Capricorn moon love compatibility

Mercury enters Capricorn
  1. But Make It Fashion
  2. Aries Moon
  3. Moon Sign Compatibility
Moon Sign Capricorn - The Moon in Capricorn

Someone who helps you expand your mind. Who introduces you to new concepts. To be trusted by your person. Gemini, Aquarius Take a risk: You want to be in charge of how you present to the world. And how you present which emotions to the world, and when.

Scheduling emotional shit into your calendar? Sounds like something you do. What is your own personal awareness of your emotions like? Can you locate your feelings in your body at any given time? It might be time to break out that journal and start getting in touch with the connection between your body and your emotions.

Safety — which is to say, someone you feel safe with and seen by. Consistency — whatever that looks like to you. Cancer, Libra Take a risk: Aquarius moons are probably one of the most fearless moons of the zodiac, which is to say, you could legitimately give two fucks what anyone thinks. A sense of purpose, or calling, or vocation.

Aquarians are often called the humanitarians of the zodiac, and folks with Aquarius moons feel strongly about being emotionally connected to a community. Many folks in astrology take the easy road and say that your independent streak makes you more open to polyamory and open relationships.

But Make It Fashion

Folks with strong Aquarian energy require the freedom to build their own kind of system, no matter their relationship orientation. You need freedom within whatever relationship system you are building with your partner s , who themselves have to be thoughtful and considerate and open-minded people.

Aries, Sagittarius Take a risk: Pisces moons know this better than most; you feel more deeply and are more psychically in tune with this world than others are capable of grasping.

Your capacity for empathy is inspirational to those around you, but you also pick up on everything in your environment like whoa. Not feeling everything going around you, everything people put on you. It is not your responsibility, alone, to take on the cares of the world, or even the cares of those closest to you.

Learning to filter out, and feel through, the various layers is a difficult road, but one that leads to deep and fulfilling relationships that build you up. Everyone loves to be appreciated, but you, more than most, appreciate the grand gesture, the one that is specifically attuned to your interests, the one that is over the top.

Friends and lovers who are real with you and who understand you, and who, for this reason, can challenge you and push you while cherishing you.

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Who know how to be tough and tender at the same time. Taurus, Virgo Take a risk: There are many places you can go, but to do your own chart, go to astro. To get the most accurate chart, you need your exact time of birth in addition to your date and place of birth; however, you can still do a chart without a time of birth. Go forth and learn!

You can read her horoscopes for writers at Electric Literature. She is currently working on a memoir. You need to login in order to like this post: I look forward to more! Sorry, rambled, just excited!!! JEANNA oh my god i was JUST talking about how i would love to find someone who likes me as much as i like them and takes care of me the way i take care of them and wow from the virgo moon: So very excited for this series!

For years I thought my moon sign meant that I was too drunk to GAF and started to moon people for laughs outa boredom. I do hate being corralled and I do love openly. Why keep it bottled up? And I love how you as a writer laid it all out. I am looking foreword to more.

I knew I was a Pisces moon Virgo sun, Gemini ascendent and I had a general idea of what that meant, but this gave me a lot more information! Also thanks for the Time Passages recommendation! I have never related all that much to my sun sign Taurus and then I started reading into astrology a bit more recently and found out I was a Scorpio moon and SO much made sense.

And this whole thing made me feel Extremely Seen so I loved it. People pushing your boundaries. I am a Capricorn Moon, Capricorn rising and have Capricorn all over my chart and yet I cannot relate to this sign at all! I am terrible at concealing my feelings! I cry in public frequently and I hate it. I am not seen as a boss bitch but as someone people need to take care of.

You May Also Like What a Time to Fail! Log in to Reply. I love the way you wrote this and your intro, Jeanna. Gemini Moon is restless, open minded, and hardly ever finishes what they begin. Capricorn Moon is serious, conscientious and disciplined. They need to set goals and achieve them.

While each fills a need in the other, the communication problems may be too much for some to overcome. On the good days, this pairing complements each other perfectly. Gemini can prevent Capricorn from overworking and teach them how to have fun. Capricorn may be able to teach Gemini some responsibility and discipline.

Capricorn Moon always ends up being the adult, while Gemini Moon plays and has fun. This can become a bone for contention between them. Capricorn Moon and Cancer Moon can work out very well together. They are either the best of pals or arguing, there never seems to be an in between.

They differ in how they understand the world, but if they can work together, this can be a very good match. Cancer Moon is caring, emotional and moody while Capricorn Moon is uncomfortable with feelings and emotions.

Cancer wants to be close and nurturing; Capricorn prefers to keep a bit of a distance to the point that they will put off their own needs in favor of work and responsibilities. Both partners are hardworking, patient and responsible. Capricorn may have difficulty being there for Cancer emotionally even if they are there physically.

Both partners are very committed and loyal, and it is here that they can truly connect. Cancer can help Capricorn understand that they need tenderness and love as much as anyone else. While Capricorn hates others being too dependent, they learn to appreciate Cancer's softness and nurturing.

Aries Moon

Cancer can get a lot from Capricorn's strength and emotional stability in a relationship. Capricorn Moon and Leo Moon may be happy together, but usually one partner ends up constantly trying to please the other. In most cases, Leo Moon won't appreciate the directness of Capricorn, and Capricorn Moon won't appreciate the generosity of Leo.

These two are opposites. Leo Moon wants to make the dramatic gesture and attract attention; Capricorn Moon is more serious, subdued and controlled. Leo Moon may be playful and a bit lazy; Capricorn Moon is responsible and hardworking. Leo Moon shows love through romantic gestures and expects praise.

Moon Sign Compatibility

Capricorn Moon shows love through practical gifts like making a meal or taking the car into the shop. Both Capricorn and Leo will tend to feel inhibited and overwhelmed by the other. Their differences will stand out, causing them to constantly create unhappiness in their partner unless they can learn to accommodate the other.

This is a very difficult pairing to make work. The detachment of Capricorn Moon will drive Leo Moon to distraction. They will never feel the center of attention while the detachment is there. Leo's need for praise and attention tends to make Capricorn pull out their hair. Chances are both partners will feel it is time to cut their losses and move on at some point in this relationship.

Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon are the best of friends the moment they meet. They can't believe their luck in finding someone who shares so many things in common.

They are highly compatible, and this relationship should work out well for all concerned. Both Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon are organized and practical. They both work hard and want to be useful. Both are willing to forego their own desires and feelings in lieu of responsibilities.

They are self-disciplined and meticulous. They are faithful, constant and don't like risks. They will happily tread the safe, logical path to financial security. Together they can have a very powerful connection. Others may view them as boring, but they feel secure and happy. They need to make sure they don't expect too much of themselves.

With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work. They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon dull.

If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy. Capricorn Moon and Libra Moon may not be very likely partners. Unless one is willing to compromise, they may never find a meeting of the minds.

With Libra's airy qualities and Capricorn's down to earth ethics, it is difficult for them to get along. Libra Moon wants a loving relationship based on give and take, with each partner responding to the other's needs.

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Capricorn Moon is rather reserved and is focused on responsibility. They are willing to forego immediate gratification for the ultimate reward down the road. They are practical and will work hard to attain financial security for their family. Libra Moon will have a difficult time with Capricorn's aloofness and seriousness. Capricorn Moon will have a rough time by Libra's obsession with pleasure, lighthearted romantic notions and indecisiveness.

They just find their own security in very different ways. Idealism doesn't always match practicality. If they can make it work, Libra can teach Capricorn how to enjoy a break once in awhile, and Capricorn can teach Libra some independence.

In most cases, however, they just can't satisfy each others' needs. Material security and order in your practical affairs is essential to both of you. You may rely a great deal on money for a sense of emotional well-being, or even substitute material gifts for emotional sharing and affection Capricorn is particularly prone to this.

Both of you are dependable and responsible in close relationships, and you appreciate this very much in one another. You harmonize well together, though there are significant differences in your temperaments.

Capricorn seeks to prove personal worth through accomplishment and by achieving success in material terms. Taurus, too, is a practical person, but has a strong pleasure-loving , comfort-loving, easy-going side that borders on laziness at times.

Taurus enjoys the things worked for, and can help Capricorn do so, too.

Capricorn Moon 🌙 - Detached Soloists Or Deep Seductors / Seductresses?

Taurus also expresses affection and sensuality more readily than Capricorn, and can help Capricorn open up in this way. Though very different, the two of you can complement one another. Capricorn is serious, disciplined, and conscientious almost to a fault. Practical and dutiful, Capricorn has a strong need to achieve, and becomes self-condemning and unhappy if not accomplishing enough.

Overwork or an over-emphasis on obligations can take all of the fun out of life for Capricorn. In contrast to Capricorn, Gemini may also be irresponsible and careless, which annoys Capricorn. In your relationship, Gemini may play the role of the adolescent lively, playful, but uncommitted or lacking direction , while Capricorn plays the mature, responsible adult.

Your instinctive emotional responses and your temperaments are very different and, in fact, quite opposite much of the time. Cancer is emotional, tender, sentimental, easily swayed by moods and appeals to sympathy. Caring and closeness are of primary importance to Cancer. Capricorn is as committed and loyal in relationship as Cancer is, but Capricorn is uncomfortable feeling or expressing softness, neediness, vulnerability, and emotion in general.

Capricorn has a certain crustiness and emotional distance, which seems cool or cold at times. Personal emotional needs are often ignored or put aside in favor of work, practical responsibilities and duties. Highly demanding of self and others, Capricorn often neglects the playful, feeling, childlike side of life.

Secretly, however, Capricorn needs tenderness as much as anyone, though admitting that and asking to be held or comforted is very hard for Capricorn to do.

Whereas Capricorn downplays emotions and emotional displays, Leo often exaggerates them. Like a child, Leo is eager for attention, love, praise, and recognition from others, while Capricorn, ever the adult, rarely admits needing people in that way. Capricorn is, or appears to be, more self-sufficient emotionally.

While Leo is usually quite warm and personable, Capricorn is frequently detached, formal, and businesslike with people.

Also, Leo is more of an optimist by nature, whereas Capricorn tends towards pessimism or at least a clear-eyed realism. You understand one another very well, for you have very similar temperaments, and your responses to people and to situations are quite similar. Both of you are practical and hard-working, with a strong need to be useful and productive, and to accomplish something concrete.

Work, responsibilities, or business come before pleasure and play for both of you, and you may neglect your emotional needs. You downplay feelings and desires that seem childish or unrealistic.

Both of you have a strong need for material security, and very much prefer a safe, logical, and well-defined path, rather than taking risks.

You are responsible in your dealings with others. In fact, you share a tendency to be overly conscientious, to expect too much from yourselves, and to be far too harsh with yourselves at times.

Faithfulness and constancy in love and friendship are very important to you both, and you naturally feel very comfortable together, knowing you can trust one another to be reliable.

Sometimes your relationship may become dry — all work and no play.

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You both need to relax more, and to pay more attention to your fun-loving, emotional side. Libra is a warm, affectionate person who needs people, especially a very close, loving partner to share life with.