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  2. Leo Daily Horoscope
  3. Libra (astrology) - Wikipedia
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What's in your future?

Taurus Horoscope

The Empress signifies the queen of life, the ideal woman, the archetypal mother. She represents the matriarchal goddess, being part of nature, fertility, sexuality, and the generative forces.

Travel light, live light, spread the light MysticLotuss You have come to the right person, my Tarot readings are unique Today's Star Ratings Your general mood. Sex Hustle Vibe Success. Card of the Day The Empress The Empress signifies the queen of life, the ideal woman, the archetypal mother.

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Pet Chinese Mayan Name. December is a month of increased clarity in your home life or with living conditions and arrangements, as well as forward movement in your romantic life.

There is a strong focus on both work and play this month, and this is a nice change with work a strong force in your life, sometimes to an excessive level. Recreation, romance, creativity, hobbies, and children can be sources of increased pride, and involvement in these areas of life rises now.

A satisfying work-life balance is entirely possible now as you pay your work and personal life their due attention. Even so, at times this month, you may feel a little divided between keeping things light and fun or going in deep.

Mars has been moving through your sector of intimacy and shared resources since mid-November, stirring things up.

With Venus moving into your solar fourth house on December 2nd, you're in a better position to straighten things out and resolve conflicts related to money, support, and power dynamics. The , , and 24th can pull up frustrations getting what you want and possible confusion in a relationship. Watch that you don't push something too hard or become your own worst enemy on the and when your desires seem to clash with your current plans.

Competitive or frustrating elements in your relationships may also surface now.

Leo Daily Horoscope

Your better days for resolving problems are the , , and Mars in your zone of transformation and intimacy can animate close relationships, and it can also inspire you to take action on securing financial support. With continued emphasis on your work and health sector, this transit can also push you to make profound, lasting lifestyle changes, perhaps through quitting a bad habit, especially around the Unhealthy dependencies need to go!

Mars here can intensify your emotions and turn your attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's an important process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, but it does seem to keep you working behind the scenes.

You might seek out support for a project or clinch a deal now. Venus moving through your home and family sector virtually all month softens any rough edges around the home.

  1. Aries Daily Horoscope - Today's Aries Horoscope | jakubzidek.cz!
  2. astrology taurus february 26 2019?
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Even so, the month can begin a little sluggishly in this regard with Mercury recently retrograde in your romance and creativity sector and heading back into your sector of home and family, turning your attention to a household or family matter that you previously thought to be resolved.

Delayed initiatives can reawaken after the 6th. News can arrive that moves you forward, or you finally get a chance to put a project into motion. The 21st intensifies the work and health theme.

Libra (astrology) - Wikipedia

You'll be focusing on building skills, improving your daily routines, and ditching bad habits. This theme develops more fully in January.

Even so, shortly into this work-focused cycle, a Full Moon occurs on the 22nd , reminding you to pay special attention to rest and spiritual nourishment. If you've been overworking or forgetting to attend to your emotional health, this lunation will encourage you to slow down and balance things out.

You'll enjoy opportunities to recognize any feelings you've kept at bay or otherwise suppressed, clarifying your vision as you close out the year.


Mars moves into harmony with your sign on the very last day of the year, energizing you as you greet the new year. The year ahead is potentially brilliant for home and family life and improved habits, routines, health, and work, dear Leo.

Even so, you can be very busy making adjustments and fixing problems before things run smoothly. Later in the year, creative and romantic life improves.

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  • In many ways, is about establishing yourself. Streamlining and simplifying your daily routines makes sense now. Orderliness will be empowering, and paying close attention to deadlines, details, and rules will help tidy up your mind and emotions so that you feel freer to enjoy yourself when pleasure calls, which it is likely to do frequently this year!

    اُردو زائچہ

    This is an excellent year for starting new regimens to better your health and well-being, such as regular exercise and more structured and productive use of your time. This transit lasts until and is bound to bring you to a healthier, more focused and productive state.

    The very beginnings of long-term businesses or projects might happen for you in You continue to seek comfort, but also growth and improvement, in your domestic life in Get comfortable with yourself — the cosmos are fully supporting this endeavor!