Aquarius man most compatible sign

Aquarius compatibility table
  1. Aquarius-Libra Match
  2. Is the Aquarius Man Compatible?
  3. Aquarius-Gemini Match
  4. The Aquarius Man
  5. Aquarius Compatibility - Love, Sex, Trust & Life

Aquarius isn't about changing you, just helping you reach your potential.

Aquarius-Libra Match

After all, you're partnered with one of the most altruistic signs of the zodiac. So take the loving nudge, and spread your wings in a new direction, knowing that Aquarius will be your biggest supporter.

Libras are the more sensual of the three air signs. If you've fallen head over heels for an Aquarian, you have a lot in your erotic bedroom arsenal to leave your new lover panting.

Is the Aquarius Man Compatible?

You make a perfect social partner with your own brand of charisma that attracts friends of both sexes. Like you, Aquarius is well-versed in the finer side of life and shares your appreciation for beauty.

You may need to teach your water bearer how to enjoy a more sensual side of life, but that will be great fun for both of you. Aquarius will admire your ability to see both sides, like Gemini, and how you easily size up situations. Just because Aquarius isn't the jealous type, doesn't mean your flirting goes unnoticed.

As long as you don't take the fun beyond what is acceptable in a committed relationship, you'll be free to flirt to your heart's desire. A love affair with your own sign brings an understanding like nothing you've ever known. You understand the lack of emotionalism that might frustrate and confound other signs like Cancer.

You share the same interests and genuinely think alike. What's not to work in this relationship that's almost like being with yourself? Your lack of sexual prowess is never an issue with your Aquarian lover. Sex is okay, and you either take it or leave it without any problem. That's not to say you'll have a boring sex life - far from it.

You just won't have the depth of emotions two Cancers would share. Instead, your energies will be spent toward getting out into the world and sharing knowledge. You'll take up causes together and become a formidable team for making the world a better place while having fun in the process. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be constantly fueled by Aquarius.

Aquarius-Gemini Match

When air mixes with fire, you can end up with high passion or combustion. However, in most cases, he will want to have sex often, and if he is not in a serious relationship, he will like to change partners and not exactly be shy about expressing his sexuality. An Aquarius man can be difficult to be with.

His Sun is in detriment and this makes him vulnerable to all sorts of issues with respect and sometimes makes him take everything that is said way too personally. This can be challenging even for a partner with a very strong personality and the most important thing here is to set clear agreements on the way both partners will approach each other, as soon as the relationship starts.

In most cases this is a man that can be trusted unconditionally, but he will often be unreachable in a way that frustrates many signs of the zodiac and awakens their own general lack of trust in relationships.

He will never lie on a whim, even when he seems like he would, and if he decides to do so, it shows a much deeper problem in his relationship than a simple unconscious need to cheat or let someone down.

The Aquarius Man

He will probably be late on your first date, maybe on the second and most certainly on the third one. Then you will have no choice but to go paragliding, because really — what else could be more interesting than that?

By the end of the date, you will ask yourself if you were on a date at all, or doing something you would do with an artistic weirdo friend.

  • The Aquarius man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style.
  • Mars enters Aries?
  • Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs.
  • The Aquarius Man.
  • Which Star Signs is Aquarius Most Compatible With? |
  • Aquarius compatibility!

Although this will not always be the case, you will most certainly recognize your Aquarius man in this paragraph. He is talented, idealistic and humane, sticking strongly to his beliefs and guarding his ideals with his life.

Aquarius Compatibility - Love, Sex, Trust & Life

His mission is not to irritate everyone around him, but to set them free of their prejudice and superficial rules of behavior. Most of the time he will simply hold on to the strengths of his mind and have a distant, dignified attitude that leaves no room for closeness.

If you manage to reach his core, you might find that his image hid some true fireworks in his heart.

He is exciting to be with, intelligent, free of prejudice and fast. Any modern, shiny, technical gadget will do.

Find out in your 'Relationship Oracle' 1 Year Relationship Forecast Report!

He will act like a little child if he gets a new laptop or a telephone, with an instruction manual longer than your average encyclopedia.