The nature of capricorn horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign
  1. Capricorn Nature
  2. Know about Capricorn Facts & traits form
  3. Capricorn traits

He wants a steady relationship and he is a devoted partner, as long as there is an equal split share of work and costs. Having said that, the Capricorn man is only too happy to look after you, and he will make sure that the bills are always paid on time, and the rent is never behind.

He will be a source of support and strength to his partner, and the role of protector comes easily to him. He is unlikely to be fickle or unfaithful, as he has weighed up all his options and made the right decision, so he simply does not have a reason to stray.

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A long-term partner and steady emotional commitment are all this goat asks for from life. The Capricorn man may surprise you in the bedroom, turning from tame goat to wild satyr in the space of time it takes you to turn the lights down low.

Capricorn Nature

In between the sheets, he will apply the same attention to detail he demonstrates in the boardroom to lovemaking and can be surprisingly passionate if and when he loses his inhibitions.

However, a Capricorn man is very interested in pleasing his mate, who may be able to convince him to let down his guard and indulge in some fantasy. He is generally considered most compatible with Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, and Scorpio.

  • Capricorn Man: Love, Personality Traits & More.
  • Capricorn Man: Love, Personality Traits & More.
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See also Sun sign compatibility. However, there is a lot more to compatibility than only the comparison of the Sun signs. For example, how do your Venus signs compare? Find out Venus signs here. Discover Venus sign compatibility here. Practical and reserved, the Capricorn man is a hard-working, down-to-earth person whose foresight has him thinking in the long term.

Even the more outgoing Goats have a somewhat guarded manner, as they are usually exceptionally aware of how they are coming across. However, he is very humorous and often in a sarcastic way, and has an interesting take on the world.

He is loyal, thoughtful, and essentially kind-hearted. The Capricorn man is practical and manages his financial portfolio with sensible, realistic investments. He plans well for the future and expects his retirement years to be comfortable ones where he can relax and enjoy himself without the need to worry about money.

He is generally more concerned about future security than most other signs. Owning a pessimistic attitude at times and skeptical attitude almost always, the Capricorn man is extremely wary of anyone promising quick riches for low-risk opportunities and will not open his pocketbook for any of these get-in-on-the-ground-floor invitations.

Jewelry might consist of an expensive, high-quality watch, but the remainder of his bling will be kept to a minimum. Capricorns with an instant smile are the most approachable of the bunch, but even these Goats can subtly intimidate others, even without wanting to.

It is largely due to this trait that Capricorn men often get involved with rather outgoing people who make the first move. Capricorns can be reluctant at first in a relationship, possibly because he knows that he takes people to heart and any new relationship is a big investment in his mind.

Know about Capricorn Facts & traits form

He might even put those things he is less confident about on the table so that he can get that out of the way. Capricorns' biggest problem is confidence.

They always worry that a love interest will prove faithless. Capricorns respond well to domestic life because it provides stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical Capricorn is unlikely to jeopardize the union.

They place great importance on personal happiness. Although they may seem to lack many traits that attract friendship, Capricorn men and women make loyal and caring friends. Because they love stability, Capricorn men and women gain something special from long-term friendships.

Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: December 22 - January 19" 21 August Understanding the Chinese Zodiac. July 23 - August Those with a Capricorn zodiac sign are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness.

Those victories sure smell sweet, though, and that thought alone will keep Capricorns going. Did you know that Capricorn sign dates can change year to year? The Goat is the Capricorn symbol, and an apt mascot it is.

Goats love to climb to the top of the mountain, where the air is clear and fresh. In much the same way, Capricorns want to get to the top of their chosen field so that they can reap the benefits of success; namely fame, prestige and money.

Capricorn traits

Sagittarius sun sign folks can indeed be domineering, even egotistical, on their route to the top. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was the father of many of the gods. Caps are happy to work for it, and luckily they possess enough discipline and sense of responsibility to get them there.

Capricorns tend to be mature and are amply blessed with common sense, two more qualities which help their success-driven endeavors.

The element associated with Capricorn is Earth.