Leading light astrology gemini

  1. The Gemini Woman
  2. Mars enters Aries
  3. The Gemini Woman

There is something pushing things in the legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political realm so you may be going for more or have a challenge here. Venus ends the day in good form, making it opportune for love and intimacy, income and financial matters, or shared experience.

So look for combos here to be open to you. Once we get past this challenge, we get into a flow with one or more of these people that is opportune and about travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, ceremonial, religious, or political matters.

The day wraps with something sudden, exciting, shocking, inventive, genius, or changing between you and this other person, wow! Zoe has an APP!!!

Although the daytime on MONDAY seems to be odd, sad, depressing, or foggy in some way for most people, any nostalgia or strangeness should start to lift after 7: There is more tug around the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, religious, or political matters as you challenge yourself or are challenged, and then something opens up for you with love and intimacy or financial concerns.

The WEEKEND will be about your romantic partner or your business partner, clients, specialist, agent, attorney, competition, or other relationships. You may even have a bit of excitement, last minute surprise or change tossed in for good measure.

There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To find out about cost and details, email zoemoonastrology gmail.

For you it involves news, talks or decisions about financial matters, sexual interests, reproduction, a death, birth, divorce, or third-party situation and a friend, group, gathering, online interest, astrology, charity, aspiration, or original project. Once you move past this the rest of the day into Christmas Eve and Christmas Day TUESDAY move into Leo energy which is about fun or lovers, kids or creative ventures and how this applies to your home, family, parents, roommates, move, renovation, or real estate deal.

WEDNESDAY you wrap up whatever you are into at home, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate as things are in flow behind the scenes or in the artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research side of these matters. Then your focus should turn to your lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits.

This puts a spotlight on you with some harmony now around your travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political needs. This gets you one-on-one in a social situation or about aspirations or original projects in one of these areas. It also may give you some news or push you in talks or decisions about financial, sexual, divorce, death, birth, or reproductive scenarios.

The Gemini Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style

FRIDAY Venus shows up with that partner, client, specialist, or representative so you should focus on love or income, women or beauty with them. And there is a profound alignment to Pluto so something deep, sexual, financial, reproductive, or third-party oriented is in play via travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests.

The WEEKEND is then going to focus you on work, health or pet interests or with co-workers, hired help, cleaning, organizing, or the paperwork.

Once you deal with that legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matter on SATURDAY then you get into flow with these work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, cleaning, or organizing needs.

There could even be some excitement, surprise or last-minute changes that open things up with romantic, artistic, spiritual, institutional, or research interests on SUNDAY.

This could be sad, nostalgic, strange, or foggy so pace yourself through it, it peaks by 7: This means more local activities or short trips, talks, meetings, writing, offers, and decisions focused on love, kids, fun, and creativity. THURSDAY this remains true as goals and career matters move into alignment and authority figures are one-on-one with you at some point.

You do have some challenge with a partner, client, specialist, competitor, or rep at some point today but then Venus arrives bringing love or money flow and a focus on the work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, cleaning, or co-workers.

FRIDAY could be profound as these love and income needs, women or beauty interests, move into alignment with sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or financial scenarios. There is opportunity to purge, go deeper or evolve things.

You could even have some surprise, excitement or last-minute opening with friends, groups, gatherings, or online interests on SUNDAY. Once you get past this the energy starts to lift and focus on the lovers or kids, creativity or fun and what is going on with gifts, purchases, income, possessions, or products.

WEDNESDAY you wrap up the income, purchases, gifts, possessions, or products interests and find some good flow here with goals, career needs or authority figures. The energy then begins to focus on talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, short trips, interviews, offers, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, or decisions the rest of the day into THURSDAY.

FRIDAY Venus is giving you a very deep or transformational experience with a lover, the kids, a creative project, or recreational pursuit and this may involve love, income, women, beauty interests, other financial interests, sex, a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, or advocate.

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The door is open. You may even experience a surprise or some excitement with a parent, boss or other authority type or with goals or career in the mix on SUNDAY.

You head into the week with first an effort to overcome some foggy, sad, nostalgic, or weird stuff on MONDAY focused on lovers, kids, creative ventures, recreation, sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, or financial matters. Everyone is in this cloud with different focus so do your best to move through it, it peaks around 7: You can get in there, make your interests known, connect with the lover or kids, fun or creativity, and enjoy yourself.

There are some adjustments on TUESDAY regarding sex, finances, divorce, death, birth, reproduction, work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, cleaning, or co-workers, so give and take here.

You may have to deal with some lover, kid, creative venture, or recreational matter that pushes you a bit today but shortly after you get directed by Venus into some opportunity with love or income, women or beauty and what is going on at home, with family, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or parents and this should feel good.

FRIDAY Venus is going deep and this is opportune so again look for love or income, women or beauty interests at home, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, or emotional connection, and ways to evolve or go deeper with work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. The WEEKEND then turns your focus to short trips or local activities, writing or interviews, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or decisions you are making.

You may even get a surprise or some excitement playing out around a trip, media venture, educational pursuit, legal matter, ceremony, religious experience, or political agenda on SUNDAY.

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We get the weird, sad, nostalgic, or foggy stuff over on MONDAY with a focus for your sign on home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, and your partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships in the mix.

So pace yourself, it peaks near 7: You may have some good news or situations going on at home or with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, or real estate deals on TUESDAY. Expect some adjustments with partners, clients, specialists, reps, lovers, kids, creative ventures, or fun today.

WEDNESDAY you wrap up any of this artistic, spiritual, romantic, hospital, institutional, or research focus with some harmonic flow to financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, or divorce scenarios.

The Moon then starts to focus on you and connects you in a great flow with that lover, creative venture, recreational pursuit, or the kids. This focus on you carries over into THURSDAY where you can get one-on-one with a partner, specialist, client, representative, or other significant person about your needs, body, image, brand, name, or title.

FRIDAY Venus is even stronger, in opportunity alignment to Pluto, so there can be something powerful between the talks, new, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions focused on love or income, women or beauty, and what is going on with the lover, kids, creative venture, or recreational pursuit.

You may even get a surprise or some excitement around the other financial matters, sexual interests, reproductive needs, divorce, mortality issues, or third-party situations. We have a bit of weird, sad, foggy, or depressive energy to surmount on MONDAY and for your sign that is focused on news, thoughts, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities, and what is going on with work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers.

This peaks by 7: It does look like one thought, talk or bit of news pushes buttons today but Venus comes along and gets you into an opportunity for love or income flow, women or beauty interests, purchases or possessions, or products or gifts afterwards.

FRIDAY Venus is much deeper and opportune so focus on her potential to earn, make purchases, love, focus on women, make it about beauty interests, your products, or possessions, and how to connect this to home, family, parents, roommates, real estate deals, moves, or renovations interests.

Do your best to work through this because then the energy shifts gears, lifting you into something more fun, creative, loving, or about the kids and your goals, career interests or dealings with authority figures like a boss, parent or mentor.

There will be some adjustments to make on TUESDAY regarding the kids, lover, creativity, fun, talks, meetings, short trips, writing, interviews, offers, local activities, sales, or decisions. WEDNESDAY you wrap up those goals, career matters or situations with authority figures, the energy is harmonic and connects well with work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix.

The energy then turns to focus on friends, groups, gatherings, online interests, astrology, charities, your aspirations, or original projects and this can help you in those talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions.

THURSDAY this carries over, still in a positive flow with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects, but now in flow with the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreation. There is one challenging talk or bit of news about income, purchases, possessions, or products to deal with but after that Venus speaks up in your sign and gets things into flow with love or income, women or beauty interests.

FRIDAY Venus is even more powerful which gives you the edge with beauty, love, income, or women and now it links to talks or meetings, agreements or sales, writing or interviews, offers or decisions, that are involving sex, reproduction, financial interests, divorce, mortality needs, or third-parties.

You may even have a bit of a surprise or some excitement regarding a work or health interest, the animals or paperwork, or a co-worker or the hired help. Everyone will need to get through the hard alignment going on between Mercury and Neptune on MONDAY and for your sign that means there could be something going on at home, with family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, history, or real estate deals that is sad, nostalgic, strange, or depressing for a bit or that is focused on water issues or illness and this pushes you in some way.

This will peak by 7: At this point the focus is on travel, distance, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matters.

It will also ask for some adjustments regarding home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, income, purchases, gifts, products, or possessions. WEDNESDAY carries over the focus on legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests and this is in flow today with the kids, lover, creative interests, or recreational pursuits.

Look for a one-on-one regarding home or family interests on THURSDAY, some personal or physical challenge at some point, and then some really nice love or income, women or beauty interests opening up over artistic pursuits, spiritual matters, the romance, an institution, or research interests. Again you can focus this on love or income, women or beauty, the arts, romance, spirituality, institutions, or research, but now there is something open with possessions, purchases, products, or money flow.

You may even have a surprise or some excitement with someone about work, health, pets, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers on SUNDAY. Once this peaks around 7: Now you can focus on powerful or transformational situations with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or fun and the financial or intimate side of things.

You may have some good things going on today with that artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, research, or dealing with addictions or deceptions topics. There are some adjustments today with siblings or neighbors, short trips or local activities, talks or meetings, and your own interests. WEDNESDAY the themes around financial or sexual interests carries over, again in flow but now more focused on home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates.

The energy then turns to aim at travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes and again this is harmonic and puts you in the center of what is happening. THURSDAY, we have more of these travel, educational, legal, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests and now you can get in there one-on-one with someone in talks or meetings, sales or agreements, writing or interviews, short trips or local activities, or decisions about it.

There is also some opportunity for love or income, women or beauty interests with friends or online, in groups or with gatherings, or via astrology or charities today.

FRIDAY Venus is gearing it up with Pluto in an opportunity alignment so you can again focus in on love or income needs, women or beauty interests, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and your own empowerment. Intimacy, financial interests or third-party interests are in the mix as are any evolving stories.

Look to the research, development, artistic, romantic, or spiritual interests, or connection to institutions in the mix. You may even get a surprise or some excitement with another person over home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates on SUNDAY.

Everyone does have to get through the weird, foggy, sad, or nostalgic vibe in the first part of MONDAY and for your sign it focuses on income, purchases, gifts, products, or possessions, and the talks, meetings or decisions with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or other social outlets. This peaks around 7: WEDNESDAY the good vibes with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships carries over, helping you get into talks, hear news, meet, write, sign agreements, propose, make sales, interview, or make decisions with or about them.

The energy then starts to focus on sex, finances, divorce, a death, a birth, reproductive needs, or third-party situations and this is also in flow and putting you into that artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research interest in the mix. THURSDAY the focus on sex, reproduction, divorce, death, birth, or finances continues and now it can get you one-on-one with someone over income, purchases, products, possessions, or gifts.

FRIDAY Venus is gearing it up with Pluto in an opportunity alignment so the door is open again and it connects love and income, women and beauty, goals, career or authority figures, with artistic, spiritual, romantic, sexual, financial, institutional, or research interests.

Once you get past the Saturn square testing the artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, addictive, secretive, or research matters in the mix, the rest of SATURDAY and SUNDAY are in good alignments linked to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects in the mix. You may even get a surprise or some excitement via another person and a talk, meeting, offer, or decision.

We do start out on MONDAY with a bit of a fog or something that is weepy, strange or depressive when it comes to your own involvement in something or on a personal level when hearing the news or focused on an authority figure like a boss, parent or judge, or with career matters or a personal goal.

This is linked in a good alignment with income, purchases, possessions, and products today. WEDNESDAY this is in flow with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings, while THURSDAY it puts you one-on-one with these relationships, pushes something about the goal, career or authority figure in a talk or decision, and then gets you into an opportunity to travel, deal with legal or educational interests, media or marketing matters, weddings or other ceremonies, or religious or political themes.

Look at the love or income interests, women or beauty matters in the mix. FRIDAY Venus is going to go deep with Pluto in an opportunity alignment so you can again focus in on love, income, women, beauty, and the travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, other ceremonial, religious, or political interests.

This is now linked to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or original projects, and may have something sexual, reproductive, divorce, death, birth, financial, or third-party in the mix with them.

You may even get a surprise or some excitement around income, purchases, gifts, products, or possessions with another person on SUNDAY. Posted by Zoe Moon Astrology at 8: Links to this post Email This BlogThis!

Mars is geared up behind the scenes, it may be that he is expressing passions in a romantic arena, with art, film, music, or other muse-related themes, or on a spiritual matter.

Mars may be angry or fighting or he may be super motivated, making things happen in these areas. This can also apply to what is going on with research, investigations, addictions, secrets, deceptions, or institutions today.

Pluto is all about going deeper, making changes, evolving the story, and focusing on goals that are sexual, financial, about divorce, death, birth, or reproductive matters. This may involve something about your career or an authority figure like a boss, parent, leader, teacher, etc, as well. Gemini women are natural born communicators and when they see a stage they want to perform on it.

She can sell anything from fish hooks to lacy lingerie to mansions. Her ability to talk is legendary and she can chatter away and convince almost anyone into buying almost anything. Since the Gemini female can be so intellectual, she might even consider a career as a researcher or librarian so she can utilize that quick mind to find facts and delve into the mysteries of the ages.

Gemini women can save money if they want to, but sometimes they might prefer to buy a new coat or bathing suit or item that fuels their need at the time.

The Gemini Woman

Maybe they want to invest in their hobby and need to get that new pair of rollerblades or more yarn so they can crochet another afghan or sweater. Many Gemini women can be impulsive shoppers and they might have a few credit cards that have been maxed out. But when a Gemini lands a job or career that she loves, the money will be there and she can handle any extra.

Also, she is an easy touch to those who really do need financial help. Living with Gemini Woman can be like living with two different people, for Gemini is capable of thinking two different points of view at the same time. Not only that, but she can believe both of them, and justify that belief as well.

She has a constant need to be on the move, to express herself and to communicate with others. She is the woman in the crowd with her mobile phone glued to her ear, keeping in touch, phoning the world. At home, she is sometimes too busy to concentrate on domesticity. She is content to let someone else take the responsibility for the bills and the cleaning and will happily coexist with the family in an atmosphere that is free and relaxed.

She wants her nearest and dearest to be able to express their individuality as much as she does and she will always encourage her children in this.

Mars enters Aries

She is a tolerant and caring parent but she can become a bit short tempered with kids that are rowdy, or too demanding of her time. Gemini women are known to retain a youthful look for years longer than others Virgo women, also ruled by Mercury, are known for this as well.

Part of the reason for a youthful appearance is their attitude and manner. Geminis can especially benefit from efforts to calm the thoughts if they race too much or delay sleep.

Gemini rules the arms and hands, but internally, it rules respiration, and this can be vulnerable in some Gemini women, with asthma a possible problem. The happiest, healthiest Geminis have mastered breathing and calming exercises.

Playful and flirty, a Gemini woman tends to be noticed for her fun, quirky fashion sense. She loves trends and the changing of the seasons, pioneering new looks and different styles, then tweaking them to be uniquely hers. A Gemini woman usually needs a walk-in closet to house all her outfits — one for each of her many mercurial moods.

The Gemini Woman

Her taste for colors is subtle, and her preference is for light, airy materials like chiffon or fine cotton. A true bag lady, Geminis love purses and totes, as well as other arm and hand candy like rings, bangles, and bracelets.

Those born in this time period have a natural blend of creativity and logic. Those born around this time can also be highly artistic and analytical. They can also be even more unique than others born in May and early June. The lively Gemini woman knows all the latest trends, and the latest goss, and is streets ahead of most in the fashion stakes.

She loves to shop with a gaggle of girlfriends and the mall is her second home. This is the woman who will accessorize her sweat pants. She is a big plus on personality — both of them — and changes her mind faster than a race driver changes gears.

She loves to buy two of everything. Depending on which personality is in charge, her fashion sense absolutely rocks — or crashes and burns. But whatever she wears, she wears it with style and is always off to a party, a meeting, or a date with her cell phone plastered to her ear.

When she sits still long enough, she will be found in chat rooms. When she goes out, she may forget her earrings, but never her Blackberry. When it comes to fashion and beauty, magazines and celeb websites are her sources. What is the latest hot thing being worn now? She knows, and probably already has two of them in her wardrobe.

She is the same with jewelry and accessories.

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  7. Each outfit must have its own bag and shoes, some must have scarves, some must have belts. She will probably have dozens of pairs of sunglasses, lots of chains, and some really fine bling.

    Her hands are important. She will take a manicure over a facial any day. The gamin look suits the Gemini woman perfectly, and she will have the shiniest lip gloss on the block. She always succeeds in careers that demand good communication, and people skills, and she knows that looking good helps her get noticed.

    After all, she could be a TV anchor or talk show host one day! She enjoys friends of all orientations, and will often have close girl and guy friends.

    She sees no reason to drop her friends when she is in a close relationship, so a jealous, possessive lover just may not be what she needs. Another free and easy air sign, Libra or Aquarius, or her own opposite sign of Sagittarius will suit her best. It may take time for the Gemini woman to settle down and find the right partner to satisfy both sides of her personality.

    But while she may be undecided about commitment, she knows what she wants when it comes to sex. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can be a relationship breaker. Touch is also important — a Gemini woman can tell a lot about a person by their hands.

    Wherever she lives, the Gemini woman will get to know the ins and outs of her neighborhood, and will enjoy apartment living that puts her at the center of things. Her taste is as eclectic as her style, but she will probably not care too much for heavy old furniture, even if it is the finest antique.

    She is more likely to have the latest laptop and home entertainment unit than a four poster bed, and far more likely to be out and about than stuck at home anyway. All About Gemini Gemini Ascendant. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost.

    See our Synastry article for more advanced relationship analysis techniques. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology.