When will i have a baby prediction astrology

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  4. Astrology for Predicting Pregnancy | New Born Baby(Child) Astrology

You are one of the signs of the Zodiac that has a plan when it comes to kids, and you will totally stick with it. While you don't expect to have a child before your mids, you're not rigid with your plans because you love the thought of it.

This is why you'll have a baby when you're You're responsible and disciplined, which is why you'll skillfully juggle having children and maintaining your career, even if people consider you to be a new mother.


Your self-control means you know how to keep your life balanced and happy, and while you might not plan to have your kids so young, you're totally happy with the direction your life will take. While being a mother might challenge some of your core traits, such as your profound struggle to be forgiving, you will completely cherish being a mom.

The stars are unable to tether you down, and you feel the same way when it comes to kids. You are the least likely to have children, but if you were going to have kids, it would be when you turn You wouldn't plan on it, traveling the world with children faraway from your thoughts, but it would sneak up on you.

A fling with a cute boy from an exotic country would get a lot more serious than expected. The thought of being limited and constrained by anything is petrifying, but as a parent, you would give your child no boundaries. Giving them freedom gives you freedom, too.

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You'll avoid children as long as you can until an impulse takes an unexpected turn when you're 28, and that is what the stars foresee in your future with children. You're defined by the passion that you feel. You're a water sign, which means you hold a love for children more powerful than the rest of the Zodiac.

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You are destined to have many fiery romances, but one will end with a baby by the time you're It might not be part of the plan, but you can see a future with the one you're with and the baby.

Your loving soul means you're meant to be a mother, and while you might react impulsively and be scared initially, it won't be long before the joy sets in.

Child birth promise and Sex of the child as per Astrology

Juggling your career and baby might be challenging and set you back, but you will bounce back with the determination every Scorpio has. You have the personality of a warrior, and anyone that falls under this star sign is destined to have a big family.

You're passionate and intensely honest, but your dislike for inactivity and inability to stay still might be the reason you have a baby much sooner than you planned.

When you're 21, you'll have your first baby.

Vedic Baby Planner - Vedic Child Planner - Indian Baby Predictor - Child Predictor

It might not be planned, but you'll be in a stable situation surrounded by people that love you, and you'll be excited once the initial shock dissipates.

Besides, you're mature beyond your years, and you're totally confident in that. As the warrior of the Zodiac, you will take any challenge head on, including becoming a mother at You're progressive, but your whimsical tendencies mean you don't feel like you possess the time or energy for children.

On top of that, you're temperamental, but those qualities will develop into strengths. Your first child will come along when you're twenty six. Your child will help nurture your inner child. Limitations terrify you, which is why you will avoid having a baby for a long time — you might even avoid it forever.

If you do happen to have a child, the stars believe it will happen when you're 26, but it might not be in your cards at all.

You're definitely not in a hurry to have one and that's perfectly okay. You are one of the signs that is eager and thrilled to have children. When you're 31, you will have your first baby. The bad yoga should be avoided, these are Bhadra kaal, Sarhaad divas, time of afternoon and evening.

Read article for plan healthy and good child before birth for more details. This Vedic child Planner is computer software.

We accept none responsibility and guarantee about the accuracy and authenticity. Vedic Baby Predictor - Astrology Child Planner with Vedic Tactics Conceive a baby according to Indian astrology and Vedas Vedic child planner is a software to describe a plan to conceive a healthy and lucky child with the help of Indian Vedic scriptures and Vedic Sutras.

Auspicious time to conceive a child How to find good and healthy child according to Vedic astrology - These rules apply to both boy and the girl child. You might be interested: Placement, aspect and transit of Mars is carefully analyzed in order to determine whether the child will be born by a natural birth or through a surgery.

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It must also be noted that Jupiter is the prime significator planet for child birth. It is the first planet that is looked for its placement when looking for child birth. Some signs in the 5th house are considered as "Fertile Signs", some as "Infertile Signs" and some as "Indecisive Signs" as far as pregnancy and child birth are concerned.

But, the negatives or hurdles in the path of achieving a successful pregnancy and child birth are much more and are to be looked at from a numerous angles.

Astrology for Predicting Pregnancy | New Born Baby(Child) Astrology

But, if Jupiter is placed in any of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses, then it causes serious hurdles in child birth. Similarly, the lord of 5th house placed in any of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses, causes problems in child birth.

This coupled with an infertile sign present in the 5th house, makes it very difficult for having a child. Presence of Rahu in the 5th house is considered highly negative for the children part of one's married part.

Infact, Rahu of 5th house if results in a child then that very child at times become the cause of miseries in a native's life at a later stage. Consult Future Point today to get solutions to all your problems related to childbirth and to all those who are blessed with a child, we urge you to go for a Baby Horoscope Report to know what the stars have in store for your little one!

There are various Vedic Horoscope models based on Vedic astrology and the user can make any one of his choice. Get astrology predictions from the renowned astrologers of India. Objective of astrology is to give accurate predictions about future but its utility lies in the correct and effective solutions to our problems.

Therefore, you can consult your friendly astrologers not only for knowing what the future has in store for you but also for getting most effective solutions for your problems pertaining to any area of life.

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