Pisces weekly horoscope from 8 january 2019

  1. Pisces Good Days Calendar for January
  2. January 2019 Monthly Horoscope
  3. Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope
  4. Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope
  5. Mars enters Aries

Take a deep breath and trust. While winter can be a time of social hibernation for some of the signs, you might find old friends, acquaintances and relationships surfacing from the past. True friends and family will recognize your growth and support your decisions to put yourself first.

Now is a time for renovation and shaking up your space and routines. Your itch to travel may seem overwhelming, so pair that feeling and urge to an action: No idea is too outrageous for you, Taurus.

Get out a notebook and spend the time creating a plan of action—whether it be a new business idea, traveling or lifestyle choice. You will have the motivation to follow through, if only you just get started.

Pisces Good Days Calendar for January

Hold yourself and others to the same high but human standards. Your thoughtful nature and compassion can sometimes hold you up, Cancer.

This year, make decisions. This month is a new chapter for you. There is so much alignment this month for you Leo, beginning with the new year and your desire for a completely fresh start.

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If you want to change everything—do it. Maybe not right this second, but begin to find ways to supplement your income and focus on making every gorgeous thought in your big, beautiful brain HAPPEN.

You may already have a new love interest, or perhaps things are heating up with a friend or partner. There is also potential for a new living arrangement. There are a lot of metaphorical and physical walls this month for you, Virgo. Who are you letting in? This month might feel like a blast from the past—waves of sentimentality and nostalgia abound, dear Libra.

But the beautiful thing is that you get to decide what to let in and what to let go. Maybe this is a reminder that you used to love to draw or play piano. When is the last time you did something you did as a kid? This can serve as your reminder. Get out of your comfort zone and trust that you know yourself well enough to recognize what you need.

January 2019 Monthly Horoscope

I see a little domesticity rearing up for you this month, Scorpio. Major repairs or renovations are going on in the home. Tempers and passions could flare.

Yet all these things can assist you in making psychological progress. Home and domestic issues take priority over your career these days.

This is very much a social month. This is yet another reason apart from health to avoid power struggles and debilitating self-assertions. Good is coming from other people and through their good graces. Be careful about investments, major purchases and financial commitments this month.

Make sure that you have enough in the bank to cover basic expenses so payment delays will not affect you. Your most important areas of life this month will be love, romance, sex, personal transformation, debt, repayment, children, fun and entertainment.

Your paths of greatest fulfillment will be spirituality and charitable activities, religion, foreign affairs and higher education. Love is still happy and exciting this month.

Your general social popularity is strong. You are aggressive in love and go after what you want courageously. The only problem is that your affections are changeable. Singles find love in the usual places — at parties and social gatherings. Online romance is very much in the stars now.

Love messages hum through cyberspace. An overview Leo horoscope for the year This January love and romantic issues will become clarified.

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  • Mercury enters Capricorn.

There will be extra energy for you to achieve spiritual and charitable goals. Self-confidence and self-esteem are not what they should be, and you are rethinking personal desires and life direction.

Many planets in the West never favor self-assertion or personal power struggles, and the retrograde of you Ruler merely reinforces this.

Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope

Compromise, seek consensus and try not to force things to happen. You need to balance outward and inner goals, family and career, doing right with feeling right, the need for emotional harmony with the need for outward success. Health becomes more delicate after the 18th, and though you are not likely to ignore these issues, more rest and relaxation is called for.

If you keep your goals limited — focus on them — the planets should carry you to them.

Love is happy this month. A spiritual person — perhaps an artist or mystic type — come into your life. The Grand Trine in the Air on the 11th and 12th is also bringing romantic opportunity. The people you are meeting now are strongly connected to you spiritually and most likely from past lives.

Revelations about a present relationship arise — secret things come out. The good thing about this is that now you know what you are dealing with and how to proceed. Your intuition is being trained through love and social issues.

Love problems are not what they seem — only a call to unity and a closer connection to the Higher Power. Finances too are happy.

Money is earned easily and effortlessly. Profits are earned quickly. You help others prosper, and prosper in return. Debts are easily paid but also easily made. Your partner or spouse is generous. Be careful of overspending and over-optimism. Your most important areas of life this month are health, work; love, romance; home and family.

The paths to greatest fulfillment this month are friends, group activities, career though you must balance it with family obligations , helping others to prosper, sex and self-transformation. An overview Virgo horoscope for the year This January you will have extra energy to achieve social goals.

Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope

This is a period with much social progress happening. Popularity is unusually high and good comes to you through others. Your social goals are attained easily now. You need to focus more on the inner life — on finding your point of emotional harmony and balance and functioning from there. You are in a period of setting the foundation for future career growth.

Your job is to build a solid one. The Grand Trine in Fire on the 7th and 8th will bring you love, social bliss, increased earnings, creativity and great optimism.

The Grand Trine in Air on the 11th and 12th will bring health, overall well being and communication. It enhances your already strong intellectual gifts. This January mind your phone bill and try to avoid idle gossip and instead focus your enhanced intellectual skills on projects that are important to you.

Your most important areas of interest this month are: Your paths to greatest fulfillment are career, though you need to be building the foundation for it religion, foreign travel, love and romance. Love is close to home and happy this month.

There will be a serious and happy relationship with a neighbor. Someone who is also financially supportive or who provides financial opportunities. You are totally in his or her corner — totally devoted. This has marriage potential. Money, as we mentioned, comes from your social grace and from your spouse, lover or partner. Earnings should soar this month.

The danger is overspending. An overview Libra horoscope for the year This month children and creative issues will be clarified you will also have extra energy to achieve career goals. You must rest and relax more until the 18th.

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  7. There should be a dramatic spurt in vitality after then. Have a few attainable goals and stick to them. Let all lesser things go.

    Pisces January 2019 - ONE BIG QUESTION.

    Again, mind your temper and feelings of frustration until the 14th. January is a month for de-emphasizing career and instead work on family and psychological issues. Those of you on a psychological path will have plenty of material to work with this month. Moods and feelings are still volatile — as are relations with family members.

    You never know where you stand from one moment to the next. The home is a major soap opera these days! Most of the planets are in the West this month, which shows a need for compromise, seeking consensus and development of social skills.

    This is not a time for self- assertion or power struggles — yet, you have strong urges for this. Your most important areas of interest this month are finance, home, family, children, fun and entertainment. Your paths of greatest fulfillment are religion, philosophy, foreign affairs, helping others prosper, sex, health and work. Your financial drives are absolutely incredible, and woe to those who stand in your way.

    You are going for the gold and ready to go bust if you fail. There is no compromise if you fail. Happily, you have a lot of help. Love stays the same this January. An overview Scorpio horoscope for the year This month you will have extra energy to achieve educational, travel or religious goals. You have amazing energy and power behind you this month, Sagittarius.

    Hopefully, you will use it wisely and constructively. Most of the planets are in your eastern sector, giving unusual self-reliance, independence and personal free will. Mars will move into your sign on the 14th, you will have the energy of 10 people and will not suffer fools gladly. You get your way, and quickly at that! You have a window of opportunity now.

    Your paradise is your right. If you avoid temper tantrums, power struggles though you will win these and focus only on your paradise, you will be amazed at how far you will go.

    Others are going to adapt to you. You must have a stable emotional base for it. This period you are working from within. Your most important areas of interest this month are the body, image, personal appearance, intellectual interest, local travel, home, family, love and romance. Your paths of greatest fulfillment are helping others prosper, debt, repayment, sex, personal transformation, love, romance, fun and entertainment.

    Love is stormy and complicated this month —, especially after the 14th. You are torn between pleasing your beloved and asserting yourself. It is a difficult balancing act now. You want your own way intensely, but you also want to please your partner. Sexual passion is unusually strong. You might win the power struggle but break up the relationship.

    Further complicating things are the other romantic opportunities coming this month. These are not serious things, but they cloud the issue at hand. Finances are getting easier after the 18th.

    In the meantime you need to work harder for earnings — happily, you have all the energy you need for it. An overview Sagittarius horoscope for the year This January you are feeling confident, in control and making good forward progress towards your goals.

    Launch these new projects now. The message in the planets is clear: Ambitions need a solid emotional and psychological base. Success without a degree of emotional harmony will not work for you. To climb the heights you need to plumb the depths. So this is a month for psychological, inner progress and laying the groundwork of future success.

    You have more independence and self-reliance now. Create conditions as you like them, but begin within. Make sure you can achieve them from an emotional comfort zone. Your most important areas of life this month are finance, communication, intellectual interests, children, creativity, fun, entertainment, home and family.

    Your paths of greatest fulfilment this month are love, romance; health, work; children, fun, entertainment, home and family. Finances are still supercharged most of the month. Those of you involved in property or insurance litigation hear good news.

    Mars enters Aries

    Tax issues come out better than expected. Something that everyone considers junk becomes gold to you. Money comes suddenly, unexpectedly and quite easily. You want to have fun and financial issues interfere with this. Love remains the same. It is not that important to you at the moment — though you should focus on it more.

    Health is excellent all month. Job seekers need more patience during this month. Study all prospective offers carefully. Ask questions and get details. The job might not be what you think. Employers, too, need to exercise more caution now. An overview Capricorn horoscope for the year This January you will have extra energy to achieve social and romantic goals.

    January is happy for you, Aquarius, as much major stress is being lifted off you by the end of the month.