Sagittarius horoscope january 13 2019

Sagittarius Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  1. Sagittarius Horoscope Overview -
  2. Sagittarius Horoscope 2019
  3. Sagittarius 2019

Fortunately, with Venus transiting your opposite sign of Gemini this summer June 8-July 3 , the stage is set for a meeting of the minds.

Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Sagittarius:

In the eagerness to share your interests, though, you might get a little overbearing—so make sure your significant other finds the subject as fascinating as you do. It can be easy to forget where you end and your partner begins. After all, with the North Node in Cancer all year, sensitivity is an absolute must—and supportive, nurturing relationships provide major opportunities for personal growth.

For a free spirit like you, it can be scary to let someone else take care of you. Unfortunately, with Uranus crashing into your house of work on March 6 and staying there until , change is inevitable… and often unpredictable. You can either work with it, or against it. Harness the power of Uranus in Taurus to break free from your daily grind!

Sagittarius Horoscope Overview -

The new moon on August 30 is the perfect time to plant the seeds of a new business venture. Working out the details may feel like a drag, but try to trust—and enjoy—the process.

Think of it as laying the groundwork for future success, one brick at a time. Pluto is still in Capricorn as well, forcing you to dig deep and be as resourceful as possible.

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For the more ambitious amongst you, there could even be fame if you are involved in the self-help, healing or new-agey type fields. The only thing to beware of is speculation in the real estate areas.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2019

You might overspend on a house that seemed like your absolute dream home only to find that it has a very expensive problem to fix later down the line.

That goes for people too! In your everyday life this romance for the quaint past could play out in a relationship that takes you back to your teenage years, or you may meet someone while visiting your parents in your hometown.


This aspect could ignite a full-blown soulmate love, especially with Venus conjunct Jupiter on Jan The passionate, sexual possibilities ramp up with Mars trine Jupiter on Jan Although the emphasis is on your own personal luck and self-confidence in , the boost in self-esteem is bound to have knock-on effects on your love life. This is generally a very pleasant year with Saturn behaving itself and taking a backseat now that it is in Capricorn.

Any problems that surface will mainly be to do with overindulgence and jumping into things without thinking. Trying to keep your feet on the ground may prove difficult with Neptune turning the root of your chart into quicksand!

Sagittarius 2019

This is an outer planet however so this will not be a huge worry, just watch out when it gets triggered by transits from faster moving planets. When Neptune steams up you could find yourself floating in a fantasy world.

Marvelous if you are artistic, but be wary of investing large sums in property without expert advice. Saturn in your cash house will be especially stingy, so that should restrict any yearnings to buy impractical pink-turreted castles. Most people worry about Saturn in the second house of cash because nobody wants to feel financially insecure.

Of course, there is always the possibility of that base level of experience, but usually, because Saturn is setting a lesson for you to find out what is truly valuable in your life. It can even be that earnings actually increase because you have seriously spent quality time working on your self-worth issues….