January 1 horoscope globe and mail

  1. Horoscopes
  2. Jan. 23: Your daily horoscope
  3. The Globe and Mail
  5. Jan. 1: Your lookahead horoscope - The Globe and Mail

It may be a bit embarrassing to begin with but it will save you having to deal with any nasty surprises later on. Don't deny your failures, embrace them. New opportunities are heading your way, the kind of opportunities where, if you act quickly and decisively, you could make a lot of money.

Let your instincts guide you and don't be afraid to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

  • Oct. 1: Your lookahead horoscope.
  • Horoscopes - The Globe and Mail;
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Mind planet Mercury links with power planet Pluto in your sign today, encouraging you to think deeply about the kind of topics that some people would prefer never to be mentioned.

Don't just think about them though, speak about them too.


You won't be able to avoid other people's negative comments today but you can certainly ignore them. Act on the assumption that you are being given a hard time because certain people fear your ambition. They're right to — you're going places.

Some of the things you hear over the next 24 hours will make you want to scream with frustration. How can people be so stupid?

Jan. 23: Your daily horoscope

How can people be so blind? Make it your business to confront them with the truth — with no holds barred. For your extended forecast, call , or for credit-card access. We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons or for abuse.

For more information on our commenting policies and how our community-based moderation works, please read our Community Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions. Article text size A.

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  • Jan. 7: Your lookahead horoscope?
  • Jan. 2: Your daily horoscope.

Open this photo in gallery: You may not agree with what you are expected to do today but you should do it anyway to keep in with people whose assistance you are going to need. If you make an effort for them now they will make an effort for you later on. Today's full moon may tempt you to push ahead with a new project or even a new relationship but don't rush things.

Cosmic activity in your sign will bring no end of opportunities over the next few weeks, so by all means take your time. You seem to be anxious for no good reason at the moment. The fact is you have precious little to be genuinely worried about, so lighten up and do something that challenges you both mentally and physically.

Be positive in everything you do. You want to know what a certain group of people is up to but they are keeping you in the dark, which is most frustrating. Today's full moon suggests that may be to your benefit — as you won't in any way be to blame for what happens.

The Globe and Mail

For your extended forecast, call , or for credit-card access. We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons or for abuse.

For more information on our commenting policies and how our community-based moderation works, please read our Community Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions. Article text size A. Open this photo in gallery: Capricorn The Globe and Mail. Published January 2, Updated January 2, Story continues below advertisement. There have been times of late when it seemed as if everyone was against you but you are beginning to realize that most of that opposition came from inside your own head.

What happens this week will remind you just how many good friends you have. For your extended forecast, call , or for credit-card access. We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons or for abuse.

For more information on our commenting policies and how our community-based moderation works, please read our Community Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions.


Article text size A. Open this photo in gallery: Published October 1, Updated October 1, Story continues below advertisement. Follow us on Twitter globeandmail Opens in a new window.

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Jan. 1: Your lookahead horoscope - The Globe and Mail

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