Sagittarius free horoscope

  1. ALL ABOUT Sagittarius
  2. Friday 28th December
  3. Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
  4. Sagittarius Horoscope Today -

By mid-month, you are more decisive and confident about what you want and need, and by next month, others are feeling this about you, too.

ALL ABOUT Sagittarius

Personal goals are supported now, although you may do some battle with domestic problems, confidence issues, or obstacles until January. Despite ups and downs, you can enjoy excellent opportunities for improving your home life.

You do need to watch for being pushy or hasty in your private life.

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Aim to draw upon the initiative and energy of Mars in your home and family sector until the 31st to get things done! This is a time for actively working through problem areas and improving family relationships.

Daily Planetary Overview

While Venus spends almost the entire month in your privacy sector, it's moving direct all month, and there is a sense of forward movement nonetheless. However, if this was agonizing at times in October and November, it's a much smoother process in December.

Venus will enter your sign on January 7th, and you'll be raring to go, but for now, laying low makes sense. Sorting things out will serve you kindly.

In fact, you may need to deemphasize your love life to take advantage of other opportunities in your life now. Pay special attention to serendipities in December that relate to love, health, and friendship. Mars charges through your home and family sector all month, and you're likely to get in touch with buried resentments that can frustrate you enough to make changes.

You get the chance to work on or in the home. You may be defending, rallying for, or motivating family now. Your home life or inner life can be animated, colorful, and busy.

The New Moon on the 7th is all about you and presenting a new look, image, or more authentic version of "you" to others.

Yes, you're still reflecting and considering your next step, but you have more power than usual to take charge and to make an impact in the days after this lunation. This is a time for a new beginning of sorts. It's likely to cause a few ripples on the home front or with family, but it's also a good time for making decisions to leave a bad situation behind you.

For the first three weeks of the year, you have personal presence and power, but you can be rather hard to get in touch with on many planes.

Friday 28th December

Whether this translates as being a little hard to get, withdrawn, or aloof, it's a time for looking behind you in order that you can better see your next step forward. On and in the days surrounding the Full Moon on the 22nd, there can be new information about finances or a reveal of intimate feelings that rocks your world a little, nudging you in a new direction.

You come in touch with your feelings, but what to do with them may not be entirely straightforward. Don't put pressure on yourself - let things unfold. Pay attention if you get the sense that you're not quite ready for a plan to come together yet, and take more time if it feels right to do so.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

This is set to be one of your banner years, dear Sagittarius! The year finds your ruler, expansive Jupiter, in your sign until December, and you can similarly find yourself more comfortable in your skin in , feeling very much your true self.

In truth, many Sagittarians have felt out of their element in recent years, largely due to a Saturn transit to their sign followed by Jupiter in the background of their solar charts. The year was an improvement, but also found you a little reclusive.

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  8. You have two heavyweight planets in your sector of money, income, and personal resources, insisting that you simplify, transform, and shape up these things. It can be an essential time for developing and honing your talents, watching your money more closely, reducing or getting rid of redundancies, and treating yourself with more respect.

    The idea now is to take care of your resources so that they take care of you! Your colleagues enjoy working with you as you keep the work environment lively with your wit and humour and then it is not asking for much if you expect them to deliver. You may have lack of confidence in yourself and people around you.

    Maybe it is time to go through the whole project again and figure out another plan of action. Magenta will help you attract positive cosmic energy.

    Sagittarius Horoscope Today -

    Execution of important tasks between 7: Click here for a more personalised reading. While you are an extrovert, you will not blindly trust everyone.

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    • Sagittarius Daily Horoscope;

    Once you put your faith in someone, you expect them to honour it. Maybe you lay your soul open with someone and are now feeling trampled upon. Do not allow yourself to think this way, Sagittarius. Only the strong can open up completely with someone they love since this actually helps one feel better connected and understood with those you are close to.

    Astroyogi astrologers recommend the colour orange for you; this will help you channel the positivity of the cosmic energies in your life. Always wanting to be on the move, to learn something better, you can get very impatient and restless sometimes. And one of the major turn-offs for you is people interfering and being nosy about your affairs.

    Maybe some co-worker is encroaching upon your territory and trying to take away the accolades due to you. The Moon in Libra will make you want to stand up for your rights and feel the urge to be recognised for your own capabilities. Anything important should be planned between Astroyogi astrologers suggest you wear shades of red to attract good luck and charm.

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