Eclipse january 2019 astrology cancer

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Observers at locations in Europe and much of Africa will be able to view part of the eclipse before the Moon sets in the early morning pre-dawn hours of January It is part of Saros cycle A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

January lunar eclipse Total eclipse Chart of the eclipse; ecliptic north is up, hourly motion shown right to left. All Central total eclipses Total penumbral eclipses Historically significant. Retrieved from " https: Use dmy dates from August All stub articles. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 28 December , at During the summer and fall, love and career issues are dominant, but the Aries Aries: When Jupiter conjuncts Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

April would be a marvelous month for a romantic getaway — the New Moon in early April is in your own sign, boosting your confidence and helping you to show your emotions to someone you love. Later that month, Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. The emphasis here is on sweet and quite traditional romance, so take your time — slow the pace down and savor each moment with your sweetheart.

The temperature hots up considerably in July when first Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. In an existing relationship, this is your chance to rekindle the spark, to flirt and to remember why and how you got together in the first place.

Recreate your honeymoon period and prioritize one another above all else. Come fall in the northern hemisphere, Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. This makes September and October excellent months for a wedding or for making a serious commitment to a lover.

Watch out for ego battles in October, however. Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

If you do find yourself bickering with your sweetheart constantly, get back to basics and re-commit to your lives together. Greater success and a higher income have always been a part of your ambitions, but early this year something else creeps in too: Gentle, caring Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

Once Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Find new income streams from among your under-used skills or take a leap of faith and change career path altogether, even if that involves a pay cut. During July, financial risks could be painful - Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Eventually, any financial sacrifices you have had to make will start to pay off and the pressure will ease. Bountiful Jupiter , planet of good fortune and generosity, makes a very welcome shift into your career zone early in December, so you can expect to see rewards coming your way.

A stunning Jupiter - Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Just in time for some festive spending! This may involve cutting back on your commitments to others and being a little more selfish than you would like. Early indications come around mid-February, when a tense and volatile Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Three squares between generous Jupiter and deceitful Neptune — one in January, one in June and one in September — highlight situations where you have given and given but neither your resources nor your time have been appreciated or returned to you. No surprise then that when warrior planet Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Some of those taking advantage of you may be family. A Lunar Eclipse in late January may bring this to a head and when Mercury turns retrograde in July, these matters will have to be faced.

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Fortunately, Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

This is tremendously positive energy and allows you to surprise others, as well as yourself. An empowering New Moon in your sign in early May is a further boost to your positivity. A beautiful Jupiter - Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Jealousy seems to be an issue as begins, but a conjunction between loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Passionate Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Romance gets a big boost in May, when Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Watch out for a major communications mix-up between you and your lover in July, however, when Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

For single Taureans, late August looks set to be highly memorable, with both Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Any relationship which starts at that time is likely to be passionate and deep, albeit not necessarily long-lasting. On November 11th, a rare transit of Mercury across the visible face of the Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

It represents your basic, core personality, separate from all the other influences that drive you. Remember why you are together and keep talking, no matter what. Your working life appears quite stable in , with few major astrological indicators of change. The arrival of Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Early in March, Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. At the end of March, ambitious Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Teamwork seems to be important in the northern fall so work on improving your relationships with your co-workers around that time.

When Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

January lunar eclipse - Wikipedia

It may be a different story in October, however, when argumentative Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. There are indications that has huge potential for you — so skill up now in order to take full advantage of what the next year may bring.

This is a good year for taking stock of where you are. Spiritual and philosophical vibes swirl around you throughout the year, allowing for much spiritual and personal growth — however, these vibes can be quite vague, so it will be easy for you to lose your way at times.

Table of Eclipse Dates from 1994 to 2030

In January, June and September, optimistic Jupiter squares up to nebulous Neptune , and these are periods when you may be especially vulnerable to denial, overly idealistic or have self-blame. When rebellious Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

A New Moon in your own sign in early June is a good time to re-set your image and to re-define your boundaries. Make it clear to those around you what you will and will not tolerate. When Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Be very careful with social media at these times, as what you say can easily be twisted against you.

Loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. The first quarter of the year is the best time for a wedding or an engagement. Relationships will pick up pace and fabulous memories can be made. As the end of the year approaches, Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

Eclipses, Solar and Lunar in 2019 – hitting close to home

During your work focus shifts slightly: Fortunately, the planets line up to assist you with this. Late January, June and November are periods when your inner strength and determination drives you forwards, regardless of circumstances. Watch out for some issues in March, when Mercury turns retrograde in your career zone.

At this point you may struggle to make your voice heard, or you may find yourself being passed over. Help is at hand later in March when Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

In May, ambitious Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. The first quarter of the year may feel a little bit unsettling, especially once rebel planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Mercury turns retrograde in your psychology zone in March, which again is an influence which prompts you to question and second guess yourself. The key here is to use this as a positive opportunity for therapy and acceptance, rather than to punish yourself for what you see as your past mistakes.

This first half of the year is a period of rediscovery and adjustment, as you shift from where you thought you were headed onto a new trajectory. Once Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

A Solar Eclipse in your sign in early July is the icing on the cake: A Solar Eclipse in your love zone right at the beginning of the year highlights a potential make or break situation. How you deal with it depends on what you want from your current relationship, but a beautiful Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

Indeed, this rocky blip could serve to make your relationship stronger and better, especially once gentle Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Argumentative Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Warm-hearted, generous Jupiter moves into your romance zone in early December, bringing new love if you are single or a huge upswing in love and optimism in an existing relationship.

However, a Lunar Eclipse in your money zone in late January suggests that your income may take a hit. A series of difficult squares between Jupiter and Neptune , in January, June and September highlight disillusionment at work and an emotional over-reaction to events in your career. Couple this with an explosive Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Although these events may be a shock, you are not powerless. A hugely positive New Moon in your career zone in early April helps you to make plans.

Mercury enters Capricorn

Once sociable Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Mercury turns retrograde in your income zone during July, but this is just a warning not to overlook the details in your financial dealings. An optimistic New Moon in your money zone at the beginning of August is the perfect time to launch a new venture.

Your head is filled with major plans for , but in order to achieve any of your ambitions, you need to be fit and healthy and well. As the year gets underway, your health is a major focus — a Solar Eclipse in your health zone on January 5th may bring an unpleasant shock in this regard. However, consider this a blessing in disguise — it may be the wake-up call you need to take much better care of yourself during the coming year.

Once bountiful Jupiter moves into your health zone in early December, your efforts of will start to pay off and you will see a noticeable improvement in your health and wellbeing.

Your personal spirituality and philosophy is undergoing change this year too. Around mid-February you may find your beliefs challenged during an intense Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

A few months later, in early July, a Solar Eclipse in your spirituality zone prompts you to re-evaluate what you believe, or to start down a fresh path of investigation and belief. Watch out for a connection to your family history in November when Mercury turns retrograde in your family zone. There are some fascinating secrets to be uncovered here, which will give you a deeper sense of who you truly are and an exceptional understanding of your roots.

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A very fortuitous conjunction between loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. In fact, Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

Established relationships are off to a good start too. A lovely New Moon in your romance zone in early February is a good time for a wedding or engagement, and Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

In June and September, difficult squares between Jupiter and Neptune highlight suspicious minds. Even if there is nothing to hide, mistrust and jealousy could plague a relationship, and you will need to be careful not to allow a poisonous atmosphere to develop.

A Full Moon in your passion zone in June may mark a difficult decision, and once Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

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Hang on in there and keep talking: Focus on what is good about your relationship, instead of finding reasons to be dissatisfied.

Financial abundance surrounds you in early , especially close to the Full Moon in your money zone in February. However, you may start wondering if this is really all there is to life. As the year wears on, your quest to find meaning in your work and career will become more important to you than how much you earn, and this could lead to some surprising choices on your part.

Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Expect to battle yourself internally, as you weigh up risk against security, satisfaction against money and family responsibilities against personal freedom. In July, a tricky Square A square occurs in an astrological chart when two planets are ninety degrees apart.

If you think about it, it's no wonder that relationship causes the friction that it does -- two planets at right angles to each other, each of their energies trying to move in a completely different The good news is that later in the year this struggle will become easier. With care and imagination, you should be able to find a way forwards with your career which will bring you both enjoyment and a secure financial future.

Mid-December is a likely high spot for this, courtesy of a magical Jupiter - Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

The post-festive period is also significant, as a Solar Eclipse on December 26th activates surprises and changes of heart in your everyday work zone. Keep moving forwards and make it work! For you, Virgo Virgo: August 23rd - September 22nd, is symbolized by the Virgin -- but don't take that too literally.

While this sign can be prim and fastidious, it also has a wild side.

Cancer January 2019 ~ ECLIPSE ENDINGS & RADICAL NEW CHAPTERS ~ Astrology ~ Horoscope

That reputation of virginity has much more to do with purity and perfectionism than sexuality, although Virgos can be a Air lends these signs a lighthearted, mercurial quality -- especially Gemini, which is known to be lots of fun, rather indecisive and apt to Expect this process to get underway in late January when a Lunar Eclipse prompts you to examine how you can best be of service to the world.

Answers come thick and fast, notably during the Full Moon in your own sign in late February — this is when you will realize how much you have to offer. Rebel planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

All this activity is leading towards a brand-new personal project or ambition, which will clarify in late August when there is a New Moon in Virgo — New Moon , New You. Along the way, watch out for some friction between your family and your in-laws, especially in January, June and September, when difficult squares between Jupiter and Neptune make it hard to tell who is on whose side.

Having said that, wonderful family news may arrive in late January, courtesy of a conjunction between loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

The emphasis in is on rekindling the spark in an existing relationship — or finding a brand new and intensely exciting one! A Solar Eclipse in your passion zone in the first week of the year sets the tone.

  • Mars enters Aries.
  • 2019 Eclipse Charts.
  • 2019 Horoscope.

If an existing relationship is struggling, March could be a make or break time. A New Moon in early March falls in your love zone, which could suggest a new beginning in your relationship…or a clean break.

Mercury is retrograde in your love zone during March, so do make sure that you communicate clearly and from the heart. Any wounds which need healing will feel much soothed once Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

The other major shakeup in your love life comes in December, when Jupiter shifts into your dating zone. As gets underway, there are indications of some tension between you and work colleagues, especially if you have felt overlooked or under-valued recently. Try not to take it personally; if you can hang on in there until early March, diplomatic Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

The period from late March to late April is significant for your income, with two consecutive Full Moons in your money zone.

This is a rare opportunity for you to get a grip on your finances, sorting out your future security and ensuring that your financial health gets a check-up.

This astrological vibe also bodes well for investments and for the first fruits from a new business of any kind. Energetic and ambitious Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. A New Moon in your career zone in early June is very beneficial, as is the arrival of Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

During , your image — and what other people think of you — will be very important to you; perhaps a little too important. From the very beginning of the year, following a Solar Eclipse in early January, your family may be at loggerheads over a decision you make. Be fair but firm in your family leadership.

September 23rd - October 22nd, is symbolized by the Scales, which are all about balance -- Libra's lifelong pursuit. This sign is happiest when everything around it is in equilibrium; when everyone is happy and getting along, and there are no major injustices making life seem less The northern Winter brings a resolution to the ongoing family-related rumbles — once Jupiter breezes into your family zone in early December, peace will reign.

In mid-December, a delightful Jupiter - Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it. A very flirtatious phase in late April comes courtesy of the arrival of Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

However, this comes against the backdrop of a very volatile Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

If you play with Fire Just as fire burns bright, crackling with heat and energy that are as essential to life as they are potentially destructive, so is the energy that burns within Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Fire Signs of the Zodiac. Each of these signs gains a vitality from their element that outshines the Once shock-jock planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

If you want to restore peace to an existing relationship, early April is your best shot, with a New Moon occurring in your love zone, enabling a new start if both parties genuinely want it.

Any relationship which forms around this time will go through a meaningful phase during mid-October, when the Full Moon in your love zone brings something to fruition. This is something of a challenge, especially once unpredictable Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Difficult squares between Jupiter and Neptune hint at a communications breakdown at work in January, June and September, and in March especially, with Mercury retrograde in your work zone, you may struggle to get along with your work-mates.

A very promising Full Moon in mid-May occurs in your money zone, however, so financial gain is on the way. If you can stick out the difficult transition period, things will settle down. Watch out for a Solar Eclipse in your career zone in early July — there could be a surprise in store. This may come as a shock at the time, but it will be to your benefit in the long run.

Luxury-loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Fortunately, a New Moon later in October falls in your money zone too, so you should find it easy to increase your income to match your appetites! Once determined Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

It all starts with a Solar Eclipse in your learning zone in the first week of the year, which is mirrored by another such eclipse in the last week of — the distance you will travel, mentally, between these two dates is remarkable.

Make every effort to expand your mind and to take up new learning opportunities. Befriend someone who would benefit from your experience and help them to learn their own lessons too.

A Full Moon in your own sign in May gives you confidence in how much you have to offer.