A sagittarius and a sagittarius compatibility

Sagittarius And Sagittarius Compatibility
  1. What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Sagittarius?
  2. Sagittarius-Sagittarius Compatibility
  3. Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: An Eternal Quest
  4. Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: An Eternal Quest ⋆ Astromatcha

What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Sagittarius?

Easygoing and independent, these two are compatible when it comes to balancing personal interests. When they are together, however, they do all they can toward pleasing their partner and satiating common interests.

Although they are adaptable and modern, they can, at times, fly off the handle.

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Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Expansion is the key word here; as both partners enjoy the acquisition of knowledge, they will carry over exiting ideas into their relationship.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Compatible? - Zodiac Love Guide

They must be mindful of over-indulgences, as such gluttony will only distract them. Their charm and charisma make them a very pleasant couple not only to one another, but the entire crowd.

Sagittarius-Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. When these two Fire Signs come together, they merge to build a bigger flame.

They constantly reach out together and experience life: They love to take trips more than just reading about places in tour books. Outgoing and friendly, it is the downfall of many Sagittarians to speak before thinking, thus finding themselves in an awkward social bind.

These two love to engage in new projects, but neither have the dedication to stick to their guns.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: An Eternal Quest

Both are far too eager to move ahead to the next new thing. Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. The flirty, excitable Sag is easy to get along with, for the most part.

Sag couples who have a long-distance relationship often forget to spend time nurturing their back-home partner and things just fizzle out. Sag are also not particularly good at monogamy and usually have a lot of opportunity to cheat, given their globe-trotting lifestyle.

They probably need to work out the ground rules before entering into a commitment. Sag is a mutable sign — spontaneous and change-embracing.

More Compatibility for you

On the down side this means decisions are hard to make and projects remain uncompleted. Even Sag recognizes that adventures require budgeting and planning skills.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: An Eternal Quest ⋆ Astromatcha

Sag are happy people and they want to make loved ones happy — expect surprise gifts and lots of ego boosting. They like playing games in bed — think dress-ups and dirty story telling and often break into fits of laughter if things get too intense or soppy.

Like two puppies, love making often starts with wrestling, biting and chasing each other around the house. Sag are madcap lovers who make sexy times hilarious. But sometimes the planets align, Sag find themselves in a tacky wedding chapel in Vegas and spontaneity just takes over.

As a married couple Sag are somewhat unorthodox — often living in separate houses or countries, to follow careers and maintain independence. Some pull this off successfully and relish the breathlessness of re-connecting after time spent apart, whilst others simply drift apart.