Daily taurus horoscope by jennifer angel

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There are love lessons this year for you to learn, which will help you know your true value. Ask for who and what you want in your life, and nothing less. Watch for the signs of co-incidence, change meetings and serendipity, as these are the moments that can change your life, which in turn can boost your bank balance.

Your spiritual advancement comes from stepping up and standing in your own light — think big — be bold!

TAURUS SEPT. 2014 Horoscope by Jennifer Angel

The planetary energy makes this an amazing year for Capricorn! What you need to do is get clear about who you are and what you want to manifest. Once you make up your mind about what it is you really want to achieve, the universe will support you by putting it into motion.

Be open to love without too many preconceived ideas of what love should look like. Romance can literally sweep you off your feet this year, and when you least expect it. If an opportunity feels right, then it most likely will be. Association and co-operation with others can provide the financial gain and support you desire.

Focus on the present and future. Nothing is out of the realms of possibility. Get in touch with your truth and think big — this is not a year to be living small — visualize your grand plan for life!

Angel Tarot Reading | jakubzidek.cz

Connecting with friends and colleagues to socialize and network are the keys to your success this year. As you reach out to help others achieve their goals your own dreams and wishes will also materialize. A passionate interaction with someone fabulous can take your heart for a roller coaster ride. If it is a new love, discard old habits, attitudes and beliefs to embrace the future.

Couples can renew their romance and reignite their love spark. Productivity, time management and organization are all crucial this year to realize your career goals. Make a plan, reassess it often and follow through.

Angel Tarot

Believe you can achieve what you want, and you can. The power is in how much your value yourself — as you increase your self-worth, your bank balance will also increase. Huge realizations can take you by surprise and change the way you think, feel and view life. This year, if you surround yourself with the right people, anything is possible!

Those who have your best interest at heart, friends and colleagues who support and love you, can help you rise to the top of your field. Intense eclipse energy jump starts your love life.

If you want a deep connection with someone, not a frivolous encounter, then romance, passion and friendship are all equally important. Your career can rocket all the way to the stars this year. Follow your heart, stay single-minded on your highest priority, and you can make huge headway in any area you put your focus on.

When you do what you love, and center your attention on what you do best, the money will follow and flow. People, situations and co-incidences will suddenly appear to provide you with incredible insights that can literally change your life — pay attention!

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