12 january horoscope for libra

Sabian Symbol
  1. Libra Daily Horoscope
  2. Libra Daily Horoscope
  3. Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 28
  4. Daily Horoscope by Moon Sign

You're challenging yourself to do better. You're bringing more muscle to your health and wellness or self-care programs, getting back into action or stepping up the pace. Your desire to initiate, lead, and work independently can stir up competition or conflict with others at times, and this is more likely on the and when you may want to tone things down or prepare yourself for a battle, depending on which you prefer at the moment!

Otherwise, you're motivated and self-starting, and this feels good. It's a time for pushing yourself to improve your health and fitness while being mindful that you don't overdo it. Or, you can be feeling quite pumped about getting organized.

Difficulties with workload or excessive demands on you can now be acknowledged. Avoid overstrain and enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape. The 21st brings the Sun into your sector of home and family where Saturn and Pluto are already long-term guests, and this stimulates your domestic side further.

As exciting as your projects and interactions have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more downtime and the comfort of familiar settings. Seeking a balance is helpful now, and the Full Moon just a day later helps you do just that.

This lunation pulls your attention to a career or public matter, or a responsibility for which you're accountable. It's an excellent time for attracting attention for positive efforts or a good deed. Otherwise, this Full Moon can reveal to you how vital meeting your responsibilities and thriving in the work you do or performing at your peak is to the rest of your life.

You need to feel good about your performance so that other projects and endeavors to thrive, as well as to feel more comfortable in your personal life. The third week of the month is also strong for handling a relationship matter so that you can move forward.

The need to feel secure, rooted, and comfortable is especially strong for you in , dear Libra. More day-to-day contact with friends and family can be healing and pleasurable from November forward. Until then, you continue to enjoy building and growing your material resources. There can be a strong emphasis on comfort and the enjoyment of simple pleasures.

Saturn has moved into hard aspect to your sign and into your solar sector of home and family and will remain here until This is a time for bringing more structure and discipline to your personal life. This is a time for doing important work on your self-image, foundations, and domestic life that involves pruning, simplifying, and structuring.

There can be changes with parents, children, support, and home life that are significant, but these involve both challenges and rewards, setbacks and advances. Saturn has spent the better part of the last three years transiting your communications sector which may have limited your responsiveness to social contact from time to time.

This is a time for taking greater responsibility with family as well as for better organizing your home life. Making money in is a stronger ambition than usual, particularly until November.

Career matters assume more importance to you in the last two months of the year. Uranus continues to transition out of a direct opposition to your sign. Partnerships may have been a wildcard in your life for many years, but this is set to change.

Even so, some experimentation with relationships is likely to continue. Your attitude towards intimacy will be changing over the coming years as you open yourself up to new pleasures and experimentation.

From October 5-November 16, take more time with decision-making and aim to understand your needs, particularly related to love and money, more intimately.

From November forward, you enjoy strong support for your social life and for learning, communicating, and new interests.

You are hungry to learn, to produce, and to share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, a partner, and even neighbors can improve significantly. Uranus moves out of your partnership sector for good on March 6, , dear Libra.

Libra Daily Horoscope

Uranus has been bringing a spirit of rebellion, unpredictability, and unruliness to your close partnerships for the past seven years, and will continue to do so just until March. From March forward until ! Uranus moves through your intimacy sector and can bring change, excitement, and experimentation to your sex life or intimate world.

Uranus is also a ruler of your romance sector, suggesting relationships revving up. This is likely to be exciting and different. You are approaching intimacy and relationships in unconventional ways. Some people with Uranus in this sector change their attitude towards sexuality quite radically, whether this is going in the direction of opening or closing!

Saturn, on the other hand, is continuing its challenging relationship to your sign from your home and family sector, and there can be heavier responsibilities this year that occasionally weigh you down emotionally, which can affect your responses in love relationships at times.

Mars is your partnership ruler and is moving at a normal speed this year, while last year it was slow or retrograde much of the year. Unsurprisingly, most Libra individuals are balancers — of varying degrees.

They value fairness and justice above most things, and are natural soothers and harmonizers. On their own, most Libras will steer clear of conflict or arguments, and would also not prefer to create or cause conflicts and disagreements.

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra Nature Friendly, amiable and attractive, Libra individuals are also quite popular among their friends, more so because they tend to play able, trustworthy and balanced team strategists for their groups.

The Libra men are very romantic and charming, and mostly create a very positive first impression on the people they meet. They are warm, loving and compassionate. They are also well-mannered and energetic and people remember them with affection. Read on to find out how the men born under the Zodiac Sign Libra are and what are their outstanding qualities.

The symbol of the Sign Libra, the Scales, indicate that men born under this Sign yearn for balance and harmony in life, and have a deep sense of loyalty, justice and fairness. Hence, you will often find them lending a helping hand to people around them. They expect their loved ones to reciprocate their feelings and actions. If you think your relationship is not shaping up as desired, you may try the personalised Natal Chart based service Relationships Ask 3 Questions.

Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 28

The women born under the Sign Libra have a pleasing personality. However, they are of a dual nature and it is very possible that both the sides will show up, and most probably at the same time, because the Libra Native is always preoccupied in maintaining a balance in all spheres of life.

There are also many other traits of the Libra women, which are outlined below. To understand yourself better, try the Birth Chart based customised service Birth Horoscope. Charming, graceful and attractive, the Libra women are aware of their strengths as well as weaknesses.

These intelligent and polite women are smooth and diplomatic which helps them resolve many tricky situations easily. The Libra-born also have an intellectual bent of mind.

Daily Horoscope by Moon Sign

They like to convey their thoughts to others with clarity. They employ a definite tact to get to know others better, to make a fair argument, be diplomatic and to compromise. However, if a combined effort of all these fails to perform as desired, their persuasive charms are employed in full scale to get their way.

However, it is not to say that the Libra are manipulative — in fact, they are often too nice for that. Polite and never willing to fight, preferring to talk things peacefully, they would rather get things sorted out through discussions.

They rarely get angry, even when faced with an opposing viewpoint. They would rather take a deep breath and consider all the options in the spirit of cooperation. These qualities make them well-suited for a number of careers. But if you are unsure about which career to choose, avail the fully personalised Birth Chart based service Career Ask 3 Questions , which will be answered directly by an astute astrologer.

Libra January 2019 ~ SURPRISING ENDINGS & MAGICAL BEGINNINGS ~ Astrology ~ Horoscope

Emotional relationships are based on an equal give and take for the Libra-born. They tend to get attracted to the opposite sex quite often. But before getting into a life-long commitment, they should weigh things carefully for themselves. When in love, the Libra are a bundle of energy, romantic and loyal to the core.

Check out Libra Compatibility to know how compatible they are with people born under other Zodiac Signs. You might also be interested to know about Libra in Romance. Libra Relationship Fair and objective, the Libra tend to do things that will benefit everyone.

If a person is born between September 23 and October 3, their planetary ruler is Venus. This means — love more or less, always fills the lives of these people. Charming and attractive, they can easily attract and create a good impression on others, and they are very happy with this quality that they possess.

The ideal peacemakers, they also excel when surrounded by different kinds of people. They are clever and romantic.

Besides, these people have great imaginative and communication skills, which makes them unbeatable in the charm department. It is no wonder that many of them progress to great heights in creative fields.

These people are also in love with the idea of being in love, and always want to be surrounded by beautiful things. They work especially hard to achieve balance and equality with their life partner. And, if there is any problem that you are facing on the relationship front, you shall profit from availing a personalised Natal Chart based service Relationships Ask 3 Question OR Compatibility Assessment Reading.

People with the moon in Libra have the reputation of being the trouble-shooters of the Zodiac. They have a natural flair for creating balance and harmony wherever they go. These people are very tactful in their dealings with others. Persons with a Libra moon avoid being alone and love to be surrounded by people. Thus, they are very sociable in nature and sympathetic towards the opinions of others.

They are also very good listeners. They love a debate and have the ability to put across their view-points with great clarity. They are always on the lookout for people who can understand them emotionally and with whom they can develop an intellectual rapport.

By and large, these people are charming and attractive, but are often accused of flirting. One of their positive points is that they are very gentle and well-mannered. These positive qualities give them the ability to make new friends easily. They are very strongly focused on their goals and usually achieve them with the support of others.

They make excellent planners and strategists, but fall short when it comes to the practical implementation of their ideas. Also, they are very indecisive and waste too much time in weighing the pros and cons. The Scales rarely face health troubles, because they like to look young and beautiful, and will do everything needed to stay that way, including exercising regularly.

But their problem areas can be their back, buttocks, kidneys and bladder. Frustration can easily get to them, especially when a relationship does not work out the way they want it to.

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They should keep away from high calorie foods and alcohol, as this can lead to weight gain. Anatomically Libra Corresponds To: The lumber region in general and the kidneys in particular; loins, ovaries and the substance of the kidneys; lumber vertebrae, just below the ribs; lower back muscles at the top of the pelvic bone; arteries going to the kidney and lower back; veins coming from the kidneys and lower back.

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