The taurus horoscope man

The Taurus man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
  1. Mars enters Aries
  2. Taurus Man
  3. Taurus Traits
  4. The Taurus Man: April 20 - May 20 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

He likes a show of feelings, is loyal, is touchy feely sensual, expresses things deeply and wants to be in control. You can expect a Taurus man to show his feelings rather than telling you how he feels.

He probably won't start a lengthy discussion related to emotions or even respond to your words of affection, but he will show you how much he loves and cares for you by bringing flowers or a present.

On the negative side of things, this man will also show his anger during times when he's not pleased. He can be very stubborn and might refuse to have a detailed conversation about an issue, instead preferring to show that he's upset by shouting or acting annoyed and indifferent.

This man is very persistent and loyal. It might take him a while to choose a partner or accept a date, but when he does, you can expect him to give percent. He knows how to pamper his partner, and he will go out of his way to do so. This strong loyalty, devotion, and capacity to care also make Taurus men very good husbands and fathers.

  1. Taurus Traits.
  2. Taurus Men.
  4. Taurus Man: Love, Personality Traits & More.
  5. gemini 2019 horoscope january;
  6. Dating a Taurus Man.

While not always verbally passionate or expressive about his feelings, these men go deeper than most think. There are often serious thoughts going on in their heads that they might not express to others, and chances are that not every layer of the man will show up right away in a relationship.

It might take time for you to gain his confidence and trust to the level that he's willing to allow himself to share these deep thoughts with you.

Mars enters Aries

A Taurus guy likes to be in control. He wants to know that he's providing for you even though he may acknowledge that you're perfectly capable of providing for yourself. As a father, he likes to feel as if he's the head of the family and likes to be consulted on all family decisions, whether they directly involve him or not.

Be aware that Taurus men also like to handle finances and want to be in control of money-related matters.

  • Taurus Men in Love.
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  • Some of the tactics used in business are similar to the ones a bull uses when protecting his herd. There can be a lot of posturing made in business to present the impression of strength and power. Being stubborn and steadfast in whatever position he takes makes a Taurus businessman formidable.

    The ability to carve out his own niche in the world, become rich, famous and successful, and enjoy the good life is the ultimate status symbol for Taurus. A successful Taurus is well-traveled, has a sophisticated worldly air about him and feels right at home rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.

    Taurus men aren't braggarts, they just seem to know that flaunting their success really does speak louder than words. They don't mind showing off all the trappings of their financial success, such as a glamorous wife, a grandiose home, a luxury car or two and a getaway vacation villa.

    Taurus Man

    Venus , the ruler of Taurus, bestows these men with charm in spades and when they fall in love, they love deeply and completely.

    This is a truly beautiful quality and dating a Taurus man can be divine. It's not uncommon for a Taurus man to shower his beloved with gifts, leave a rose on her pillow every night, and spoil her with expensive dinners out. However, love has to come to him.

    Taurus Traits

    He's not going to chase it. Taurus men really, really enjoy sex, but the problem is getting them into bed. They often sense that their strong sexual passions must be contained for them to have the serenity, tranquility, and the simple happiness they long for.

    As a result, you could never call them playboys.

    The Core Personality of the Taurus Man

    They are actually prone to sublimate their sexual energy and re-channel it into their career, or into what they consider a constructive and valuable piece of work. Taurus, the bull, is associated with the myth of the Minotaur and the labyrinth. The Minotaur is a hedonistic creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man that is trapped in an elaborate labyrinth where he waits to devour victims who are chosen from only the most beautiful men and virginal girls.

    The Taurus Man: April 20 - May 20 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

    Of course, Taurus men are not this extreme, but most do prefer to keep their animal natures hidden. Which means that if you're a woman who's interested in bedding a Taurus , you'll have to patiently weave your way through the "Labyrinth".

    Unfortunately, as difficult as it is for Taurus men to become involved in a relationship , it's just as difficult for them to let go of a relationship when it turns sour.

    In fact, it can take them years to get over a particularly poignant breakup. No profile of the second sign of the zodiac is complete without a mention of beauty.