February 26 2019 scorpio astrology

Legend for Reading Horoscope
  1. Scorpio Horoscope - Scorpio - Darkstar Astrology
  3. Planetary Row
  4. Scorpio Horoscope 2019
  5. More Horoscopes for Scorpio

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They have been tolerating you and giving you enough warmth in spite of your cold reactions to their attempts to please you.

It is okay; forgive them for hurting you once. They are really guilty of all their faults and won't repeat them again. Understand compatibility with love horoscope. Check love percentage using love calculator.

Scorpio Horoscope - Scorpio - Darkstar Astrology

Pending work at office may pull you apart today. You may find yourself doing a late shift. Pay attention to yourself as well.

This is just a passing phase. With such a strong emotional basis in the core of their personality, people born on the 26th of February need to inspire and be inspired, and they will most likely spend the biggest part of their life in love and involved with different partners.

However, they believe in one love that lasts a lifetime, and will spend years searching for it if that's what it takes. Time is not an issue and they won't be pressured by their age or any sort of prejudice such as different religious beliefs, age, skin color, or anything else that makes them different from their soulmate.

The biggest problem they encounter is the lack of understanding for their childish nature, everything they wish to express through music, dancing, and play. It is imperative for them to find someone to play with them, laugh, share humor and beauty of the world, but this person comes into their lives only once they discover a way to handle their own dark shadows.

Each person born on February 26th excels in artistic expression and creative work. They need something to keep them inspired and motivated, something that changes often enough, and flows in a way, and will be deeply troubled by a daily routine at a desk job and nine-to-five working hours.

They will do wonders with design, interior, exterior, or web related, and easily shine through singing and music.


They have an eye for beautiful things and love drives them forwards, reminding them who they are at all times. Wolfenite is an excellent crystal for individuals born on the 26th of February, for it harmonizes their emotions and helps them find their core as they release negativity.

It will get blocked energy moving again, and prevent despondency and inertia when a person is faced with negative emotions or situations in life. This is a stone that aids achieving hormonal balance, and helps them restore order in confusing relationships.

Planetary Row

For a person born on the 26th of February, birthday is mostly a reminder of their childhood celebrations, parties, playing around, and the element of surprise. It is their dreamy nature that makes them sensitive to birthday breakfasts, a cake made just for them, a present under their pillow, and any way you can think of to color their day as someone who loves them would.

To really make them happy, write them a poem or draw their portrait. Saturn continues to keep things steady and comfortable in your learning zone, but you might find your neighbourhood has become a bit of a bore.

Jupiter, however, is growing cash-seeds in your financial sector so you should have plenty of opportunities to escape the dullness and get some adventure abroad or in other localities. For your Scorpio Horoscope , Ceres keeps Jupiter company in your bank zone.

Scorpio Horoscope 2019

This further boosts the chance of those Ceres seeds blossoming into large wads of notes. The best chance for a windfall is likely to come when Ceres is conjunct Jupiter on Oct 26 so this could be when investments pay out. It could equally be a day when your splurge out too, just make sure it is on something sensible that will grow in value.

Lilith is acting up in your domestic zone, this can be quite difficult to handle has the dark goddess hates to be chained to the kitchen sink.

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So it looks like quite a saucy year ahead for you Scorpio where you might find it hard to keep focused with all those tempting distractions. So then, Saturn in your communication house can make you quite fearful of speaking your mind.

More Horoscopes for Scorpio

This is because your brain is going through a period of restructuring. While your mind is rebooting itself, links between synapses may feel as zapped as when a telegraph pole gets struck by lightning.

One minute you have an enlightening insight and then, bam, short circuit, you are lost for words. What is going on internally can also bleed into the outside world.