25 january 2019 horoscope in urdu

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  1. Pisces 2019
  2. Daily Horoscope in Urdu / Today's Urdu Horoscope
  3. Sagittarius 2019 yearly horoscope
  4. Aquarius Horoscope 2019: Foreign Trip/Travel Likely In The Upcoming Year
  5. Pisces Horoscope - Pisces - Darkstar Astrology

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  • Sagittarius horoscope-Exciting news! | jakubzidek.cz?

The time duration between the month of April and September will be very encouraging for you, as you may receive the rewards of all your karma, which will make you feel blissful from the inside.

You will feel light-headed as your amount of work pressure will reduce and you may as well experience success with your persuasive writing and reading skills in accordance with your Leo horoscope But make sure that you have a control over your speech and your emotions related to jealousy which will have a negative impact on you.

From your Leo yearly horoscope, it is seen that if you are planning to bear a child, then this is the most suitable period to do so.

It is also a good time to pursue higher studies as well. People suffering from diseases like Diabetes may want to be really very cautious, as this may in turn lead to something more serious, like Gangrene. You may have some hard time in your marriage life, as your relationship with your wife may take a toll on you due to regular squabbles and fights, due to your involvement in the financial aspects.

So stay calm and paint your bedroom walls with white colour, as is predicted in your Leo marriage horoscope. Know the percentages of different aspects of your physical and mental state.

Customer care 10am — 6pm, India. Home Horoscope Leo Horoscope You Will Exhibit More Enthusiasm Leo in , will have an optimistic and a zealous year, as you will be filled with confidence and enthusiasm which will reflect on your everyday execution of work.

Life Meter Know the percentages of different aspects of your physical and mental state. Compatibility Check out how well will your wavelengths with others match. Those of you who have issues with the government should try to resolve them now, as you can expect best-case scenarios.

Pisces 2019

Most Sagittarians have larger than life career aspirations but even these will get expanded in the year ahead. What will it be next? On the space shuttle? On other planets and in other galaxies? You feel there are no limits to the heights you can attain. One of the career challenges you face is the instability at home.

Perhaps some of the serial moves that we see are coming from your career, i. Emotional volatility could also destabilise your career. Again, remember to keep tranquil. Mercury, besides being your Love Planet is also your Career Planet. He moves quickly and will move through the Signs and Houses of your Horoscope in the year ahead.

You will have many ways of and many different kinds of opportunities for advancing your career.

Daily Horoscope in Urdu / Today's Urdu Horoscope

These shorter trends will be covered in the monthly forecasts. Saturn is your Financial Planet. This year he will be in the Sign of Cancer.

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Earnings and earning opportunities can come from family members or in a family-type business! Property either commercial or residential can be a source of profits. Professional investors should look at industries that cater for the home i. Restaurants and hotels should also be looked at.

Saturn rules your finances from your 8th House all year. This shows that your focus should be on helping others prosper like partners and shareholders, etc. There is a need put the financial interests of others ahead of your own. Debts are easily paid and easily made. Access to outside capital is good. Bonds and the bond market are also of interest for professional investors.

Those of you who have insurance or tax claims pending should hear good news now. In many cases, the Financial Planet in the 8th House shows an inheritance but no one need die for this to happen.

Someone can remember you in his or her will or you can be called upon to be an executor of an estate and earn that way. Job seekers have a status-quo year. Only a Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can shake things up a bit. It can bring actual job changes or merely changes at the place of work. Those who employ others also have a status-quo year. The above-mentioned eclipse will probably cause a shake-up among the staff.

Three long-term planets are impacting on you. This shows that there is happiness and fulfilment in these kinds of pursuits even though you lack the interest.

You will enjoy learning about health, taking on health regimes and exploring the nuances of your body. With both Uranus and Jupiter squaring your Sun, your heart needs to be given more attention. There are many natural and drugless ways to do this. Energy levels will tend to be volatile.

Sometimes you will have the energy of 10 people and other times almost zero. The main danger is overwork, not recognising your physical limits, pushing your body beyond what it is designed to handle. Moods can be ultra-high and then become ultra-low. Too much of this can impact on your physical health.

Sagittarius 2019 yearly horoscope

The best way to do this is through meditation exercises and many of you are deeply involved in this but others of you might resort to medication. It buys time until you can get to the core issues. Pluto has been in your 1st House of the Body and image for many years now. So there is a detoxing, a refining and a deep cleansing of the body going on.

This is not sickness but a flushing out of old and effete matter. Understand this and co-operate with it. Venus is your Health Planet and she is a fast-moving planet. Over the course of the coming year she will move through 11 of the 12 Signs and Houses of your Horoscope. Your health needs and attitudes will change almost monthly.

Aquarius Horoscope 2019: Foreign Trip/Travel Likely In The Upcoming Year

We You and I. Venus will make a rare retrograde this year from May 17th to June 27th. That will be the period for reviewing your health regimes, diet and doctors.

It will not be a time for making any drastic changes. Wait to make these changes after June 27th or before May 17th Your health judgement might not be up to its usually high standards and the overall health situation might not be as you think it is.

Health is going to improve dramatically after September 25th as Jupiter moves away from its stressful alignment with you but until then be sure to rest and relax more, delegate responsibility and tasks where possible and try to work smarter, not harder. Keep a sharp focus on priorities and let lesser things go. If Sagittarius has one problem, it is lack of focus.

The world is so interesting that you want to explore everything but focus is exactly what you need these days. The distractions are like leaks in your petrol tank and need to be plugged up. As mentioned, the major new development in the year ahead and for many years to come is your interest in home and family issues. This interest really began last year but it was not fully established.

Uranus was flitting in and out of your 4th House all year. Now it is there for the next seven years or so.

This is a very important new development. It produces an urge for domestic freedom, an urge to be experimental in family issues and in the actual physical home. There is emotional and psychological experimentation going on.

Pisces Horoscope - Pisces - Darkstar Astrology

There is an almost irresistible urge to break with all family traditions and with all old domestic patterns. There will be a strong temptation and this should not be done lightly to break with all that the family, your parents, ever taught you.

The danger here is throwing out the baby with the bath water. On the purely physical level, this transit shows moves, many moves and serial moves. You are searching for your dream home and no sooner do you find it, when another and even better dream home appears and you want that one.