Aquarius weekly horoscope 12 january 2019

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 December 2018
  1. January Monthly Horoscope |
  2. Thursday 27th December
  3. January 2019 Monthly Horoscope

You might find your home attracts many new and unusual visitors. The dates Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21 may well bring many inspiring folk into your world when these two mystic planets connect.

Jupiter in your wishes house links with Neptune in your cash house which could be quite useful for doing some manifestation magic. Financial aid could come from friends if you are in trouble or you could find ways of earning money through common interest groups, meet-ups or social gatherings.

Networking this year will pay off big time, so go to as many conferences as you can within your chosen field. There is but one remaining lunar eclipse in your 7th house on Jan 21 which opens the door for love to enter your life if you are single, later this love potential culminates in your home sector where Venus makes an exciting conjunction with Uranus on May For some there could be a sudden moving in with a loved one, for others, this is just a triggering of enlightening new friends wanting to chill out with you in your residence.

If you have recently moved then this will simply be fun new friends wanting to spend time with you giving your pad a good old housewarming. Saturn spends lurking in your zone of self-undoing.

January Monthly Horoscope |

But strangely it works rather well here as it can slow you down to the point that you will think twice before jumping into something stupid.. All the same, it can be one of the most difficult placements for Saturn if you are the type to be always starting new projects.

The best period for starting anything too ambitious is not now!! Patience will be learned. No more fads and novelties, instead you will finally read the five unfinished books by your bedside and will tie up the twenty odd loose ends left over from previous years.

You are actually due for a rest and retreat period since the aforementioned years have been super-charged with work and other responsibilities. Saturn conjunct your South Node on May 20 could feel a little eery when a karmic connection from the past comes back to haunt you.

Thursday 27th December

This gives you the opportunity to tie up loose ends with a relationship that really never had the chance of closure. Supernatural events make you wonder if some hidden hand is conspiring to pull you together with this person, and maybe it is. Saturn is the lord of karma so the more that you resist the stronger it will grasp at you until you face what debts have been building up with this old connection.

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