Web wombat libra horoscope

  1. Aquarius (The Water-Bearer)
  2. Daily Horoscopes Equinox
  3. Feeling Lucky? Then Why Not Try ....
  4. Libra (The Scales)
  5. November 23 - December 22

Excellent colours are sapphire blue and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and You may talk all you want, but it's probable that your suggestions will have little or no effect on the people in charge.

Although this may not be the day for it, you can always take your talents elsewhere.

Aquarius (The Water-Bearer)

The most important rule of the day is to think before you speak because diplomacy is the go when the Moon is in Leo and Saturn is in Capricorn. If you think there's a chance of stepping on someone's toes, keep your comments to yourself.

Auspicious colours are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and While everyone else is running around like idiots, you are calmly and logically tackling the problem in hand. With the Moon in friendly but off-the-wall Leo, you have to be the one to hold things together in your neighbourhood.

This is a great time to renew a relationship that has been languishing while you were taking care of business. Remember, a meaningful gift isn't necessarily an expensive one.

Appropriate colours are pale aqua and carnation pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and Everyone in the team needs to understand what's going on before you can go any further, but there's an easier way to convey things to them.

Pisceans tend to depend on others for guidance and instruction, so don't bite off more than you can chew.

Libra Weekly Astrology & Tarot Horoscope December 24-31 2018

Your best bet is to be simple and direct: Progress is progress and there's no stopping it. Expressive colours are carnelian and cream. Archers often need time alone and others respect your need for solitude.

As the Moon jumps into Libra, it's easy to get happily lost inside and never come out. Once you're ready, the external world holds endless riches for you. Some may spend time developing an artistic idea. You might not be ready to present it to the world yet, but you can prepare for its eventual unveiling.

Creative colours are aqua and rose. Lucky numbers are 24 and Money and status through inheritance, business partners or marriage, takes the focus for the next month or so. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns.

You can become more independent in financial and other ways. You may be confronted intellectually, psychologically, or physically with sexual matters and situations. Fortunate colours are celadon and creamy yellow. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.

Daily Horoscopes Equinox

Today marks a cosmic balancing point, as the Sun enters Libra, the half-way point of the astrological year. There are a raft of awkward aspects, but the Scorpio Moon saves the day for the Ram by forming a positive and powerful aspect to Mars, your life-ruler. Do others see you as strong, independent and forceful? Should you be married or living with someone, do you dominate your partner?

Does the partnership help, or impede your personal growth?

Feeling Lucky? Then Why Not Try ....

Has your monetary potential or social status been improved by the relationship? Use the situations you come across as a way to broaden your spiritual and intellectual horizons.

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Fortunate colours are silver and red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8. As the Sun enters Libra, we celebrate the Equinox, the half-way point of the tropical year.

The aspects blow hot and cold for the Bull, but if you keep your eyes open, you'll learn plenty from the way people's body language is expressed. This a good time to examine what does or does not motivate you to work.

Libra (The Scales)

You are more aware of your personal status or influence with colleagues and subordinates. A tendency to be ruled by stubborn pride, especially at work, should be controlled. Positive colours are tan and ivory.

Lucky numbers are 6 and 7. Yippee, it's the Equinox, a time when the Twins can kick up their heels and forget about their tedious responsibilities. The glorious Sun strides into charming, tasteful Libra, so your romantic aerials are twitching! It's the time of year when you can allow your ego full expression, and will flit from couch to couch like a flirtatious butterfly.

November 23 - December 22

Resist the urge to gamble, as there is pressure on the financial sector. Children will be seen more as extensions of your ego, so with Mercury now retro in Virgo they'd better behave themselves under your roof Favourable colours are bright yellow and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6. It's an up-and-down day for the Equinox this year, as a number of cosmic clashes are in the air.

  1. aquarius february 6 weekly horoscope.
  2. january 30 gemini birthday horoscope.
  3. Capricorn Horoscopes : The Sea-Goat : Ibex : Saturn : Mars : Moon : Jupiter?
  4. aries compatibility signs?
  5. Aquarius Horoscopes : The Water-Bearer : Uranus : Saturn : Sun.
  6. Aries Horoscopes : The Ram : Mars : Sun : Venus : Saturn?
  7. Virgo (The Virgin)?
  8. But as the Sun rolls into Libra, your attention turns to private life, domestic chores and matters related to home and property. Family relationships and activities take the focus over the coming month. Your role and influence and the need to assert and express yourself in the family group increases. Be careful that parents or other family members are not put off by too much bossiness or stubborn pride on your part.

    Fortunate colours are apple green and yellow carnelian. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5. Your mental processes are energized, Lions. It's the Equinox and the Sun cruises into Libra, so you have an urge to read more, gather all kinds of information and to learn new things.

    You really need to communicate, as you become busier planning projects, attending meetings, dashing here and there. Buying a computer, new car, or communications equipment, or upgrading your present systems and machines may well be on the agenda for gadget lovers, so enjoy the season!

    Excellent colours are reddish gold and bright blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4. As the Sun sails slowly into Libra, we celebrate the Equinox, the ancient balancing point of the astrological year.

    Virgo is more concerned now with money, material assets and the type of life style or personal status they can provide. Your personal priorities and values take precedence in the weeks to come. Make an honest assessment of what things are really important to you, avoiding a tendency to overspend in the effort to project an image designed to impress others.

    Advantageous colours are creamy yellow and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3. As the Equinox comes, the ancient celebration of the harvest season, the Sun enters your sign and it's time for you to shine!

    How determined are you?