New moon phase astrology

  1. Mars enters Aries
  2. This Week in Astrology
  3. Full & New Moons , Moon Phases Astrology Calendar |
  4. Moon Phases Calendar

Mars enters Aries

Since the whole picture cannot be seen, it can be a time of vulnerability and doubt. The function of this phase is to become aware of the intention; later there will be opportunities to revise and reorient.

A visionary action is necessary during the New phase. What do you desire?

  • New Moon Phase?
  • Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture.
  • This Week in Astrology.
  • ;
  • Moon Phases Calendar.

See yourself having achieved your goals. What does it look like and how do you feel? The idea is to let the goal become clear without concern about how it will be accomplished.

This Week in Astrology

Keywords for the New phase are beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity. It is the time in a cycle that you are stimulated to take a new action.


During this phase, the new cycle is being seeded by your vision, inner and outer. All information has not been revealed to us yet.

There is no objectivity at this point in the cycle.

Full & New Moons , Moon Phases Astrology Calendar |

A time for collecting information, making contacts and learning more about our plan or project. Issues emerge that require taking action or making adjustments. This can be considered a stage of conflict, but also of building. Things are beginning to take off and to gain momentum.

Moon Phases Calendar

The First Quarter Moon is a time for taking action, not for contemplation or reflection. A time for organizing, integrating, and planning. Full exposure and illumination come at the Full Moon stage.

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The plan bears fruit, blossoms, or culminates. A new perspective can emerge now. Information has now been revealed. Going public may be in order.