Best compatible with aquarius

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  1. Love Advice for Women by Zodiac Sign
  2. Aquarius compatibility
  3. Best Compatibility Matches for Aquarius | LoveToKnow
  4. Aquarius Woman Love Advice

Freedom loving and highly individualistic, intelligent and dreamy, this woman is unlike any other woman you will ever come across.

And the best part is that no two Aquarius women are similar to each other in their characteristics.

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  • Aquarius Woman Love Advice | Articles at
  • sagittarius sagittarius compatibility love;
  • Aquarius compatibility table.

In fact, Aquarius of both sexes are their own persons and it is very difficult to generalize their characteristics. Still, there are some Aquarius traits which do stand out and are commonly found in all the people born between twentieth January and eighteenth February, the dates which fall in the Aquarius sun sign according to astrology.

Here are some of the traits found in most Aquarius women. An Aquarius woman can be very unpredictable in her behavior.

Love Advice for Women by Zodiac Sign

Nobody, not even people very close to her can guess what she is up to. She might adopt such ways of living life which are beyond the understanding of an ordinary person. She can come up with such unusual and revolutionary ideas that it can leave many people bewildered and amazed to no end.

The same unpredictability in her behavior can be seen in her clothing as well. She can sometimes dress up like a hippie and at other times can be dressed in the most elegant manner!

But one thing is sure, she will always be different, in terms of her behavior, clothing as well as ideas. All Aquarius females value their freedom very highly. They are not the ones who anybody can tie down easily.

In fact, the ones who try to restrict them, may lose them forever. She loves to explore all new things, people and places that come her way. A deadly combination of unpredictability and freedom can make her do some of the craziest stuff in life.

She can suddenly decide to climb the Himalayas one day and might disappear for days altogether. For an Aquarius, the need for space to grow as an individual is immense.

Aquarius compatibility

This holds true in her relationships as well. Only a broad-minded man, who considers men and women as equals and who gives this woman loads of freedom, can look forward to win her heart.

Rebel and a Humanitarian: An Aquarius woman is a born rebel who believes in living life on her own terms. The woman belonging to this zodiac sign also believes in letting people be.

Best Compatibility Matches for Aquarius | LoveToKnow

The humanist philosophy of all human beings being equal is practiced and followed by her to the tee. There is a twist to this though.

She loves all humanity, yet she can be pretty distant and detached when it comes to her personal relationships. In fact, she might appear a bit cold and insensitive to some of her close ones! An Aquarius woman may seem very aloof, absent-minded and confused, but in reality she is quite intelligent.

She might miss out on a few details but if she puts her mind into something, she can tell the minutest of details about a thing or a person, which everybody else might miss.

Aquarius Woman Love Advice

They are the strongest amongst all the females in the zodiac. Probably that's the reason why one gets to see so many single Aquarius women around as it is not such a big deal for them to be on their own. They can take care of themselves and would rather be alone than in an unfulfillable relationship.

True to her behavior, an Aquarius woman will act in the most unusual and unpredictable ways, very unlike the people in love normally do. An Aquarius female can be very faithful and committed in a relationship, yet, at the same time, she can also be very unemotional and detached. It is no wonder for her to remain platonic in a love relationship for a long time!

In fact, passion is not her forte and she might lack the intensity that comes with a romantic relationship. So, if a man is looking for a sexual butterfly, certainly this is not the woman for him.

She looks for a partner who is mentally stimulating, has some ethics in life, is honest and has the courage to stand up for himself. She is a seeker of intelligence and does not care how much money her partner is making. Freedom loving Aquarius woman, being an air sign, is best compatible with the other air signs in the Zodiac, i.

She is also compatible with the two fire signs Aries and Sagittarius.

Aquarius-Libra Match

Let's look at her compatibility with each of these Zodiac signs. Here you can share experiences and opinions on dating, marriage and affairs, whether you're an Aquarius or have experience with one.

You'll find that some of these forums are generally positive in tone, and some are generally negative. That doesn't guarantee that will be your experience, however you are very likely to recognize some common patterns which can be fascinating.

Some relationship combinations are much more common than others. Some sun signs are also much more chatty than others. Some are more likely to compliment or complain! Each forum therefore tends to have a fairly consistent trend to the comments.

Please keep in mind though that people are much more than just their sun sign. Beyond a point Aquarius compatibility varies due to the individuals other planet positions when they were born. You need a real astrology reading to understand a real relationship.

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