Rising sign compatibility scorpio and scorpio

  2. More on Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Rising Sign
  3. Mars enters Aries
  4. What Does an Ascendant in Scorpio Reveal?
  5. Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility: A Hypnotic Obsession?

The following interpretations incorporate the position, by sign, of Mars, the ruling planet of Scorpio. Note that Pluto also rules Scorpio, and interpretations for Scorpio rising with Pluto in the signs follow the Mars interpretations.

The sign position of Mars modifies your Scorpio Ascendant characteristics. These interpretations are from the Karmic Insight Report , and are written from an esoteric viewpoint. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future.

It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart.

Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. You have keen animal instincts, a deeply instinctual and passionate nature, and access to forces that can be used for healing and regeneration — of yourself, other individuals, or society.

Strong-willed and powerful in a quiet understated sort of way, you are always a force with which to be reckoned. Learning to trust and follow your instincts, and to focus your will upon positive intents, are keys to fulfilling your highest destiny.

Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. Your Mars is in the courageous, independent and self-motivated sign of Aries. Your function is to be a leader and a pioneer, bringing forth something unprecedented and original. Boldness, valor, and originality are your keynotes. The shadow side of this is that you can be ruthless, selfish, and you tend to overuse force.

Your Mars is in the highly sensual, productive and fertile sign of Taurus. Appetites, desires and craving for sensual life tend to rule you.

Tasting and taking great pleasure in the feast of life, without being dominated by your cravings or habitually overindulging, is a key to happiness for you.

Scorpio and Scorpio Nature and Nuances:

You also have a determined and steady will force and great stamina to bring your goals and dreams to fruition. You are highly fertile on every level. Obstinacy and not knowing when to let go or change course can create problems for you, however. On the shadowy side of this energy, you can be very crafty, scheming, shrewd and self-serving.

Used positively, the gift and power of words can be used as a healing force. Your Mars is in the soulful and emotional sign of Cancer: Your capacity to commune or merge emotionally with your surroundings gives your great empathy.

You are strongly sensuous and passionate. You may have difficulty articulating, understanding, or communicating your feelings in a rational or intellectual way.

Music is a good language for you. Your Mars is in the proud, confident, radiant sign of Leo. Combining your strong vital force with your ability to hold a steady, constant focus, you can accomplish a great deal. Great responsibility attaches itself to the use of personal power, of course, and the shadow side of this energy could turn you into a dominating tyrant.

Scorpio Rising and Mars in Virgo Your Mars is in Virgo, suggesting service through specialized skills, knowledge, or technical expertise; also an interest in biology, chemistry, the medical or health sciences.

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You have keen powers of observation and analysis, and you work thoroughly and efficiently some might say obsessively. Your Mars is in Libra, suggesting that your urge to relate, to gain with, and to form cooperative alliances with others is an important part of your function and your fate.

You are to work in tandem, as part of a team or close partnership, balancing your needs and your will with those of your partner. Your desire for harmony, beauty, and connection underlies your actions. Be aboveboard and honest in all your dealings, also. Trying to achieve your aims covertly or through the efforts of other people is apt to backfire.

Instead use your energy to bring people together, to mediate, negotiate, or create fairness in your world. Your Mars is in Scorpio as well emphasizing your attunement to deep primal forces in nature, and your need to stay connected with the forces of life in a wild, raw, uncivilized state. You express the energies of both birth and death, creativity and destructiveness, and understand the need for both.

You have tremendous physical presence, vitality, and passion to use for good or ill intents. Power will always be an issue in your life — you must learn to acknowledge your power and the ramifications of using it.

The power of nature is a source of your own strength and healing. Intensity of experience is more important than permanence. Idealistic and philosophical, your instincts are guided and perhaps held in check by your sense of fair play and your convictions.

Zeal and passion are your keynotes. When out of balance you can be excessively zealous, self-righteous, and reckless in your enthusiasm. At best, though, you function as an explorer and as an inspiring example to others.


The joy of adventure and exploration is what you are meant to express. Your Mars is in the earthy, practical, ambitious and serious sign of Capricorn, suggesting that tangible material accomplishments and goals are important to you. You know how the world operates and are meant to take a well-planned, calculated, ordered route to your destination.

Work and self-discipline -not to mention considerable self-sacrifice- are keys. Work may become an addiction; professional ambition certainly is paramount. You are to function as an authority in some manner.

Your Mars in the unconventional, collective-oriented, free-thinking sign of Aquarius, suggesting that the regeneration of society is a major interest and focus of your attention.

Your perceptiveness regarding its underlying, core problems, along with your ability to invent or co-create unusual and innovative solutions, is the key to fulfilling your destiny.

Your function is that of a reformer, dissident, or group leader. Your Mars is in the imaginative, dreamy, visionary, spiritually-open sign of Pisces, suggesting your ability to access altered states of consciousness or dream-time quite readily. The use of images through visualization or art, for instance, is a primary source of healing for you.

Water, baptism, birth, cleansing rituals are key elements. Intoxicants of any kind especially alcohol can be your downfall, leading to a feeling of confusion and aimlessness or powerlessness. The following interpretations incorporate the position, by sign, of Pluto, the ruling planet of Scorpio. The sign position of Pluto further modifies your Scorpio Ascendant characteristics.

Your Pluto in Aries reveals a passion for freedom, daring, heroic individualism. Your Pluto in Taurus reveals a deeply willful, stubborn, and inflexible nature which needs to become more yielding.

Money, wealth, economics could be your obsession, and in any case play a key role in your life and destiny. Your Pluto in Gemini reveals a compelling need to understand.

You prize intellect and education and have a drive to use your mind. These are important keys to fulfilling your destiny.

More on Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Rising Sign

Your Pluto in Leo reveals a need to release your tendency to worship power or powerful charismatic personalities. Excessive self-will, self-glorification, or an obsessive focus on your personal self and desires are shadowy aspects of your being, and will need to be confronted on your path to fulfilling your soul purpose.

Your Pluto in Virgo reveals a drive for perfection or self-purification that can become compulsive. Guilt over real or imagined wrongs needs to be shed. Also, you have a capacity for in-depth analysis, technical expertise or perfection, and exacting precision in your work.

Your Pluto in Libra reveals a drive for justice, fairness, equality, and bringing the scales back into balance. You tend to see the injustices and corruption, and part of your function is indeed to bring wrongs to light. The balance of power in personal relationships is also a key concern of yours.

Your Pluto is in Scorpio as well, revealing a capacity for entering into the darkest places in order to bring consciousness, light, and healing. If you are drawn to use your powers and abilities selfishly, you will often feel isolated and will be your own worst enemy.

Does a person's rising sign determine if and when they will buy a house? Or is it all about personality? If Scorpio is my 1st House owing to it being my Rising sign, then why is my Jupiter in Scorpio in the 12th? I am also past I've had a long time to learn from experience about this aspect and what it does.

It's a continuing journey. Even though I have an 26 or so degree Aquarius sun in the third, it is Scorpio that has the most influence. Learning patience and giving others the benefit of the doubt have been the biggest lessons and forgiveness of self as well as others. Scorpio ascendant is about continual transformation.

Letting go, forgiving, moving forward. Love yourselves, forgive yourselves, be patient and take time alone. Actually Leo Rising is said to be the strongest and most violent. Leo is the only sign that's both feral and bestial.

I'm a Cancer sun, Taurus moon, and Scorpio rising. I also have Virgo midheaven and I'm very proud of that. After 36 years on this planet, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Every Scorpio trait rings true with me, except the one about regrets. At least point in life, I have developed enough courage combined with analytical technique, self control, and intuition, that I see no disadvantage to being a Scorpio Rising.

My Scorpio traits protect me from people that would take advantage of me.

Mars enters Aries

And gives me a level of relentless pursuit that won't allow me to be distracted from my targets. I embrace my intensity. I notice that only via intensity can I make quality connections and relationships.

I also have a Pisces descendant. All together I have 6 planets in water signs, 3 in air, 2 earth and 1 fire, although Scorpio rising is on the cusp on Sagittarius and Scorpio, which most astrologers do not recognize cusps in a rising sign, I mean I have a natural interest in astrology and new age concepts,I find it all very fascinating and interesting.

I would like to learn more about the planet that has been added recently, as some of the things I have read, do not make a lot of sense for various reasons. Scorpio rising can be intimidating for other lesser signs as they do have a very intense gaze and keep their emotions very closed. To express them could be explosive and they would feel exposed.

It's not an easy sign to live with as they prefer to keep their emotions hidden and their lives private, even with friend's. Dear God I have the same sun moon and ascendant as Hitler.

I think I'm going to throw up. Ellie face my crush has the same chart like yours! I have sun in Sagittarius with cancer in moon and Aquarius rising. First time we saw each other we made eye contact and I felt so confident I felt like a whole new person just because we made eye contact lol.

We both are very shy and we try to talk to each the only word he said was hey and he smile. I blushed of course lol and just smile.

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I just don't know when I should go up to him. I don't know what to do? I'm thinking of just texting him first. I know people see me as a pushover because I come across as sensitive, gentle but what they don't seem to understand is that I am very self protective of myself and those I love and WILL take revenge, if provoked. I feel only people with a death wish do this.

If people want to destroy themselves, they seem to subconsciously seek me out. Of course, I'm happy to oblige. It is however, tedious when people blame me for what they instigated. I have a Scorpio Ascendant, and so did my late husband.

My Venus is in Gemini, and his was in Pisces. I think with the Venus and Moon squares, I sometimes hurt his feelings without meaning to, but it also gave us interesting challenges. Everyone always said they felt we were the "perfect couple.

It's always great to see another Astrology trying to educate the public about what it really entails.

What Does an Ascendant in Scorpio Reveal?

I'm glad you enjoyed the read, Ellieface. I have other hubs on Astrology as well if you'd like to check them out. Enjoy and thanks for commenting. I really enjoyed reading this hub! As a Scorpio Rising, I find that a lot of this fits me to a "T.

Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility: A Hypnotic Obsession?

I think having my Sun and numerous other planets in Sagittarius helps lighten me a up a bit. However, I do think my rising helps to add more emotion to myself since I have a Capricorn Moon. I do love VERY deeply and have feelings that run very deep. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

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Read this hub to find out more about him. Have you ever had your birth chart interpreted by a professional Astrologer? Yes No See results. This is my first time and I am trying to understand all of this.

I'm really really new to Astrology. I had no idea about rising signs and planets, etc.

I'd really appreciate it if someone can answer my question. That sounds like a sign scorpio occupying another sign sagittarius.