Horoscope 12 january 2019 cancer

Cancer 2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  1. Cancer Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  2. Cancer Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !
  3. Cancer Horoscope 2019

February 18, Sun enters Pisces: In your life may occur some divergences related to family, living space, daily responsibilities or a possible relocation.

March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March is a month full of opportunities for the career, socio-professional status and success. Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: This is a period of emotional and spiritual instability, arguments with partner, adventures.

April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: Jupiter offers them the opportunity to develop a loving, gentle and kind personality, capable of understanding what other people feel and help them also understand. April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: The sentimental state is under evaluation, a desire to change something in the relationship, you are prone to escapades.

April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: Pluto initiates the Cancer natives in the world of transformations associated with their relationship with others.

They feel they need to change something in this area. And they will, at the right moment. May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: Full moon in May has a positive effect for you: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: June 21, Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: June is more relaxing in comparison with the previous month. They feel their souls unburdened, they are more optimistic and will enjoy an exceptional physical shape during the first days of June.

July 23, Total Sun Eclipse: Very beautiful things will happen in June. A trine will form in the sky between the two beneficial planets, Venus and Jupiter, an aspect that will bring luck, optimism, benevolence and relational chances.

July , Partial Moon Eclipse: Your mood is excellent, and your physical energy is huge. Even if, generally speaking, this is quite a tense month, you will have the possibility to relax.

Cancer Horoscope 2019 Keywords

August 12, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus: Creativity remains a strong suit in August , and you will successfully promote your talents, products or services. Mercury retrograde the ruler of Cancer zodiac sign in the fourth solar house indicates an increased concern for family and domestic problems. September 23, Sun enters Libra: In September , the Sun transits the house associated with real estate, land, housing, headquarters, yards etc.

The presence of Saturn in Capricorn activates for you the house of cooperation, association and marriage. April 24 — October 3, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: The presence of Pluto in Capricorn helps them to identify the toxic or the negative relationships, which create all kind of issues, because this is the ideal moment for letting in people more interesting that could help them evolve.

The partnerships, associations are going now through profound changes. November 27, Neptune returns to its direct trajectory in Pisces: Neptune continues its transit through Pisces, which for Cancer corresponds to the ninth house — the house of travels, high education and spirituality.

New opportunities for progress start to open up. Relationships will feel heavy going if your partner is immature because you will need to act responsibly for them.

On the plus side, if you involve yourself with older, more mature folk who have earned their authority in the world you stand a chance of actually having a very supportive time during this transit. In you could actually feel stable and protected by this person or persons. Look towards traditional and family minded people you can depend on and that should bring out the positives gifts of Saturn in this position.

The 7th house of partners is further highlighted because of the two eclipses that fall in this house in The first on Jan 6 and then again at the end of the year on Dec You are being given the opportunity of a good clean out of your relationships.

It could be likely that one important relationship could come to an end this year, but it is not a certainty by all means. The most likely time for any endings to occur is when Mars triggers hard aspects to this Saturn.

The first time this occurs is Jan 21 and the second on Oct This is because Uranus has changed signs and entering your house of hopes, wishes and friends. For example, you might just be starting university or a job that involves touring or travel. January is a month of great progress, achievement and success for Aries. This is a month of fast-paced change where you can have things your way, or create conditions as you like them.

People are adapting to you — especially in love. You are in a position to make things happen. This is very much a career month — a month for outward success. However, you must remember to set aside some time for seclusion and introspection. Reflect on the past year and praise yourself for your successes, you deserve it! But also learn from the mistakes of the last 12 months.

Your greatest fulfilments this month will come from home and family — though you should be focusing on career matters, intellectual interests, communication, the body, the image and personal pleasure. There are two important trends happening this month. Firstly, Venus, your Love and Financial Planet will cause your personal appearance to shine and your sense of style and beauty is enhanced.

Your sensual desires will be fulfilled. Love, romance and money pursue you. Secondly, Mars will show you much religious and philosophical illumination if you want it. A desire to travel and a general sense of optimism will be with you this month.

Cancer Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !

Your horizons are being broadened. An overview Aries horoscope for the year This January friendships will be clarified and the Full Moon of the 8th will give you the extra energy to achieve the home and domestic goals that you have set for yourself.

There is still much pressure on you to rush and move forward, however you need to slow down and reduce activities until the 18th. Be selective — go for the highest priority goals and let the lesser ones go. Your health is still delicate but the worst should be over by the 18th, then you will feel relief and enhanced well being.

Health and vitality are going to improve even further as the year progresses. Career and outward success are the focus of this January Public and professional esteem is like an emotional vitamin for you.

You are in a period of creating conditions as you like them, your need to compromise is lessening and you can at last have things your own way. Your most important areas of interest in January are sex, the deeper things of life, debt, repayment, career, friends and personal transformation.

Your paths of greatest fulfillment are communication, intellectual interests and spirituality. From the 4th to the 25th you need to study your investments, major purchases and financial commitments very carefully.

Love is becoming increasingly hot, fiery, stormy, passionate and tempestuous. Power struggles, jealousy and possessiveness with your beloved need to be avoided.

There are many romantic opportunities — especially as you get involved in charitable activities or causes you believe in. Physical passion and sexual performance are at an all time high now. An overview Taurus horoscope for the year This January the New Moon of the 23rd will clarify your career issues.

The Full Moon of the 8th will give you extra energy to achieve communication or intellectual goals. This is also true regarding both personal desires and issues at home.

KARK Rashi - CANCER - Predictions for JANUARY- 2019 Rashifal - Monthly Horoscope - Suresh Shrimali

Research carefully if you are involved in buying or selling a home. Similarly purchasing clothes and personal accessories also need more due diligence. Health becomes more delicate this month, especially after the 18th. Try to rest and relax more and maximize personal energy. You have enough energy for what you really need to do but not enough to waste on idle gossip or power struggles with your beloved.

You are still a social creature this month, developing and practicing your social graces. But personal independence is getting stronger. Love is stormy, volatile and tempestuous. A current relationship is undergoing a crisis and could dissolve. If it is good, it will survive, but it will be a wild up and down ride.

Power struggles and attempts to control behavior on both sides seem the root cause. A friend or a co-worker wants to be more than just this.

This could disrupt a current relationship.

Cancer 2019

The problem in love this period is too many opportunities rather than too few. Jealousies and competitiveness are stirred up.

Career and love conflict this January Both are important and pull you in opposite directions. You will have to balance them and make them cooperate with each other. Finances remain the same.

The very rare two Grand Trines are helping your health, finances and love life this month. They will spur on your optimism, creativity and enhance your communication and intellectual skills. An overview Gemini horoscope for the year This January religious, philosophical and educational issues will be clarified.

You will have extra energy to achieve financial goals. The planetary aspects are friendly towards you — especially after the 18th. Thus this should be a happy and successful month — filled with forward progress and achievement.

Launch new projects and ventures before the 8th or after the 23rd. Focus on your career now and de-emphasize family and domestic obligations.

Cancer Horoscope 2019

There is good career progress happening this month. Family members are themselves ambitious these days and seem supportive of your career goals. January is a social month for you and you will be given the opportunity to hone your social skills. Career success will be achieved through compromise and consensus rather than through self-assertion and self-will.

Your important areas of interest this month are sex, personal transformation, debt, repayment, health and work. Your paths of greatest fulfillment are the body, image, your personal appearance, career, spirituality and charitable activities.

Health is good this month. There is also increased physical exercise and athletic activity. Job seekers enjoy good success. Conditions at the workplace are hectic and unusually active. You are all working very hard, but it seems like fun, there is a good spirit there. Finances are also strong early in the month and windfalls come out of the blue.

Your partner or spouse seems generous. Debts are easily paid and easily made. Perhaps you overspend on gym or sporting equipment. Love seemed stormy early in the month but improves after the 18th. Important shifts in romantic attitudes and desires are happening — these will become more manifest in the coming months.

Singles find love through friends or through group activities and organizations. An overview Cancer horoscope for the year This January debt, taxes and sexual issues will be clarified. You will also have extra energy to achieve sensual fulfillment and to improve your image.

Rest and relax more until the 18th.

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Your health and vitality should improve dramatically then. January is a time for finding your emotional comfort zone and functioning from there. This will not be easy, as family life seems hectic and stressful. Major repairs or renovations are going on in the home.

Tempers and passions could flare. Yet all these things can assist you in making psychological progress. Home and domestic issues take priority over your career these days. This is very much a social month. This is yet another reason apart from health to avoid power struggles and debilitating self-assertions.