January 6 2019 birthday astrology libra

Libra 2019
  1. Birthday Compatibility, Zodiac Signs, Zodiac Compatibility
  2. The Birthday Signs (366)
  3. January 6 Birthday Astrology
  4. January 6 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality

You are in comfortable demand and personally popular, and you are able to achieve a decent balance between work and play; personal and professional life.

For the most part, you are on top of your game this year, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there is less stress on both your mind and body.

Your self-confidence and positive attitude will reward you! You have tremendous enterprising spirit this year, attracting strong opportunities on both professional and personal levels.

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You have significantly more courage and gumption, making the year ahead a standout one in which you are ready to try new things and take on challenges.

This positively impacts many areas of your life beyond the personal, including relationships and work. This can be a good time for updating your electronics and technology in ways that open up new avenues for communication or ease.

Wonderfully creative ideas can fill your head this year.

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You have a stronger than usual desire to improve and learn this year, with opportunities emerging to match. Optimism and confidence are with you, and you are able to attract fortunate circumstances into your life as a result. Problems are easier to resolve this year. Your social life will likely increase and bring you in contact with helpful people.

Travel opportunities are likely. Pinnacle successes can occur during this period — for example, publishing an important project, graduating, marrying, having a child, getting a promotion, and so forth. Matters related to universities, higher education, organized religion, publishing, legal affairs, and foreign interests proceed smoothly.

Birthday Compatibility, Zodiac Signs, Zodiac Compatibility

You are likely to enjoy good humor, optimism, and a larger perspective on matters that keeps you from getting lost in details or overly frustrated by everyday stresses and strains.

Personal magnetism is tremendous this year.

The 12 Zodiac Signs

You are playfully competitive and might win a major competition, if applicable. This is a good period for creative projects and joining with others in the pursuit of a common goal. This can be a year in which you are bolder, more assertive, and energetic. You are especially interested in setting goals and challenges for yourself this year, and taking the necessary action to meet them.

You may meet or interact with others who encourage or inspire you in some way to have more confidence in yourself. Your passions and enthusiasm run high in the period ahead, and you find it natural to channel this extra energy constructively. This is an excellent year for enterprising endeavors and new interests, but equally as potent for relationships and creativity.

It can be an especially creative, tuned-in year for self-expression, not only verbally but through hobbies, games, or sports. This is a year of completion and transition. It is a time when we need to let go of things that no longer serve their purpose, and hold on to things that have a future.

It is a time of cleaning out dead wood, not necessarily for new beginnings.

The Birthday Signs (366)

It can be a time when a burden has been taken off your shoulders, and it can be a year of giving of yourself. Advice - let go of things that are holding you back, give of yourself and express your sympathetic, compassionate side.

Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action.

January 6 Birthday Astrology

The seeds you plant now, you will reap later. Now there is no more Uranus jumping out from behind your shoulder and spooking anyone sensible entering your life. If you are a Libra that enjoys freedom and change you, might have trouble adjusting to the new calmer waters. You start the year briskly with Mars in your marriage house so you may find that you are on a mission when it comes to your love life.

Unplug the weapon for crying out loud, as you might burn someone!

January 6 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality

You will certainly know who your friends are and you might well need them on your side when defending yourself against the wild mob who are hurling knives at you.

You need to be able to take the high ground and not rise to the bait. The best approach with lovers is to make love, not war. It really is the only option. Ladies, careful with those pointy shoes…. The big aspect pattern of , Jupiter square Neptune will impact your learning sector during on Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep This will make you curious about spiritual wisdom and how it can help you in your daily life.

Career reboots should happen with the summer eclipses will really help remove any stubborn grime that has accumulated in your home. If you work for yourself then you can much better utilise this energy with a new course of study. If you are a healer then this square is particularly useful as you can use its cleansing qualities for a detox.

You will also spend time learning about your locality in Libra.

Libra 2019 Yearly Horoscope - Gregory Scott Astrology

You will find what healing is available in your neighbourhood and where you find the best locally-sourced food. Your nearest farmers market will be your new medicine cabinet. Libra has serious Saturn in its home sector for the next 2 years. This is an extremely important transit of Saturn because it entails an inspection of the very roots of your being.