Pisces weekly horoscope from 30 january 2019

Pisces Love & Money For January 2019
  1. Pisces October Monthly Horoscope ~ Darkstar Astrology
  2. GotoHoroscope
  3. Pisces Xmas and New Year Horoscope
  4. January 2019 Horoscope Pisces

Pisces October Monthly Horoscope ~ Darkstar Astrology

Of course, if you decide to do nothing and simply step aside, then the horoscope does not know where such actions may lead. But with at least minimal interest, with the desire to change something for the better, Pisces will have all the cards in their hands. This situation in the first month of the year was made possible by the exit of Venus from the antagonistic Mars sector.

This is a short-term trend, but it is enough for Pisces, as they say, to take the bull by the horns and surprise everyone—both enemies and allies.


The first third of January will help Pisces understand themselves better. In general, the past one-year period is not particularly successful for self-searching and forging relationships with yourself. However, the beginning of the first month of this year, partly preserving the characteristics of the preceding stage, will give Pisces a unique opportunity to combine the advantages of different cycles.

This means that you will have to divide your attention equally between the sphere of personal and professional life. You should not give in to momentary passion, but nor should you deny yourself what you really want.

At work, be vigilant and do not let yourself be hurt. If someone is encroaching on your territory, take retaliatory measures, decisively and uncompromisingly, so that your opponents never feel a desire to approach you again. Due to the fact that Mars is one of the dominant positions this month, you should not have any difficulty with this response.

Do not forget to be yourself, especially with your loved ones.

  1. Pisces Good Days Calendar for January 2019.
  2. ?
  3. gemini horoscope for week of february 13 2019!

In the second part of January , Pisces will be able to achieve great success, partly since they will position themselves in the right spot at the beginning of the month. This middle period is especially important for those who have their own business.

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  • Do not neglect the signs of fate, which means that if for some reason you think that you should not sign a new contract, even if everything indicates the success of the transaction.

    It is worth slowing down and listening to yourself and your intuition.

    Pisces Xmas and New Year Horoscope

    In general, this is not the time when emotions should prevail over intellect, but the sixth sense is something wholly different, and Pisces always trust it. You should make no exception even when everything appears to be great. In terms of health, it would be good to take care of yourself during this period.

    An exam, complex treatment, prevention—all that is needed. It is better not to postpone these, or free time will be nonexistent due to sickness. Parents, parent figures and bosses suffer financial disturbances and need to make changes.

    Since the Sun rules your 6th house, every solar eclipse affects the job and the health regime.

    Pisces January 2019 Horoscope

    So job changes are happening. There can be disturbances or upheavals at the workplace. If you employ others there are dramas in the lives of employees and perhaps staff turnover.

    Overall, your health is good, but you will be making important changes to your health regime in the coming months. The lunar eclipse of the 21st occurs in your 6th house, again bringing job changes and disturbances at the workplace.

    This is almost a repeat of the earlier solar eclipse.

    Mars enters Aries

    There is a need to make important changes to your health regime — perhaps due to some health scare. Every lunar eclipse affects the children and children figures in your life and this one is no different.

    January 2019 Horoscope Pisces

    There are personal and financial dramas happening with them. They should definitely relax and take it easy over this period. Many Pisceans are involved in the creative arts.

    This eclipse will signal important changes in their creativity.