Horoscope gemini images

Gemini Facts
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  2. Gemini Stock Photos and Images
  3. Gemini stock photos
  4. Its Origin and Meaning in Astrology

If you have been dating seriously, then this month could be when you may be ready to become engaged or wed. With Jupiter touring your seventh house of marriage, you could not have chosen a better time—in fact, Gemini is the sign most likely to wed happily now or soon.

You will have a full year to tie the knot, until December 2, If you are already wed, you will likely hear good news from your mate this month.

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  • Gemini Horoscope for December 2018;

His or her favorable news will benefit you too, so you both have reason to celebrate. This same new moon will help you professionally.

You can now hire a new accountant, lawyer, business manager, publicist, social media manager, advertising agency, writing partner, stylist—you name the job, you will find the expert to help you.

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Start to search with a sense of urgency for the person you need. Mercury will go direct on December 6, making this month a standout after weeks of slowdowns from a host of retrograde planets. You were patient, and here comes the reward—you can move swiftly now, once you get past December 6.

As I will tell you later, December 21 would be a perfect day to sign your name on a contract. In constant need of intellectual stimulation, the most suitable job for a Gemini has to be challenging to their brain.

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  6. They are skillful, inventive and often very smart, with a need for a dynamic working environment and a lot of social contacts met in the office. The best careers they can choose are those of traders, inventors, writers, orators, preachers and lawyers , but any career that gives them the opportunity to communicate freely while keeping them on the move and busy at all times, is an excellent choice.

    As if they were created for multitasking, problem solving and bringing new ideas to life, they need a workplace that won't keep them stuck in a routinely, repetitive tasks that don't allow them to shine.

    Deciding between practicality and pleasure can be a difficult choice for Gemini. Even though they believe that money is just a necessary evil, most of them will not spend much time thinking where to earn it or how they spent it.

    Gemini Stock Photos and Images

    They need strong grounding to keep their finances in check and organized, giving them a sense of confidence and security they often don't even know they need. A Gemini man is enthusiastic and full of life, never disappointing with dull moments. He is adventurous and humorous, and this makes him the perfect partner if a person is energetic and dynamic, in search for some laughter and fun.

    Gemini men are naturally chatty and flirtatious, and you can meet them at public gatherings, conferences, and traffic jams. Their personality is marked by dualism, making them inconsistent but clever, and amazingly attractive to others.

    Gemini stock photos

    This man is impossible to cling to, and need a partner who gives him enough freedom and space, followed by mental stimulation and variety. To win his heart, one has to be fun, stimulating, adventurous, laughing at his jokes and ready to learn from him day after day. As if opposed to his eloquent nature, this isn't a man ready to discuss emotions that much, and will prefer if they are shown rather than spoken of.

    Sex with a Gemini man can be a wonderful experience, but if his partner is unwilling to experiment, he will get bored. As in all things in life, he needs new experiences, verbal contact, and freedom of expression when it comes to sexual relationships. If you want to attract a Gemini woman, you will have to be able to keep up with her dual nature.

    She can be passionate and gentle one moment, and aloof and distant the next.

    Its Origin and Meaning in Astrology

    This is a result of her natural born tendency to stay safe and on a distance from other people, prepared to run off into a carefree love story that waits for her just around the corner. This is an enthusiastic, witty, intellectual and soft spoken woman, while at the same time extremely open-minded and always ready to meet someone new.

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    Although a Gemini woman is usually not very shy, getting in a serious and committed relationship will take time and a lot of patience. However, once she finds a man who can satisfy her sexual and intellectual desires, this woman will be the one to suggest starting a family, marriage, and growing old together, although this might happen in an unusual way.

    She is impressed by partners who teach her new things and have insights that she sees and ingenious. But a Gemini will eventually settle down, because this sign is incredibly loyal and steadfast once they've chosen a partner. Let's be clear, though: Steadfast isn't a code word for boring. Gemini always love to keep things fresh and are happy to try almost anything in the bedroom.

    They're proud of their sexuality and depend on frequent physical check-ins to keep them grounded in their body.

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    To them, sex is a celebration of life, and Gemini loves both sex and life. Despite their unfair rep for being two-faced, once a Gemini is in your life, they're loyal for life—but they aren't afraid to voice their opinion if they feel you're doing something they disagree with or if they perceive you as not being loyal to them.

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    • Gemini Zodiac Sign.

    Always a sign to see all sides of the situation, Gemini may seek input from friends before going to the root of the problem. It's not gossiping—it's gathering information. And even though Gemini is easily the life of the party without trying, the Twins also have a deep emotional side that needs care and feeding.

    Gemini like time by themselves to read, create, daydream, and come up with other ways of sharing their gifts with the world. When a Gemini can truly tap in and share their gifts, they're an unstoppable force of energy that can motivate, inspire, and enchant the rest of the Zodiac.