February 26 leo horoscope

Moon Alert
  1. Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 26
  2. The Globe and Mail
  3. Horoscope for Monday February 26th

According to the planets you don't yet know all the facts, so be smart and hold back from committing yourself. If you move too early it could cost you financially and professionally.

Leo Weekly Horoscope February 26-March 4 2018 Astrology & Tarot

The Sun in the career area of your chart means you must get serious about your ambitions. You may think you are serious already but are you prepared to put everything you have on the line?

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Go the extra yard, then make it a mile. You seem to be more relaxed now the Sun is moving through the most philosophical area of your chart. Finally you recognize that you don't need more material success, you need more peace of mind.

Do whatever it takes to get it. It may appear as if you are the only one in the neighborhood who does not know what is going on but it's probably not true. There is no big secret that the world is keeping from you, so maybe you should stop taking life so seriously.

Make time for other people today, especially people who need a shoulder to lean on, and maybe cry on too. If you go out of your way to put their interests first now the universe will go out of its way to protect you later on. You must stay on top of your workload this coming week, because if you fall behind even a little bit it will be an uphill struggle to catch up again.

Do what must be done, do it on time and do it well.

Planetary Row

Stay ahead of the game. If you make a promise to a friend or relative today you must be absolutely certain that you can deliver. If you let them down, even if it's not their fault, they will hold it against you not just for days but for weeks, maybe months, to come. They have an eye for beautiful things and love drives them forwards, reminding them who they are at all times.

Wolfenite is an excellent crystal for individuals born on the 26th of February, for it harmonizes their emotions and helps them find their core as they release negativity. It will get blocked energy moving again, and prevent despondency and inertia when a person is faced with negative emotions or situations in life. This is a stone that aids achieving hormonal balance, and helps them restore order in confusing relationships.

Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 26

For a person born on the 26th of February, birthday is mostly a reminder of their childhood celebrations, parties, playing around, and the element of surprise.

It is their dreamy nature that makes them sensitive to birthday breakfasts, a cake made just for them, a present under their pillow, and any way you can think of to color their day as someone who loves them would.

To really make them happy, write them a poem or draw their portrait. They want to be celebrated in the most personal, childish ways you can think of, so add color to anything you imagine doing.

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  4. February 26th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs;
  5. astrohope daily horoscope!
  6. Loving, kind, filled with compassion and extremely romantic, they are open for new encounters, adventurous relationships, always ready to revolve around someone inspiring with admiration, but only if they get the same treatment in return. Childish, wearing their pink goggles most of the time, they wish to avoid problems in any way possible and move to a faraway land when things get rough.

    Easy to give up and take two steps back even when they care about something deeply. Pisces - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

    The Globe and Mail

    Pisces man - information and insights on the Pisces man. Pisces woman - information and insights on the Pisces woman. Pisces compatibility - the compatibility of Pisces with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

    Make sure you have your intention set on the right things in your life and are sure to find fulfillment whatever you pursue. Today Horoscope for Leo: Leo, you are unstoppable today! You have been on a bit of a lucky streak and it seems as though everything is just going your way.

    You are likely to succeed at whatever you pursue today so try to focus on what you desire most. You just may find that today is the day to make your wildest dreams come true! Today Horoscope for Virgo: Virgo, there could be some conflict in your home life right now.

    Mars is seated firmly in your 4th House of Home, and it's likely that the same argument keeps surfacing over and over again. Use your diplomatic skills to try to get to the root of the problem and find a solution. Everyone will breathe a little easier once this is put in the past.

    Today Horoscope for Libra: Someone has really inspired you recently, Libra. This could be someone who is living the kind of life you desire and you greatly admire their attitude and approach to all they do. Find ways to bring yourself closer to this person and try to understand how they have cultivated their positive ways.

    You just may find they are open to sharing some of their secrets with you!

    Horoscope for Monday February 26th

    Today Horoscope for Scorpio: Scorpio, you are an expert problem-solver. You have the ability to see to the core of an issue and you are also very adept at reading people.

    You are able to glean people's intentions after a seemingly surface-level meeting. Use your skills to help out those you care about.