Blood moon january 27 astrology

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In order to really harness this energy and to stay open to it, here is a releasing ritual that will also help you to tune into the future-. Start by taking your three identical sheets of paper and writing Yes, No, Undecided on each sheet.

Once you have written the words on the sheets, fold them so they all look identical. Collect all of your supplies so they are within easy reach and then start smudging your aura and surroundings. For specific instructions on how to do this, read this.

As you cleanse your energy and space, recite the following mantra or write your own-. Please know that I am open to you and open to the light and love that you hold for me. As I cleanse myself and my space, I make way for the new blessings you will bring into my life.

I invite my guides and angels to join me as I release, cleanse, and surrender to the pathway that will open up before me. Once you are smudged and cleansed, light your candles, place your crystal in your lap and get out your notebook. On the top of the page write the date: There are no limits as to what you can write, but I recommend really going big for this one.

Release what you are most afraid of losing, release what you are most attached to. Leave your fears aside and just give yourself permission to release. Let it all go. Dump it all out.

BLOOD MOON 27-28 July 2018 ( lunar eclipse)

Take it off your shoulders and onto the page. If you are struggling to write, just keep writing down the thoughts in your head as this will help you to keep the momentum going. Once you have dumped it all out onto the paper, re-read what you have written and highlight or observe any themes or things that have come up for you.

Then close the notebook and place the crystal on top.

Intuitive Astrology: Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January - Spiritual People

Take a few deep breaths and repeat the following feel free to write your own —. Please guide me to help break any destructive patterns in my life. Please guide me to find the strength to make it through.

Sometimes you are able to head off difficulties by paying attention to the signals you pick up at eclipse time. If your birthday, for instance, falls on February 1, and the eclipse falls six months from your birthday, August 1, it is still significant, as it will be degrees away, and aimed directly at you, so to speak.

Also, note if the eclipse falls on or close to your rising sign degree or any planets in the first house, as that one will be felt strongly in terms of health, too.

Eclipses will sometimes point out underlying weaknesses in health that can be addressed quickly so that you can soon be feeling great again. A solar eclipse generally points to a prominent male in your life, so often a man may leave. If you are to be affected, you may break up a relationship with a man, or see that your boss has quit and is leaving, as another example.

Astrologers generally use the following pecking order when trying to determine which man it may be: Lunar eclipses are generally female. Your relationship may likely change quite a bit. The usual order we use for a lunar eclipse is: This is generally the case most of the time, but occasionally these genders will swap out, and I am not sure why!

Even though eclipses coincide with new and full moons, they are much stronger than a regular new or full moon. You can think of eclipses as a new or full moon on steroids.

They pack so much more energy and punch than a normal lunation of the Sun or moon. In fact, they feel like they are three new or full moons rolled into one.

Bide your time and act a few weeks after the eclipse, at a time when less static will fill the air. Said another way, it is better to listen and respond than to issue announcements and ultimatums. Hold off on beginning new ventures at eclipse time.

If you need to sign a contract, try to add several days beyond the date of the eclipse to sign when your judgment will become stronger and sharper.

In this case, you are responding, so it is fine to act. Having said that, eclipses tend to get truth to the surface very fast, like a geyser of water forcefully rising to the surface. You may not keep things inside, even though you planned to do so! The first example shows an action someone else is asking you to respond to if your landlord — good, you can respond to any changes the landlord brings up , but the latter is an action you chose to take under the eclipse a talk with your sweetheart — not such a good time to do so.

The ancient astrologers always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, your plan would not work out quite the way you expected, and it will likely not be to your advantage.

Of course, every eclipse is different, and some are friendly to your planets and some are not. If you are a manager or own your own business, do not hire anyone at eclipse time!

Give 10 days after the eclipse to add to your staff. If you know an astrologer, be sure the eclipse is friendly to the natal planets in your unique chart. You may experience a big change in lifestyle or massive change in one specific part of your life.

The same is true if the eclipse falls on your rising sign — the first house of your chart. Your old life may now fade into history as a new one shapes up. Let me give you an example. Of course the closer the mathematical degrees of the eclipse match your Sun, the better and the more important the eclipse will be for you. I do have to add the disclaimer that we always have to look at all the planets involved in your chart and see how they are aspected at birth, but generally, this rule will be true.

Eclipses in the same element are often friendly to each other. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. For example, as soon as the Pisces-Virgo series of eclipses are done on February 26, , that series will not be back until September 17, While the family of signs will repeat sooner than that, in about seven or eight years, they will appear in different mathematical degrees than they did recently.

However if you go back 19 years and look at the series of eclipses that arrived that year, you may be astounded to see that all of them will be nearly identical in the family of sign, mathematical degree and precise date it arrived. Keep in mind that the other planets in the sky will have since changed position, so no year is ever a carbon copy of any other year.

Still, by looking back 19 years, you may be able to come up with a theme that will teach you something. The most dramatic example I can give you is one that affected me. My daughter, Diana, was to go to college for the first time on an eclipse that fell August It was the day her father was driving her to Boston College, and I was a little worried because there was an eclipse that day.

I was hoping all would go well, that the drive there would be uneventful, and that Diana would like her dorm room. I thought, well, I can look back 19 years. How could the previous eclipse in the same sign and degree of 19 years ago possibly affect her, or me? I did the math and realized, much to my shock, that 19 years earlier, to the precise day, I had found out I was pregnant with her.

The first eclipse, 19 years earlier, taught me to be a mother. I was now learning to be a mother again in a different way, by letting my little bird fly away independently. As I realized this, I got goose bumps all over. The universe runs on time and is a source of vast wisdom. I will never forget the moment I realized this!

As said, sometimes it is helpful to look back to those years to see what themes e emerged at that time so that you can predict what might come up for you now.

Just take 19 years from the present and look up to see what happened at eclipse time from the table below. So for example, your birthday falls on February An eclipse is coming February 26, , or you were born on August 26, exactly six months away.

Watch January 26 one month earlier , plus or minus five days, and one month later, March 26, plus or minus five days. Let me give you a visual idea of what I mean. Later, when Mars, the warrior planet, takes the same route as the eclipse did and reaches that scab, at the same mathematical degree and sign as the eclipse, something may happen.

Being the rough and tumble guy that Mars is known to be, he will break that scab open and the news of the eclipse would be released. This may also happen if Mars is in the opposite sign of the eclipse but same degree. Saturn, being a karmic planet, can do the same if he is close enough and is due to travel over the same path, same sign, and same degree.

I thought you might like to know how I calculate things for you! Your judgment may be impaired, or pieces of information may be missing, so bargain for more time to think about your decision or next action.

You may want to wait seven days before deciding, but that is not always possible.

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If someone comes to you with a proposal, consider it carefully. If after looking at it from all sides you like it, then proceed, but try to beg for just a little extra time.

Keep your schedule light because urgent things often come up at eclipse time that will need your immediate attention.

  1. Full Moon for January Full Wolf Moon and Blood Moon | The Old Farmer's Almanac;
  2. All About Eclipses: A Guide for Coping with Them - Susan Miller Astrology Zone;
  3. .

You may see your life change as a result. Get expert help if necessary, or hire helpers in your own personal life if you need more hands on deck. An eclipse may bring news suddenly, but it takes weeks to understand its real meaning.

If you should suffer under an eclipse, consider that perhaps that situation is being swept away so that the universe can provide you with something better. Be patient and keep an open mind. In the fluid situation it creates you can find ways to benefit.

Here is one example. Mary has worked at the same company 15 years and does her job well. Her raises have been so little as to be almost non-existent, but she was so loyal to her employer she would never think of leaving.

Eclipse 2018: Will the Blood Moon total lunar eclipse affect your zodiac sign TOMORROW?

Now comes the eclipse and she is downsized. Mary is terribly upset, worried about how she will pay her rent, and if you asked Mary, she would say that the effect of the eclipse on her has been catastrophic. However, the universe, in its wisdom, knows Mary can parlay her experience and qualifications for a much more interesting and well-paying job.

The universe clears her basket so it can provide her with something infinitely better. In two months, Mary found a wonderful new job, and she only then realized what a blessing in disguise the eclipse had brought her. Eclipses can show you that you are capable of much more than you assumed. You may be offered a chance to write a book or to record an album, for example or head up an entire department of your company.

Eclipses sometimes will suddenly open a door, and it would be one that was previously bolted shut and impossible to enter. Here is a good analogy of an eclipse. You are riding a horse in unfamiliar, beautiful terrain. Distracted by the lovely scenery, you completely forget about the fence until it looms suddenly, straight in front of you.

It is so much bigger than the trainer let on — this fence is huge. You cannot imagine going over that fence and surviving! This is a big stretch for you! Yet, it would be something you wish you could do, but in panic, you try to pull on the reins of the horse to try to stop him.

However, the horse has been trained to jump, and before you know it, you are flying through the air over a fence you feel is scary high. Each second you are in the air you feel you are moving in slow motion, for as up, up you go and over the massive stone fence.

Remember I had said earlier, eclipses play with your sense of time. The horse is doing the jump for you. The horse is fine and so are you — but you feel very shaky and breathless, and you are counting your fingers and toes.

That is often the experience of an eclipse. The eclipses that will touch you are the ones that are mathematically significant to your natal Sun, moon, and planets. Those are the ones that touch the same degree or are close to it of your Sun, moon, or one or two planets in that part of the sky on the day you were born.

In each chapter and on my website , be sure to check the birthdates and degree of the eclipse that I will mention in association with each eclipse. It is true that eclipses in a family of signs that highlight your Sun sign will be vitally important. Typically we will get six to eight eclipses in any one series family of signs in an tomonth period, but you may only feel two or three of those, not all six or eight.

The other eclipses, in any series, may have only a mild effect, or none at all. Unless you know astrology, it is hard to tell you how that eclipse will affect you.

It would be wise for you to keep a little notebook of events that happen near each eclipse and the sign, date, and degree of each eclipse because in time you will see a pattern every time that planet, your Sun, or moon is visited by an eclipse. Even if nothing happens, write that down, too.

If you ever see an astrologer, that information will prove very valuable. If your Venus is well aspected in your natal chart that means friendly to one or more planets on the day you were born , then it means that the new eclipse will trigger that happy natal configuration, and the eclipse would likely prove to be positive.

If your Venus is afflicted at birth, meaning not friendly to other planets at the time you were born, you may have problems at the eclipse, for that sore point will be triggered occasionally. The difficult eclipse will unlock underlying feelings or factors swirling around you and help you come to terms with that configuration in your chart.

You can and probably will address the topic forthrightly now. Treat your rising sign just like you would your Sun sign. They are equal in importance. Furthermore, if you have a planet near your rising sign, note if the mathematical degrees of the planet and the eclipse are close.

The closer the degrees within five degrees , the more likely you will feel something. Your rising sign or ascendant can only be determined by doing your natal chart using the day, month, year, city, and precise time, to the minute, of your birth. Once you know your rising sign, you must always read for your rising sign as well as your Sun sign.

Your rising sign has the same significance as your Sun sign — they are equal in importance in your chart. The rising sign partially explains why every one of the same sign is not alike — you are a combination of both.

The rising sign has another critical function, and without my getting too technical here, it gives further information of the timing of events in your chart.

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  • As an aside, if you would like me to write a custom book about your chart, go to SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope. The book I write will be just for you — it cannot be sent to anyone else. Be sure to have all of your precise birth information ready when you order. Request the original or vault copy of your birth certificate. You need the original, handwritten birth certificate the nurse recorded.

    It is available if you ask for it. At dawn, you have the same rising sign as your Sun sign. I can tell you where all eight planets were based, however, and more information about your Sun.

    Once you have your explanation of your natal chart, you need never do it again. Your natal chart will remain the same for life, so memorize your rising sign and degree. This is a very important point to remember.

    As said above and bears repeating , you have two charts: Both charts are vital to have and to read! Everyone, everywhere has two charts. If you read one without the other, you will only have half the information you need. So if you are a Capricorn, read for the section on Capricorn, and if you know you have Taurus rising, read for Taurus too.

    If you have a planet, or the moon, at the same or in close degree to the eclipse, pay attention to that planet, its placement in the chart, and the house that planet rules. I realize this may be way to complicated to comprehend, so just circle that planet and see what happens later.

    What if the news of the two charts conflict? Then the one with the more severe news will find comfort from the better aspected chart.

    The best way to learn astrology is simply to observe! You are likely to see the area of life that the house rules will become important to you, as well as the area of the chart that the planet rules. You may not know enough astrology to figure these things out, but in time, you will. Taking notes on each eclipse is a good way to get acquainted with the movements of eclipses.

    Just read for your rising sign and your Sun birthday sign, and I will take care of the rest for you. Find me on Twitter: With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins.

    Each eclipse in a series is united in theme and is strung together like pearls on a necklace. It will be triggered by an event happening elsewhere, and that is completely outside your control, but at eclipse time bring vast changes will come straight to your doorstep. Eclipses speed your sense of time and change the timetables.

    The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way. An eclipse, especially a full moon lunar eclipse, will help you to see the true character of someone close — brace yourself, you may not like what you see.

    Take any message you hear from an eclipse as non-negotiable and firm, so accept it, and then move on. Take notice of all news and signals you get near an eclipse, and take them seriously, even if news comes as subjective and ambiguous as gossip.

    Eclipses almost always bring up all kinds of unexpected changes of direction, assuming your Sun, moon, or a planet is touched.