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  4. Cheryl's Birthday
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The answer can be deduced by progressively eliminating impossible dates. The first part of the sentence is redundant. The only way that Bernard could know the date with a single number, however, would be if Cheryl had told him 18 or 19, since of the ten date options these are the only numbers that appear just once, as May 19 and June For Albert to know that Bernard does not know, Albert must therefore have been told July or August, since this rules out Bernard being told 18 or Bernard has deduced that Albert has either August or July.

If he knows the full date, he must have been told 15, 16 or 17, since if he had been told 14 he would be none the wiser about whether the month was August or July. Each of 15, 16 and 17 only refers to one specific month, but 14 could be either month.

Albert has therefore deduced that the possible dates are July 16, Aug 15 and Aug For him to know now, he must have been told July. If he had been told August, he would not know which date for certain is the birthday.

Birthday - Wikipedia

After the question went viral, some people suggested August 17 was an alternative answer to the question. Bernard would only have known the birthday if the date was unique, 18 or Albert therefore is able to deduce that "Bernard doesn't know" because he heard a month that does not contain those dates July or August.

Realizing this, Bernard can rule out May and June, which allows him to arrive at a unique birthday even if he is given the dates 15 or 16, not just As the SASMO organizers have pointed out, [10] August 17 would be the solution if the sequence of statements instead began with Bernard saying that he did not know Cheryl's birthday:.

I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is. I still don't know when Cheryl's birthday is. At first I didn't know when Cheryl's birthday is, but I know now. Bernard doesn't know when my birthday is. Happy birthday to a lovely woman who is beautiful, intelligent and reminds me a lot of myself. I love you, sister! Happy birthday to my favourite sister!

Thank goodness you get less annoying as you get older. Some people command respect, some admiration, some jealousy, some competitiveness and others, unconditional love. But you command all these things at once. Happy Birthday to my perfect sibling.

Sister, at times you could be the thorn in my side, the worm in my apple, and the pimple on my chin… but through thick and thin you will always be my sister! Happy Birthday to someone silly, spontaneous, beautiful, and witty!

I love you to the moon and back! Happy Birthday to my favourite sister. We are sisters by chance, friends by choice. Thanks for being there for me through the years. Superheroes are One in a Million.

Great sisters like you are One in a Lifetime. Happy Birthday to a big sister that blazed the way for a path that is still on fire to this very day!

Family made us sisters, life made us friends. If only everyone had an amazing sister like you. The world would be a much better place. They say you can choose your friends but not your family. How could I forget all the times we got into trouble when we were growing up together?

Or all the creative ways you helped me get out of trouble? Always know that if you fall… I will be the first one there to laugh at you! Other kids look up to Superman, Batman and Spider-Man. I just look up to you, my brother. Happy birthday to my superhero.

The best thing mum and dad have done is to give me a brother like you. Happy Birthday to you! You smell like a donkey and you look like one too! Love, Your Favorite Sister. Thank you for my great childhood memories. Birthdays are like chocolate. Happy Birthday to the sweetest mother I know. To a special mother on your birthday.

You have taught me how to respect others, how to be kind, and most of all how to love. I hope your day is filled with all the wonderful blessings you have given to others throughout your life.

hang on a sec ...

Children may move out when they grow up, but they never stop needing their mothers. Thank you for always supporting me with love and compassion. To the woman that always brought out the best in me or at least saw the best in me regardless of what I did.

Inspiration, friend, chef, chauffeur, advisor, role model, teacher, coach. You do it all for me. Thank you for loving us all endlessly, for teaching us everything wonderful, for always being there no matter what any of us are going through and most of all.

Every day I wake up, I always have you to thank. I have your guidance, your warmth, your love, and your heart: Thank-you and Happy Birthday.

I want you to know that I am nothing without you, but I can be everything with you by my side.

Categorised Birthday Messages (For Quick & Easy Selection)

Thanks for letting me be my own man, even though you are the man that I wanted to be. I put some money in a birthday card for you, but I am going to need it back after you open it. Happy Birthday to a guy who brings a new meaning to 50 shades of grey.

I wonder if you know how much I love you. I love you and Happy Birthday.

Cheryl's Birthday

I would have gotten you a card with a really heartfelt saying on it but then we would have had to back-slap it out like men… no one needs to see that. Love and laughter are the two best things you have given me. Thanks and Happy Birthday Dad!

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad. To the world, you may just be one person, but to me, you are the world. You are so little right now but you have brought unimaginably large amounts of happiness in our lives.

May your baby steps towards your birthday cake become your journey towards the best times in your life. Happy Birthday little one. I wish you grow up to be smart, tough and wise.

But I also hope that you always have the same innocence in your eyes.

You are such a great person already. You always make people smile when they are around you.

Famous Birthdays And Events

I hope you are always as happy and as carefree as you have been this first year of your life. May all the days ahead be as happy as this, your very first birthday! Your smile is priceless. Your hugs and kisses are therapy. Eating with your hands is a privilege and duty at your age.

Time to get down and dirty. You seem to have miraculous powers, little one. We are wishing you unlimited happiness, hugs, and cuddles for your special day! I wish you the courage to grab all the opportunities that will come by you. And I wish you the perseverance to live your life to the fullest. Good friends are hard to come by, lifelong friends are even harder.

Nobody else is about to. Happy Birthday to someone who will now automatically be charged as an adult. My advice to you on your 18th birthday is: Also, save money less fun but also very important. But as your friend, I guarantee that I will always stand by your side whether you are eighteen or eighty.

Today, your life officially becomes a democracy as it receives freedom from the dictatorship of your parents. You get to do adult things while still acting like a kid, have fun! No one knows what the future holds. No one can change the past. The only thing you can control is your today. Live in the moment, your fun years have only begun.

I wish you a wonderful and Happy Birthday. The road ahead of you is filled with fantastic experiences and life-shaping memories. Make the most of them! Enjoy your 21st chapter to the fullest! I cannot believe you are finally 21 years old! I hope that you have the best birthday ever.

Just wanted to wish you a very special and Happy 21st Birthday. May you find faithful friends, precious memories, and happiness wherever life may lead you. Take risks and be brave. Have a fantastic 21st birthday. We love you and are so proud of you!

Welcome to the fun decade. Thirty is a good start. You are not You are just a year-old guy with 10 years of experience. Congratulations on turning 29 years old again for the second time.

The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.

Life is a book and your forties are the chapters when it all starts making sense. Wishing you an amazing 40th birthday! Wishing you a very Happy 40th Birthday. May your 40th birthday be an awesome mix of love, friendship, and happy memories! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

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Wishing you a very warm welcome to the middle ages. Forty is when you will finally realise why your mum and dad were so cranky when you were growing up. Remember how excited you are when you turn 5 years old?

You should be 10 times that excited. You are half a century, or 5 decades, or 50 years, or months, or 2, weeks, or 18, days, or , hours, or 26, minutes, or 1,,, seconds old, depending on what unit of measure you are using.

The best way to enjoy life is to forget your age and just remember the memories. Life is a blessing, every day and every minute. By the time we hit fifty, we have learned our hardest lessons. We have found out that only a few things are really important.

We have learned to take life seriously, but never ourselves. I hope that any remaining lessons are fun! A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. In New Zealand, the most common birthday is September 29, and the least common birthday is December The ten most common birthdays all fall within a thirteen-day period, between September 22 and October 4.

This is based on all live births registered in New Zealand between and According to a study by the Yale School of Public Health, positive and negative associations with culturally significant dates may influence birth rates. The study shows a 5. In contrast, on Valentine's Day there is a 3. In the Gregorian calendar a common solar calendar , February in a leap year has 29 days instead of the usual 28, so the year lasts days instead of the usual A person born on February 29 may be called a " leapling " or a "leaper".

In some situations, March 1 is used as the birthday in a non-leap year since it is the day following February Technically, a leapling will have fewer birthday anniversaries than their age in years. This phenomenon is exploited when a person claims to be only a quarter of their actual age, by counting their leap-year birthday anniversaries only.

In Gilbert and Sullivan 's comic opera The Pirates of Penzance , Frederic the pirate apprentice discovers that he is bound to serve the pirates until his 21st birthday rather than until his 21st year. According to Herodotus 5th century BC , of all the days in the year, the one which the Persians celebrate most is their birthday.

It was customary to have the board furnished on that day with an ampler supply than common: The Romans enthusiastically celebrated birthdays with hedonistic parties and generous presents.

Chinese birthday traditions reflect the culture's deep-seated focus on longevity and wordplay. Longevity noodles are another traditional food consumed on the day, [19] although western-style birthday cakes are increasingly common among urban Chinese.

In Judaism , the perspective on birthday celebrations is disputed by various rabbis, although today it is accepted practice by most of the faithful. The bar mitzvah of year-old Jewish boys, or bat mitzvah for year-old Jewish girls, is perhaps the only Jewish celebration undertaken in what is often perceived to be in coalition with a birthday.

Despite modern celebrations where the secular "birthday" element often overshadows the essence of it as a religious rite, the essence of a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah celebration is entirely religious in origin i. With or without the birthday celebration, the child nevertheless becomes a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah, and the celebration may be on that day or any date after it.

Origen in his commentary "On Levites" writes that Christians should not only refrain from celebrating their birthdays, but should look on them with disgust. Orthodox Christianity in addition to birthdays, also celebrate the name day of a person.

Ordinary folk celebrated their saint's day the saint they were named after , but nobility celebrated the anniversary of their birth. While almost all Christians accept the practice today, Jehovah's Witnesses and some Sacred Name groups refrain from celebrating birthdays due to the custom's pagan origins, its connections to magic and superstitions.

While Christmas is the celebration of Christ's Birth, some religious groups see it as being portrayed in a negative light. Some Muslim especially from Salafi school of thought [30] oppose the celebration of a birthday as a sin, as it is considered an "innovation" of the faith, or bi'dah while other clerics have issued statements saying that the celebration of a birthday is permissible.

Some Muslims migrating to the United States adopt the custom of celebrating birthdays, especially for children, but others resist.

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There is also a great deal of controversy regarding celebrating Mawlid the anniversary of the birth of Muhammad. While a section of Islam strongly favours it, [34] others decry such celebrations, terming them as out of the scope of Islam.

That age is reckoned whenever Janma Nakshatra of the same month passes. Hindus regard death to be more auspicious than birth since the person is liberated from the bondages of material society. Many monasteries celebrate the anniversary of Buddha's birth, usually in a highly formal, ritualized manner. They treat Buddha's statue as if it was Buddha himself, as if he were alive; bathing, and "feeding" him.