Scorpio horoscope 4 january 2019

  1. 2019 Scorpio Horoscope: Your Hard Work In Profession Will Yield Results
  2. Scorpio Horoscope 2019
  3. Scorpio Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !

Love is still happy and exciting this month. Your general social popularity is strong.

2019 Scorpio Horoscope: Your Hard Work In Profession Will Yield Results

You are aggressive in love and go after what you want courageously. The only problem is that your affections are changeable. Singles find love in the usual places — at parties and social gatherings. Online romance is very much in the stars now.

Love messages hum through cyberspace. An overview Leo horoscope for the year This January love and romantic issues will become clarified. There will be extra energy for you to achieve spiritual and charitable goals.

Self-confidence and self-esteem are not what they should be, and you are rethinking personal desires and life direction. Many planets in the West never favor self-assertion or personal power struggles, and the retrograde of you Ruler merely reinforces this. Compromise, seek consensus and try not to force things to happen.

You need to balance outward and inner goals, family and career, doing right with feeling right, the need for emotional harmony with the need for outward success. Health becomes more delicate after the 18th, and though you are not likely to ignore these issues, more rest and relaxation is called for.

If you keep your goals limited — focus on them — the planets should carry you to them. Love is happy this month. A spiritual person — perhaps an artist or mystic type — come into your life.

The Grand Trine in the Air on the 11th and 12th is also bringing romantic opportunity. The people you are meeting now are strongly connected to you spiritually and most likely from past lives. Revelations about a present relationship arise — secret things come out.

The good thing about this is that now you know what you are dealing with and how to proceed. Your intuition is being trained through love and social issues.

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Love problems are not what they seem — only a call to unity and a closer connection to the Higher Power. Finances too are happy. Money is earned easily and effortlessly. Profits are earned quickly. You help others prosper, and prosper in return. Debts are easily paid but also easily made. Your partner or spouse is generous.

Be careful of overspending and over-optimism. Your most important areas of life this month are health, work; love, romance; home and family. The paths to greatest fulfillment this month are friends, group activities, career though you must balance it with family obligations , helping others to prosper, sex and self-transformation.

An overview Virgo horoscope for the year This January you will have extra energy to achieve social goals. This is a period with much social progress happening. Popularity is unusually high and good comes to you through others. Your social goals are attained easily now. You need to focus more on the inner life — on finding your point of emotional harmony and balance and functioning from there.

You are in a period of setting the foundation for future career growth. Your job is to build a solid one. The Grand Trine in Fire on the 7th and 8th will bring you love, social bliss, increased earnings, creativity and great optimism.

The Grand Trine in Air on the 11th and 12th will bring health, overall well being and communication. It enhances your already strong intellectual gifts.

This January mind your phone bill and try to avoid idle gossip and instead focus your enhanced intellectual skills on projects that are important to you.

Your most important areas of interest this month are: Your paths to greatest fulfillment are career, though you need to be building the foundation for it religion, foreign travel, love and romance. Love is close to home and happy this month. There will be a serious and happy relationship with a neighbor.

Someone who is also financially supportive or who provides financial opportunities. You are totally in his or her corner — totally devoted. This has marriage potential.

Money, as we mentioned, comes from your social grace and from your spouse, lover or partner. Earnings should soar this month. The danger is overspending. An overview Libra horoscope for the year This month children and creative issues will be clarified you will also have extra energy to achieve career goals. You must rest and relax more until the 18th.

There should be a dramatic spurt in vitality after then. Have a few attainable goals and stick to them. Let all lesser things go. Again, mind your temper and feelings of frustration until the 14th. January is a month for de-emphasizing career and instead work on family and psychological issues.

Those of you on a psychological path will have plenty of material to work with this month.

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  7. Moods and feelings are still volatile — as are relations with family members. You never know where you stand from one moment to the next. The home is a major soap opera these days! Most of the planets are in the West this month, which shows a need for compromise, seeking consensus and development of social skills. This is not a time for self- assertion or power struggles — yet, you have strong urges for this.

    Your most important areas of interest this month are finance, home, family, children, fun and entertainment. Your paths of greatest fulfillment are religion, philosophy, foreign affairs, helping others prosper, sex, health and work. Your financial drives are absolutely incredible, and woe to those who stand in your way.

    Scorpio Horoscope 2019

    You are going for the gold and ready to go bust if you fail. There is no compromise if you fail. Happily, you have a lot of help. Love stays the same this January. An overview Scorpio horoscope for the year This month you will have extra energy to achieve educational, travel or religious goals. You have amazing energy and power behind you this month, Sagittarius.

    Hopefully, you will use it wisely and constructively. Most of the planets are in your eastern sector, giving unusual self-reliance, independence and personal free will. Mars will move into your sign on the 14th, you will have the energy of 10 people and will not suffer fools gladly. You get your way, and quickly at that!

    You have a window of opportunity now. Your paradise is your right. If you avoid temper tantrums, power struggles though you will win these and focus only on your paradise, you will be amazed at how far you will go. Others are going to adapt to you. You must have a stable emotional base for it. This period you are working from within.

    Your most important areas of interest this month are the body, image, personal appearance, intellectual interest, local travel, home, family, love and romance. Your paths of greatest fulfillment are helping others prosper, debt, repayment, sex, personal transformation, love, romance, fun and entertainment.

    Love is stormy and complicated this month —, especially after the 14th. You are torn between pleasing your beloved and asserting yourself. It is a difficult balancing act now. You want your own way intensely, but you also want to please your partner. Sexual passion is unusually strong.

    You might win the power struggle but break up the relationship. Further complicating things are the other romantic opportunities coming this month. These are not serious things, but they cloud the issue at hand.

    Finances are getting easier after the 18th. In the meantime you need to work harder for earnings — happily, you have all the energy you need for it. An overview Sagittarius horoscope for the year This January you are feeling confident, in control and making good forward progress towards your goals. Launch these new projects now.


    The message in the planets is clear: Ambitions need a solid emotional and psychological base. Success without a degree of emotional harmony will not work for you. To climb the heights you need to plumb the depths.

    So this is a month for psychological, inner progress and laying the groundwork of future success. You have more independence and self-reliance now. Create conditions as you like them, but begin within.

    Make sure you can achieve them from an emotional comfort zone. Your most important areas of life this month are finance, communication, intellectual interests, children, creativity, fun, entertainment, home and family.

    Your paths of greatest fulfilment this month are love, romance; health, work; children, fun, entertainment, home and family. Finances are still supercharged most of the month. Those of you involved in property or insurance litigation hear good news. Tax issues come out better than expected. Something that everyone considers junk becomes gold to you.

    Money comes suddenly, unexpectedly and quite easily. You want to have fun and financial issues interfere with this. Love remains the same. It is not that important to you at the moment — though you should focus on it more.

    Health is excellent all month. Job seekers need more patience during this month. Study all prospective offers carefully. Ask questions and get details. The job might not be what you think. Employers, too, need to exercise more caution now. An overview Capricorn horoscope for the year This January you will have extra energy to achieve social and romantic goals.

    January is happy for you, Aquarius, as much major stress is being lifted off you by the end of the month. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Happiness is such a relative thing. Perhaps this urge is intensified by all the work and stress at your job.

    Things are very competitive career-wise. There is more independence and self-reliance about you this month. This does not mean running roughshod over others though.

    Your paths of greatest fulfillment are health, work, finance, fun, creativity and children. You look fabulous, self-esteem is strong and others are taking notice.

    Love is pursuing you and by now has probably found you. Your lover or spouse is bending over backwards to please you. Still, with your affections so volatile, who knows where this relationship will lead?

    For Scorpio natives, is announcing to be a year full of calmness and serenity. They will enjoy many sunny days, full of smiles and cheerfulness.

    Next year, you will advance further than ever in your career. It is the perfect moment to start your own business or a new business. Starting in the summer of , until the summer of , you are going to have a period of professional flourishment, of ascension and success. New opportunities occur, as well as changes for the better that have been long awaited for.

    In the first part of , the goddess of love resides in your house, which will awaken your romantic side. If you are already involved in a relationship, you will enjoy love, tranquillity and a lot of affection in the company of your life partner.

    Scorpio Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !

    After a few escapades during February, in the spring, you will need a landscape change: In the first half of June, a platonic friend wins your heart. If you want something else, in July you can play with your admirers just as you would play with some chess pieces: Starting from November, your relationship is shaking up. If you manage to maintain your character strength, your relationship will reach another level, much more intense.

    The energy and movement of planets in the house of each zodiac signs can induce us a certain state of mind, influencing our achievements or failures. During the holidays, you go through a certain mood.

    At the beginning of , you are going to be exuberant and cheerful without a particular reason, but towards the end of , you tend to exaggerate some negative aspects of their life. Everything will be as beautiful as at the beginning, so you will have all the reasons to enjoy your time with your loved one.

    Therefore, there are few who can understand your passion, the Cancer and Pisces natives, water signs as Scorpio, can let themselves seduced by passion and they can deal with a relationship full of romance.

    If you are not satisfied with your employment status and you want to develop their own business, the astral context of can bring unexpected opportunities.

    Also, those who want to obtain recognition at work and to be promoted and financially rewarded are favored this year. The most important thing is to decide what you really want, which means you need to analyze your goals in the long run and to decide if the current job offers you any perspectives of progressing or it is just a temporary source of income.

    The financial and professional sector is one of the life domains that represents a priority in Although they will deal with quite a lot of challenges, they will certainly feel that their efforts were not in vain. You need to show your professionalism and their sense of responsibility in any activity during the following period. If they stay connected with everything that happens around them, in the first months of the year, they can earn some significant amounts of money from small commissions or other activities outside their work.

    Also during this time, the stars are in favor of negotiation contracts, which is a sign that they should bring into discussion the possibility of renewing a collaboration.

    In the first part of , it is very possible to register some holdups or delays on a professional level, which risks offsetting some of their plans.

    Financially, is likely to be a good year, especially starting from November. One way or another, you will manage to earn increasingly more money on your own, with no need of collaborating with others.

    On the other hand, it seems that in June of , you will invest more time and energy in business trips or remote collaborations, or in scientific, cultural or academic pursuits.

    You might feel the impulse to complete your education or to deepen the knowledge in a specific domain, to specialize in something, to publish an article or a book etc.

    Usually, you have the tendency of obtaining business alliances with richer people, and these relationships are quite intense, so when the time comes to choose a life partner, you will always look for someone with a pleasant personality, active, kind, stable and next to whom they feel they can have an easy path.

    The retrogradation of Mercury in activate the vocational houses , and also the house of earned money and the house of personality. You could take advantage of this retrograde transit to reorganize a work team or group or to highlight themselves as worthy members of the team.

    After March 28 of , things start to clear up, the information and the intentions are no longer shadowed by doubts and they have the possibility of taking the first steps towards a better future.

    However, communication issues may occur with the superiors or with the state institutions. You can take advantage of this period to try out new career directions or to renew contracts with older collaborators. It is time to restructure your activity, to reconsider their market position if you are an entrepreneur, to analyze older data and information in order to understand what changes they need to do to obtain better results on long-term.

    To successfully overcome the difficult period from the summer of , you need to prove that they have organizational skills and know how to set your priorities and also that they can quickly adapt to different situations. The good news for the end of the year is that on November 8 of , Jupiter exits Sagittarius and enters Capricorn.

    Therefore, you have great chances to discover new income sources. A varied diet that can provide the Scorpio women the chance to use their energy is the best. You should stay away from food that is rich in fat.

    A vegetarian diet is very indicated for this zodiac sign. The recommended foods include brown rice, millet, wheat germs, lettuce, celery, and cucumbers. The indicated fruits are cherries, oranges, and lemons. The influence of Mars on this zodiac sign determines the necessity of an important intake of water and vegetable juice and to avoid an excessive consumption of salt.

    For the Scorpio man, a diet rich in fibers, with plenty of fruits and vegetables is ideal. Strongly flavored or spicy foods should not be missing from their diet. The native can get so much involved in his work that sometimes he forgets to eat. You have endless energy, so you need to move a lot, regardless of your weight.

    Being a water sign, you love aquatic sports swimming, canoeing, diving etc. Boxing and martial arts are also demanding sports that burn a lot of calories, suitable for your aggressive nature. January 21, Full Moon in Leo: The news for January target the relationships with the close ones.

    Either the meetings with the relatives and family happen more often, or various discussion regarding older issues occur.