 january 2019 michele knight

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We have to take the first step towards them. Jupiter in its ruling sign says start your journey in — and make it a big one! Jupiter asks do we have a story to tell around our journey? If so, be generous and share it.

See yourself as a soul traveller while Jupiter is in Sagittarius — even if you are not a Sagittarian or have no Sag planets. Blog, write, journal or even act your story. Jupiter in Sag is a little bit theatrical. Jupiter will remain in Sagittarius until the start of December when it moves off into Capricorn which will take us into with one of the most powerful cycles we have ever seen when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all meet in Capricorn that year.

Remember, eclipses cover up initially and we may not discover just how big the cover up has been until Uranus wakes us up and sets us free — sometimes in ways that are shocking. Jupiter always seeks expansion, to broaden our horizons and our knowledge — usually through a journey either real or metaphorical.

No matter what sign we are born under, we can all harness the freedom and opportunity that both these planets can bring us by aligning our energy with them.

When you have a moment centre yourself. Imagine yourself about to step onto a new path. See it winding ahead of you until it disappears into the horizon. Now, ask the following questions — either out loud or else mentally: What is it that holds me back that I am unaware of?

What do I no longer need to take with me on my journey? Keep an open mind as to what answers occur to you. Sometimes we can have a flash of instant recognition of what it is we need to do or release.

Or we may wait for answers or when something ends or is let go of in a way that was outside our control, we then realise that was the very thing we needed to release.

But whatever way you get your answer, know that simply by asking the questions, you set in motion the forces to set yourself free to explore all the enormous potential for invention, re-invention, learning and freedom that astrology promises us all.

Electrify your life and expand your horizons! Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. August Horoscope Video This is a very important astrological month as we have a Full Moon eclipse, A New Moon and Solar eclipse and Mercury is going retrograde!

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Your gift this holiday season is the ability to head towards those big dreams as you are released from past restrictions. So, what was happening 12 years ago for you, Sag? If you were over 18 then, think back to what experiences you were offered.

What doors opening for you and which ones did you decide to walk through? Which did you decline? Expand your horizons in some way? Some of you may be experiencing Jupiter in here for the first time in your adult life.

It is entirely up to us whether we go along for the ride or not. Mind and body are working as one now as physically and psychologically you should be on top form and please read what I have to say about your important transit of Uranus through your sector of health and wellbeing later in this forecast.

While this may have deepened your understanding of universal truths, it may have also tested you, mind, body and soul. If you have been feeling depleted, your ruler in your 1st restores your energy and your usual optimistic outlook on life.

Watch how early this begins in the New year for you as Venus meets Jupiter for the first time in your 1st in 12 years on Jan This comes the day after a total eclipse of the Moon in your 9th. Bearing in mind that eclipses conceal and reveal later, this marks the start of a new beginning but wait for it to fully emerge.

A new romance, a cycle of learning or expansion is about to begin. It all feels like a new beginning for you now — and it is.

Astrology Forecasts

This also goes hand-in-hand with a new you. This is an excellent time to update your image, to set your intention for the coming year and to step free of the shadows of the past 12 months.

Travel, that favourite Sag activity, beckons.

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Update that bucket list and plan to tick at least one item off it during the next 12 months. Expand yourself into the world on some level. Stretch and above all, big up those dreams.

Jupiter in your 1st says if your dream is not coming true it is because you need a bigger one. Your imagination expands along with you embracing new possibilities. This can be a highly creative period. Be prepared however to build on your achievements during the first four months of the year or else see the return of a major opportunity during the Jupiter retrograde period which lasts from April 10 until August Above all, watch carefully for something that may have its roots in your last Jupiter in your 1st cycle 12 years ago — and which you may have given up on, returning to you bigger, better and more real than before.

You are at the start of another 12 year journey now. Set your course for the stars! How are you working it, Sag?

By this I mean your day job whether this is paid or unpaid work , your routine and your wellbeing.

What works for you? Do you feel your work adds value and that you in turn are valued for what you do? Are you valuing that body and your health? This of course relates back to Jupiter in your 1st rejuvenating you mind, body and soul. Welcome also Uranus, planet of light bulb moments and revolutionary awakenings in your 6th from March 6.

Last year saw it enter this house for the first time in your lifetime. It only spent a few months in here before turning retrograde and heading. This time it returns to your 6th where it will remain for the next seven years.

This may be a very good thing as while Jupiter in your 1st can restore your energy level, if we are not careful its ability to expand extends to us!

You could be looking at complimentary health practices, new exercise routines or just making very different choices with what you eat. Your daily routine will also undergo an overhaul. You will be able to see the difference between a routine which supports you and allows you to be more productive — and a repetitive rut.

Making different daily choices and being unafraid to experiment even on a small daily level, will have a major impact not just on how you feel, but in other areas too. As for that day job —bear in mind that even the most glamourous jobs have their mundane or boring elements.

Ask any actor waiting on set for hours for their call and then having to do take after take for example. That being said, you are a sign that needs a great deal of freedom and flexibility in order to produce your best work.

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  5. Uranus is all about an individual or unique approach. It also rules entrepreneurs and inventors. If you are stuck in a job rut, expect Uranus to shake you free of it.

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    Often in unexpected ways. Working differently and in a way that is aligned with your values, is going to be another benefit of Uranian-style job changes. If it works — work it! Jupiter always wants to bring us benefits and no more so than when he is in our 1st house.

    This is a time when our power to attract is at its peak. I have found that Jupiter in our 1st house can act as a more powerful magnet when it comes to attracting romance or other partnership opportunities, than the transit of Jupiter through our 7th.

    In other words partners or potential partners. Romance sparkles along with opportunities to shine when Venus reaches your 5th on April 20 and May 9 sees her make a trine to Jupiter from here making this a day of love, pleasure and attraction.

    Get ready to make an impression. Venus will enter her ruling 7th in your chart on June 9 — the day before the Sun opposes Jupiter in your 1st.

    Sagittarius - Horoscope - by Michele Knight

    When it comes to the kind of lover you may attract, remember your ruler can turn up in person. They may have distinct Sag-like qualities about them. Well-travelled or even from overseas. And so sexily funny. Expect someone who feels like a soulmate to put in an appearance.

    Even if this is not a lover this can be someone you have a strong work or friendship connection with. You will benefit from the connection and this person will expand your horizons in some way. Travel, those big business and mass media themes and expansion will feature during July and August which sees both the Sun and Venus in your 9th, both of which will trine Jupiter again.

    This period also marks a Mercury retrograde which will begin in your 9th and head back into your 8th before returning to. By August we have both Jupiter and Mercury direct. An opportunity could re-present itself during this period or else you will see a totally fresh direction begin to open up for you.

    Watch closely for any themes that began at the start of the year returning — especially if they began at the time of that eclipse. If anything was covered up or concealed at that point, you should have the big picture now. The year should end on a high note for you with you getting an early start on your new cycle thanks to Venus arriving in your 1st on November 1.

    The Sun heads in here on November 22 and Venus and Jupiter will have their final date in your 1st on November Jupiter will move out of your 1st on December 2, joining Venus, Saturn and Pluto in your money zone. Expect a massive transformation to occur around your money and assets during as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all meet in here.

    As the year ends, start to think about what you want to build in terms of your financial security. Think of it this way: Rockets need a launch pad. That is what you are going to be asked to build in the coming year — or expand on if you already have one. This year should open the way for you to put that in place.

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    In the interim, a larger experience of the world — and of love, awaits you. Ruler Jupiter arrives in your sign for the first time in 12 years. New opportunities beckon and lost ones return. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion.

    The most adventurous and philosophical of the Zodiac Sagittarius embrace freedom for all. Wildly unpredictable these are the adventurers of the Zodiac. Your soul lesson is to put your philosophy into action and accept and be the unique soul that you are. Below you can find free daily, weekly monthly and annual readings for Sagittarius.