Grand sextile january 3 2019 astrology

The Astrology of Year 2019
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Mercury turns retrograde more frequently than any other planet. It can never be more than 28 degrees from the Sun, and whenever it reaches its furthest distance from the Sun, it changes direction. As the planet of communication, Mercury retrograde tends to breed a certain level of confusion.

Mercury has rulership over such things as speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, the mail and shipping, and so forth. All of these areas of life are affected when Mercury is functioning in a sluggish state.

Decision-making is challenged during Mercury retrograde. Needless to say, it is not advised to sign contracts, engage in important decision-making, or launch a new business. Delays and challenges are more probable with Mercury retrograde. This period is best used for re-organizing and reflecting. Watch what you say, because it may not come out, or be received, the way you intended.

Double-check that the person who uttered those words really meant it the way you thought they did! Mercury is retrograde from October 31 to November 20, , in the sign of Scorpio.

Graphs and data from the excellent Day Watch software. Read more about Mercury Retrograde. Where is Mercury Retrograde transiting by house in your natal chart?

Does it conjunct a natal planet, your Ascendant, or Midheaven? Read interpretations of Mercury Retrograde in Transit for a more personalized meaning of the transit cycle. What is Venus Retrograde? Occasionally, Venus appears to be moving backwards in the sky. Venus is Retrograde approximately days every 18 months.

As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are times when we re-assess what—and who—we value. It is a period that most astrologers consider inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship. Brand new financial undertakings are not advised during this period as well. There may be delays or confusion in relationships and financial affairs.

Read more about Venus Retrograde cycles. What is Mars Retrograde? Occasionally, Mars appears to be moving backwards in the sky. When Mars is in its retrograde cycle, we are forced to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature.

Rather than directly asserting our desires, we tend towards introspection. We can be hesitant about taking action, second-guessing our instincts or our natural impulses rather than acting upon them. Jupiter is retrograde in from April 10 to August 11, , in the sign of Sagittarius.

Saturn is retrograde in from April 29th to September 18th, , in the sign of Capricorn. Uranus completes its retrograde that began on August 7, , in on January 6th, , and will retrograde again in August Uranus is retrograde from August 11th, , until January 10th, , in the sign of Taurus.

Mars enters Aries

Neptune is retrograde in from June 21st to November 27th, , in the sign of Pisces. Sudden threat or explosive situations.


Powerful alliances in both money and love. Unsettling facts for some, for others highly exciting prospects, unions and adventure, plans. Some feel suddenly forsaken or thrown out of situation. Some escape or free self from difficult circumstances. Sudden turn of luck. Sept 13 Mercury oppose Neptune, dreams and ideals, plans for the future; or lies and misleading facts, false promises.

Leo Monthly Astrology Forecast January 2018

Avoiding the truth, not wanting to face the facts. The creation of illusion or false premise. At times, truth vs lie confrontation. Blurry thinking or perceiving, seeing. Idealists and mystical inclinations. Danger of wanting to make money without working or making true effort.

Pluto here too can be sudden reckoning and need to correct ill thought out plans, need to heal obvious blunders in ecological and economic thinking. Tendency to over criticize others to avoid working on oneself. The end of a dream or false hope and the rebirth of simple life style and renewed sanity. Taking things too personally. Tricky time for all major investments both financially and emotionally, personally.

Having said this, I also want to say such aspect may be playing into Saturn conjunct Pluto and setting a base for a more singular world wide economic plan attempting to set pattern for more regularity and control, hopefully more peace and less paranoid arms bulging and building, more gardening and humanitarian taking care of each other in both necessities, health, and education.

New discoveries and break throughs, new thought combined with force of feeling positive.

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Take care to play it safe here; crazy danger around this day. Such aspect can precipitate unnecessary violence, anger, negative emotion, escalating troubles, wrong gun play, accidents, crashes, storms, strong winds, loss of patience, hasty moves triggering blow ups, crazy ups and downs, wild news, and nasty vibes and environs.

Flips and turn arounds, upsets, hasty premature actions. Great aspect for experimenting in music and the arts, but tendency to get too forceful or loud, over the edge, without boundaries or allegiance to harmony, beauty.

The false image of winning by beating up the enemy seems wrong to me. Some see these times as an etheric crucifixion of the Christ, the Universal love and truth, the universal friend. How do we convert or be alchemists in transforming negativities to positivities?

None-the-less , this aspect of Mars Uranus once again triggers all geo-political hotspots and maniac people looking for trouble and fights without wisdom, foresight nor hindsight, attempting to stir change but wherein nothing really changes for the better, just on going conflicts and perpetual warring.

Its crazy to keep causing further suffering without thought of long term future consequences for self and other, the world. Here wisdom needs oversee partial genius and short sighted hasty quick intention.

The road to hell is paved with good intention.

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Virtuous action long term and for the good of all is called for. Courage for truth holds us all sacred at core, live that.

Stocks, politics, and weather can be a bit strange and full of vicissitudes. Good time to stop going through changes and root deeper into cooking, cleaning, making home, being regular reliable and trustworthy at work and play, diet and sleep, exercise and spiritual practice. Work on self to more creative change world around.

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  8. Sacred time for all spiritual and earthly cultures throughout history. To the ancient Celts and Druids, early essene, and many more, Autumn Equinox when the Sun enters the astrological sign Libra is the esoteric inner spiritual beginning of the new year.

    Many seek some sort of reconciliation or new balance with self and other, world. Chiron wants to heal but with opposition take care not to re-new conflicts, making for a couple of weeks of opposite polarities lost for harmony, healing, balance, acknowledgement, and balanced communication.

    Political and economic conflict, or renewed struggle, stress and tension, warring, stormy. Michael time of inner awakening.

    Planetary Aspect Patterns

    Time of the Celtic New Year being reborn within us for sure. Truth tries to get out now. The Truth holds us all sacred or more fighting facts?

    Conservative restraint and discipline conflict with aggressive need to progress? Need to think before acting hastily. Addictions killing many here. Those working with and for benefit of others seem to achieve more success than lone dogs and aggressive or selfish hedonists, egotists, and playing without responsibilities to others benefit and growth.

    Sept 21st to 24th exact Harvest full moon 2 degree Aries Sept 25 Sun square Saturn, extremes in weather, cold shoulder or circumstance, hot headed? Need to fix something teeth, car, facts and accounting for.

    Could be food poisoning. Keep an eye on your diet! Otherwise, as always with the dark stars, there is also the potential for a great detox and healing to take place on this night. So, if your body is in need of a rest after Christmas indulgences, stay at home, drink a load of kale juice and take a bath filled with green crystals.

    A happy and verdant new year to you! See more of the year in the Astrology Of I am so ready for this shift. Your videos are always very good, but the last two knocked it out of the park. Thanks for what you do. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Search for: Share on Facebook Share.

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