Sun in leo cafe astrology

Sun in Taurus
  1. Leo Sun Sign Compatibility Matches
  2. About Leo the Lion: Astrology/Zodiac
  3. Sun in Libra
  4. The Sun in the Houses

But even though you thoroughly disagree sometimes, your commitment is always strong and rarely questioned. You KNOW you can depend on one another. Both of you are so resistant to change that even if you hated each other, it would be hard to disengage yourselves and move on!

Also, you need to guard against becoming so self-satisfied and comfortable in your relationship that you take one another for granted. You both have a very childlike, playful, fun-loving side that is brought out when you are together.

You both love drama and color, and you find one another to be delightful and interesting. For the most part, however, you are great friends and can be very compatible lovers. Both of you take life very personally, probably more personally than you realize. Your feelings and your pride are easily wounded by criticism or lack of appreciation from the people you care about.

There can be an unusually warm loving bond between you, though your temperaments are quite different. LEO is very proud and wants recognition, appreciation, respect, and love from a partner. LEO has difficulty accepting and expressing needs, sadness, or weakness, and is uncomfortable when CANCER expresses doubts, insecurities, weaknesses, or moodiness.

LEO is the more dominant of the two of you and is likely to take the lead in your relationship — which is fine with CANCER, who has no need to be on top.

You are both proud, vibrant, warm, but rather self-centered individuals.


You both want to be the center of attention, and you may not want to share the starring role with your partner. Although it may not be obvious to others, both of you are very self-conscious individuals, and you are very concerned with your own personal creativity, personal recognition, and personal performance.

Both of you are best suited to work that is very personal and creative — being one inconspicuous part of a large corporation is not for you. Your relationship is likely to be either extraordinarily happy and fulfilling or else disastrous — with no middle ground.

You tend to either adore each other or despise each other. You are both very loyal, but you must respect and believe in your partner. If you ever feel that your partner lacks integrity or honesty, or is competing with you, or does not appreciate or understand your creative work and motivations, then the love and admiration that you have for each other turns sour quickly.

You two are very different! This can be a very warm and mutually fulfilling relationship. You both need and love romantic gestures, the giving and receiving of gifts, etc. Personal appearances and attractiveness is important to both of you as well, and you both are somewhat vain.

Of the two of you, LEO is the stronger individual, and the balance of power in your relationship may be somewhat lopsided. However, LIBRA has a highly developed sense of fairness and equality, and will protest sooner or later if LEO begins to expect obeisance all of the time. Both of you are very proud, stubborn, strong-willed individuals and you are attracted to the strength of character that you sense in each other.

There is a feeling of conquest between you that may serve to intensify the excitement of your attraction to each other. However, your strong wills may also prove to be a problem in a long-term relationship. You face the possibility that your combined inflexibility will make it difficult for the two of you to reach mutually satisfying decisions and both of you tend to stubbornly resist compromising when your preferences are different.

A battle of wills is likely to ensue! Another potential problem is jealousy or lop-sided bonding. Warmth, enthusiasm, vitality, and joy are kindled when the two of you are together, and there is great magnetism between you. This is a mutually beneficial relationship which promises lots of good times and a very active life together. In your personal style and tastes, also, this difference is very apparent: LEO has a generous, lavish hand and loves rich color, warmth, and brilliance that borders on gaudiness.

Sometimes, this translates into emotional terms also.

Leo Sun Sign Compatibility Matches

While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future.

It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view.

Everything you do is done with pride, creativity and a sense of your own uniqueness. The desires to be a shining star and to stand out as an individual color all of your interactions with the world. At best, this motivates you to excel, to achieve at the highest level possible for you and to be a bighearted, generous, magnanimous, and honorable person.

You applaud and appreciate individuality, creativity and the spirit and joy of life wherever you see it being expressed. Warmth and benevolence flow from you and others are attracted to your heart, your radiance, your strength. You carry the qualities of the archetypal ruler. You are King or Queen of your realm.

If you express the lower side of this energy, however, the picture is much less lovely.

You are terribly narcissistic, self-centered, excessively concerned with being impressive, respected and admired. You do not admit your mistakes, you are domineering and cannot let people get too close to you lest they discover you are not as great as you would like them to believe.

  1. 27 february horoscope scorpio or scorpio.
  2. More on Leo Ascendant, Leo Rising Sign.
  3. Leo Sun Sign Compatibility Matches.
  4. The Sun’s Transit through the Signs.
  5. january 11 horoscope symbol.
  6. february 19 horoscope for libra?

You are either overly self-conscious or you have to put yourself forward and be seen and heard on all occasions. Your very presence dominates the scene in ways that more subtle, quiet individuals find intrusive. However, if other factors in your birth chart give you a sense of proportion, humility, and a genuine awareness of other people, these negative tendencies are much less pronounced.

You can be even more effective and fulfilled in this if you stay focused on giving from your heart instead of your ego.

About Leo the Lion: Astrology/Zodiac

Now, with the Leo Ascendant, you experience the capacity of will. For the plant kingdom, will expresses in the ripening of the fruit. Will, for us, is the drive to creativity in the material world, and aspiration on the spiritual plane. You only need to observe the activities of children between the ages of ten and twelve or thirteen to understand the power of will.

At their best they are fully engaged in life, seeking a wide range of experiences, and creatively interacting with their peers.

They are testing their wills against those of parents, teachers, and acquaintances. They are learning how to manage the force of will that drives them. Leo will gather information on the intuitive plane, measure it against what is perceived through the physical senses, and then mobilize the spirit behind whatever action is taken.

Sun in Libra

This process results in a degree of self-consciousness that was not there previously. The focus of physical energy is on the heart and the spine. Clear intuition often comes through the heart center, and clear effort depends on mental and emotional structure like that of the spine.

The two need to work together to accomplish anything on either the physical or spiritual level.

The Sun in the Houses

Perhaps the most powerful piece of writing I have encountered that speaks to the fusion of intuition and will is the Heart Sutra. This Buddhist text is a short poetic expression of the true nature of things. Here I wish to include a couple of thoughts: It is possible for the Leo Ascendant to grasp the nature of the paradox and make it the spiritual guide for the Will.

The mantra, or spell, included in the Heart Sutra is as follows: Gone gone gone beyond gone altogether beyond, O what an awakening, all-hail! Because the mantra is from Sanskrit, reciting the Sanskrit words may have more power this is probably true of all spells and mantras. Imagine a room full of monks repeating the mantra in their deep voices.

The mantra is heard, but the vibration also affects the heart directly. You are not timid, meek, or self-effacing, and are rarely content being in the background or in the subordinate position. You are a natural leader, and do not take orders from others very well. You must have something of your own, something creative — be it a business, a project, a home or whatever — that you can develop and manage according to your own will and vision.

Whatever you do, you do it in a unique, dramatic, individual way. You like to put your own personal stamp on it. You also have a very strong sense of dignity, self-respect, and personal honor and are deeply offended if someone treats you in a humiliating or dishonorable way.

You will rarely confront the offender — you are too proud to do so — but you will lose your affection and respect for them. You dislike pettiness and hate to be snubbed or ignored.

You admire others who are strong individuals like yourself. When you befriend someone, you are tremendously loyal, sincere, and willing to go to extraordinary lengths to make that person happy.