Celtic astrology elder

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  4. Celtic Elder Sign | Celtic Elder Tree | Astrology of the Ancients

They are generous, helpful, and gentle.

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Suitable partners for this crusader of the Celtic tree zodiac are Ash and Reed, but can reach harmony with Ivy signs too. The noble one among the Celtic tree astrology signs is the Holly. Those born under this sign are natural leaders and easily acquire power and higher status.

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  • Celtic Tree Astrology?

They can effortlessly tackle the hardest tasks and often possess rare skills and tact. The Holly is always set to reach its goal and can be too competitive and ambitious at times. This tree sign brims with confidence, kindness and passion.

Ash and Elder signs can form a good partnership with the noble Holly sign. When a person is born under the energy of the Hazel, he or she becomes highly intelligent, organized and excels in the classroom. Just like the Holly, this Celtic tree sign is naturally gifted when it comes to knowledge. They possess the ability to recite and recall information, which makes them appear as know-it-all to others.

This clever sign from the Celtic tree horoscope pairs well with the Hawthorn and Rowan signs. The Vine is another shapeshifter of the Celtic astrology. This is due to the fact that people born under this sign are born within the autumnal equinox.

This makes them unpredictable, contradictive, and often indecisive. They can see the good and bad in each story, which makes it hard for them to pick a side.

However, they are always sure when it comes to their taste in food, wine, music and art — they have a soft spot for guilty pleasures. Vines have a thing for luxury and refinement. Willow and Hazel can suit their classic style. The Ivy Celtic tree sign is blessed with the ability to overcome all odds and can survive in any situation.

Celtic Elder Zodiac Sign

People born under the energy of the Ivy are loyal, compassionate and have a sharp intellect. Life may be unfair to them at times, but they endure the troubles with soulful grace. They can be drawn to the spiritual world and their faith is deeply rooted. Ivy signs are charming, soft-spoken and have a good compatibility with the Oak and Ash signs.

The one that keeps secrets between the tree signs of the Celtic horoscope is the Reed. This sign can dig deep to find the real meaning of things and discover the truth.

People born under this Celtic tree sign love a good story, gossip and scandals. This makes them perfect historians, journalists, detectives, and archaeologists. They have the ability to find the core of things and strip every layer of the story. However, they tend to be a bit manipulative at times, but still have a strong sense of truth and honor.

Suited companions for this curious sign are other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs. The last in the Celtic tree astrology pantheon is the Elder tree sign. People from this sign love freedom and others may see them as wild and untamed. They are often misunderstood and treated as outsiders, even though they are extroverts by nature.

However, the Elder signs can be deeply thoughtful, often very considerate of others and love to lend a helping hand. This misjudged sign fits well with the Alder and Holly signs. All of this talk about trees might inspire you to go out in your garden and admire the autumn foliage.

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People born during the first two weeks come under the new moon phase of the sign and they are more outspoken and impulsive. They are, however, extremely persuasive orators who will constantly challenge injustices or what they see as corrupt powers.

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The people born during the last two weeks come under the full moon phase, and while they have great vision, they are inclined to operate more successfully in the background rather than pursue a confrontational approach. Associated with Saturn, the raven and the god Pryderi.

The last of the signs, Elder people go through a transformation over life. At a young age, they are extravagant and energetic, but as they grow older, their grow into their power and earn respect. They can very self disciplined and overcome hardship that would break others, but can appear to be emotionless.

The personal lives of the Elder tree people are very open and public. They like to travel the world for adventure, fame and fortune. The Elder tree was sacred to the faeries and branches were hung above stables to protect horses from evil spirits.

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It was unlucky to burn Elder and an omen of death to bring it indoors. Elder people are self sufficient, lively, impetuous and outspoken. They dislike routine and refuse to be pressured by others. Restless and highly energetic, they thrive on change and need constant mental and physical challenge.

The leaves and berries are used for protection and in breaking spells that were cast against you or to undo spells of evil intent.

Growing an elder in your garden will protect your property from misfortune and harm. In Europe they planted elder in cemeteries to keep away the evil spirits. Elder archetypes among Celtic tree astrology tend to be freedom-loving, and sometimes appear to be a bit wild to the other signs of the zodiac.

You are often misjudged as an outsider as you have a tendency to be withdrawn in spite of your extroverted nature. In actuality, you are deeply thoughtful with philosophical bent.

You also tend to be very considerate of others and genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of assistance are sometimes thwarted by your brutal honesty which you openly share solicited or otherwise. The Elder represents endings, maturity, and the awareness that comes with experience. Pronounced roo-esh, Ruis is a sign that things may be ending, but will yet begin again some day.

Although the Elder is easily damaged, it recovers and is rejuvenated easily. The Elder is also strongly connected with Goddess spirituality, and the workings of the Fae.

The soft wood has a lightweight core that can be pushed out to create a hollow tube -- perfect for a Faerie flute! Elder was also planted near dairy barns, in the belief that its presence would keep the cows in milk, and prevent collected milk from spoiling.

Elder flowers and berries are often brewed to fight fever, cough, and sore throats. This is a time of transition -- while one phase of life ends, another begins. With maturity and experience comes wisdom and knowledge.

Remember that it's fine to be childlike, but not childish. New experiences and new phases of growth are continual, and these will all lead to spiritual renewal, and finally rebirth.

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Celtic Elder Sign | Celtic Elder Tree | Astrology of the Ancients

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