Free aquarius horoscope today

Daily Planetary Overview
  1. ALL ABOUT Aquarius
  3. Aquarius Horoscope: Daily & Today |

Ashton Kutcher, the stylish actor who has acted in various popular films, including 'Jobs', in which he played the role of the iconic Steve Jobs, celebrated his B-day on February 7. Check out what lies ahead for him in Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac.

While everything new and new-age enthralls the Aquarius natives, rebelliousness of any sort liberates them.

ALL ABOUT Aquarius

Aquarius is known as the Sign of discoverers, inventors, adventurers and visionaries. Amiable and cheery by disposition, Aquarius-born tend to have a plenty of social charm. Aquarius natives may have a lot of acquaintances, but may have a very few close friends. Even if some Aquarius may seem to lead an entirely mundane life, on some digging, you would find that they have attached, somehow, themselves to a charitable cause.

Find here the free weekly astrology predictions as per your horoscope and zodiac signs for this week. These will help you know future and take control Know about the Astrology as per Jainism.

What are the exclusive beliefs and practices of Jain Astrology which make it so special for horoscope predict Venus will begin it's transit in Aries from March 26, which is going to end on April 20, You'll have plenty of opportunities to boost your spirits and emotional health through social connections, networking, healing activities, rest, and loving or supportive relationships.

Where matters seemed blocked, delayed, or unclear in November, you're likely to see advances and resolutions this month. Your courage and desire to take a few risks in your business or with finances is notable this month.


While you should take care not to spend impulsively, it's a stellar time for putting more faith and confidence in your ability to earn or in your talents. You're seeking more security and comfort, and you're prepared to take the necessary steps towards these ends.

The and are especially strong for taking action meant to improve your current circumstances. You more readily identify sources of waste or fear, and then take steps to put them behind you. Volunteer work or some other behind-the-scenes activity can be especially rewarding.

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Benefits can come from hidden or unexpected places, or from resources you never knew you had. From the 21st, the Sun makes its month-long trek through your privacy sector.

This yearly event precedes your powerful birthday month and is an important time for taking a good look at what attitudes, circumstances, and dead weights that need to go before you begin anew.

Your spiritual needs come into strong play now. Carving out time for extra rest, meditation, and reflection is especially important now.

Aquarius Horoscope: Daily & Today |

The last week of the month opens your eyes to a work or health matter that needs your attention, starting around the Full Moon on the 22nd. This is an excellent time to seek out advice, help, and guidance armed with a stronger sense of what you want to pursue.

You're now motivated to get going on your work and health goals with increased vigor. You're in particularly good favor for connecting with others and learning new things through much of December. The requires discretion and patience.

While this is true of most of the month, it's especially the case at this time! It's best not to jump into anything too quickly now. Adopt a wait-and-see attitude with money matters, friendships, and new initiatives. After the 6th, you'll find work and long-term goals more clearcut. You're in fantastic shape for gaining an understanding of these things until the 9th as you see what may have tripped you up in the past and where you can make improvements.

The can present opportunity periods related to your practical affairs. The year ahead is a special one for career, reputation, friendship, and relationships, dear Aquarius. The North Node in your partnership sector for most of the year suggests both rewards and challenges in your one-on-one relationships; and Mars in your sign for many months, some of which time is spent retrograde, suggests an important examination of your needs to stand on your own feet and assert your independence.

Fiery, assertive Mars first enters your sign in mid-May, just as your ruler, Uranus, moves into a new sign after spending seven years in Aries. Changes occurring now are complicated, and not everyone will recognize you at times!

Mars provides you with extra motivation, energy, and power to move forward with personal plans. You are learning to go after what you want without apology. However, there are hurdles, particularly while Mars is retrograde from June August You might second-guess certain goals or your confidence.