Weekly horoscope aquarius january 9 2019

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: You Will Be More Effective
  1. Daily Planetary Overview
  2. Aquarius Horoscope 2019
  3. Aquarius Horoscope ~ Aquarius I Darkstar Astrology
  4. Weekly Horoscopes, Annual Forecasts

But very soon, early March, this planet will enter the sign Taurus. Hard to tell, but I suspect many tech stocks might stumble for the 7 years that start this March. For Europe, add 8 to 10 hours. For India, 13; for China, 16 hours, etc. For eastern Asia, you could almost add a day, roughly, to all the dates denoted below. The accent remains on your prestige goals — career advancement, raising your worldly status, etc.

This is a good, relatively smooth week. You are about to, or feel pushed to, make a short-term agreement with someone who raises your hopes about life, could be a friend. You awaken to bigger ideas, themes of world-wide understanding, intellect, education, culture — and love.

Daily Planetary Overview

Many single Aries will find love, weddings in You might make a new friend. Be ambitious but proceed with some caution. Mental harmony, gentle love, and pondering the big questions — these call you during this easy week and the next two. Buy travel tickets, know your legal rights, contact scholars, foreigners. But realize this whole zone is unreliable, and will tend to spark your least honourable motives, so proceed cautiously, with an eye on yourself.

Recent sensual intensity around a friendship or a friendly love attraction, dies down now to mid-February. At the same time, this intensity shifts to your inner and private worlds, which will aid your financial and intimate goals.

Relationships face you — in loving ways. Jump on opportunities, deal with the public, make friends, show affection. Now you plunge to the heart of your mate, or persuade business associates to reveal their finances.

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A high-tech investment looks good. Gentle love, travel, intellectual pursuits. This area will draw you, perhaps mightily; yet it also holds unexpected, and often seemingly inexplicable results. This holds especially true with finances and sex. Though the few weeks ahead emphasize this tri-part possibility, the entire 17 months ahead offer the same warning.

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BTW, the open, honest side of relationships remains very favourable. You feel in love.

The world shines with beauty. A relationship either sparks with sudden attraction, or surprises in the other direction. To work, chores await. Take care of your health. Your Monday efforts could yield praise, even promotion vibes.

Relationships, relocation themes, fresh horizons even mentally — accept different ideas , opportunities and dealings with the public fill this interval. You could fall in love! This is admiration of someone; if only lust speaks, be cautious.

The other person might be more than ready.

Aquarius Horoscope 2019

Only one possible glitch, early Thurs. But a superb few days! Avoid an argument Fri. Do some research or detective work. Relationships, fresh horizons, opportunities, relocation themes, and dealings with the public are emphasized this week and the next few.

For the next 17 months, be cautious with all these themes — but especially this January and particularly Jan.

Aquarius Horoscope ~ Aquarius I Darkstar Astrology

For 6 weeks ahead, higher-ups grow impatient, yet might promote you. Hug the kids, bake, repair, relax, sink into nature, garden and other beauties. A career demand might draw you away — be calm. Passion, romance, self-expression, creative and risk-taking actions, beauty and pleasure fill this interval, and fill it fortunately.

Your heart could soar. But someone met Tues. To work — and improve your health vitamins, exercise, etc. Usually, this would be a good time to start a new link, but consider carefully before you commit.

Is filled with chores, as are the next two. Do what is necessary, no more. This is a smooth, easy week. Just plod ahead and get it done.

Weekly Horoscopes, Annual Forecasts

Errands, trips, visits, calls, paperwork. One of these might bring you to a love, or a mentally-stimulating friend. Be home, hug the kids and spouse! But be wary Tues. A friendship leads to laughter, wit — value this person! Sidestep a conflict Fri.

And the next two emphasize creativity, risk, winning, happy, charming kids, beauty, pleasure, and deep romance. Some of this will be good, but much will subtly sabotage your progress. In pleasure, default to social pleasure or group activities. Monday starts 6 weeks of intense sexual desire — and magnetism. Seek money and bargains.

Pay bills and send invoices. This is a light, busy, upbeat time. Perform errands, visits, travel, communications, media or paperwork.

Be curious, ask questions, read, note details. Relationships lean toward harmony, affection, esp. This is your area of great good luck in You might buy a property — splendid results! So do beauty, immediate pleasure, creative and speculative urges, sports and games.

A new love might begin.

Aquarius! - There’s nothing left to learn about them - January 2019

Mostly smooth, but avoid a conflict over sex or finances Friday. The accent lies on domesticity this week and the next two, Libra. A rather good money period ends next week, so do what you can now in purchasing, collecting, seeking a raise or new clients, etc. Monday begins 6 weeks of intense relationship vibes.

If single, you might meet your mate much better, for most Libras, after Jan. If married, your bond either sparkles and re-ignites, or constant fighting begins. The present week is fairly smooth.

Your energy and attractiveness remain high. All is well — good luck rides with you. Your work and health benefit Mon.

Errands, communications, travel, casual contacts, paperwork, media, curiosity — dive into these. For some there could be a sudden moving in with a loved one, for others, this is just a triggering of enlightening new friends wanting to chill out with you in your residence.

If you have recently moved then this will simply be fun new friends wanting to spend time with you giving your pad a good old housewarming.

Planetary Row

Saturn spends lurking in your zone of self-undoing. But strangely it works rather well here as it can slow you down to the point that you will think twice before jumping into something stupid.. All the same, it can be one of the most difficult placements for Saturn if you are the type to be always starting new projects.

The best period for starting anything too ambitious is not now!! Patience will be learned. No more fads and novelties, instead you will finally read the five unfinished books by your bedside and will tie up the twenty odd loose ends left over from previous years. You are actually due for a rest and retreat period since the aforementioned years have been super-charged with work and other responsibilities.

Saturn conjunct your South Node on May 20 could feel a little eery when a karmic connection from the past comes back to haunt you. This gives you the opportunity to tie up loose ends with a relationship that really never had the chance of closure.

Supernatural events make you wonder if some hidden hand is conspiring to pull you together with this person, and maybe it is. Saturn is the lord of karma so the more that you resist the stronger it will grasp at you until you face what debts have been building up with this old connection.

It is time to pay your dues. Now, this can be a positive event too remember, they may owe you some protection and looking after. This person could feel quite parental too….. Your Aquarius Horoscope continues in eBook. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Search for: Share on Facebook Share.