2019 libra horoscope january 2

Libra Horoscope 2019 Predictions, You Will Retain Your Balance
  1. Libra Horoscope Preview
  2. 2019 Libra Horoscope Preview
  3. Libra Horoscope 2019 Astrology: Your Honour And Prestige To Increase
  4. Libra 2019
  5. Libra January 2019

Gifted with more practical sense and competitive spirit than usual, you have chances to succeed in concretizing the professional goals.

As the weather gets warmer, their accounts might become richer. It is good to know that from October, not everything will be as bright. You s risk to lose a great amount of money or, simply, you will stop making money so easily. This is why, if they make smart investments, they will have money all year round.

Similarly, if they save, they will have money for the entire year. If not, the end of is not going to be a good one for the Libra natives from a financial point of view. Once Uranus enters the Taurus in August , new opportunities will appear , whether to hold a position they aspired over the years or to find a job abroad.

Libra Horoscope Preview

Regarding money, again, you will enjoy a favourable period: It gives them vitality and confidence, it highlights their qualities, making you to be appreciated and admired. In July , you will invest the better part of their energy in their career and will be quite busy dealing with all the occurring opportunities and occasions.

Started during the summer of the previous year, the journey of Jupiter through the house of Libra also continues in the first half of The doors to success are open and the chances of advancement, expansion, and prestige may occur anytime.

Saturn helps to focus and to elaborate strategies. In , you will have opportunities at every step, they will only need to know how to take advantage of them. Jupiter continues its journey that started in June in the house of career and will bring luck and prosperity in this area. We are referring to promotions and merits from the colleagues and especially from the superiors.

You will be the center of attention and things are going great. The first trimester of will be marked by fatigue and a poor state of health, indispositions, and hypersensitivities. However, once the period has passed, after taking a break to recover your energy, you will enter on an ascending slope.

You will need to revitalize your mental state because many affections are caused by a major mental discomfort.

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  • Libra Horoscope 2019!

If you manage to detach yourself a bit from the unpleasant aspects of your professional activity and life in general, all those somatic manifestations that keep bothering you will disappear — especially the digestive ones.

The sensitive areas are the lower back and the kidneys. They need to get used to physical activity and to quit idleness. Being governed by Venus, these natives might be gourmands, thus exposed to culinary excess. Therefore, a good idea would be to learn how to be more moderate. Drinking a lot of water is imperative. Therapies with essential rose oil or jasmine oil aromatherapy , but also taking additional potassium supplements can be very beneficial.

The health state is satisfactory, except for some minor issues, for which they will find effective remedies. Starting from the second trimester, nothing seems to satisfy them.

They have the tendency to regard everything in a bleak and gloomy manner and to consider things worse than they really are. Relax and stop worrying for no reason, because, ultimately, your mental state will influence your health.

Starting from the second half of the year, you become more sensitive to the external germs and you can easily get sick. In the last trimester of the year, you become agitated and nervous and permanently worried. The activities that please you, the company of your loved ones and other methods of relaxation, such as massage are weapons you can use to overcome these moments.

This is a year when you must avoid at any cost stress because it can end up affecting their health. You are true fan of sweets and this is the reason they tend to frequently put on extra pounds, especially in the tight and waist area, so they are prone to obesity.

Your health state is not very good, although they seem to be strong and full of energy.

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In reality, your resilience to diseases is not quite good, this is why you must be careful when adopting a lifestyle and diet because a good choice can help them protect their health. You should drink plenty of water in order to eliminate the toxins from the body. In turn, alcohol and carbonated drinks should be avoided because they can affect the kidneys.

2019 Libra Horoscope Preview

The last time Saturn transited here was from In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which people in your life were unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. This influence is with you for some of —until March From May to November in , Uranus moved to a new sector but then retreated back to finish its journey here.

There can also be difficulties related to messy schedules or uncertainty about your work or health that impact your relationships.

Libra horoscope January 2019

As a Libra, learning to detach yourself from some of overly-dependent elements of partnering can be a difficult thing, but if you learn that you can, in fact, subsist independently, you are more able to relate to others on a healthy level, more able to choose what and who is right for you in a relationship, and less likely to allow others to take advantage of your obliging nature.

You can find it easier to agree to disagree. Alternative pairings and arrangements are possible. From March 6th forward , you enter a lengthy period in which your intimate world and shared resources can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting.

Your intimate life and support systems from others are stimulated and opened. These areas of life can be the wildcard area of life, but also highly stimulating and innovative.

Libra Horoscope 2019 Astrology: Your Honour And Prestige To Increase

You can become far more experimental regarding opening yourself up on sexual and intimate levels. You do need to watch for over-confidence with others who might squander your shared resources, however.

Libra January 2019: Part 2: Continued

You will be learning a lesson in detachment during this cycle — sudden changes in the support you receive from others or outside sources can force you to become more independent financially. Prepare yourself for fluctuations by settling as many debts as you can and by working on boosting your personal income.

This can also be a highly creative time for handling money, talents, and relationships. The important thing with this transit is to open up to alternative, new, progressive, or non-traditional ways of doing things without throwing practical considerations out in the process.

Your Libra Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. Attitudes towards home and family continue to transform this year.

There can be a retreat into yourself during this cycle as you explore, on a very deep level, your roots, childhood conditioning, and feelings of personal security.

However, you receive wonderful support for your efforts, particularly from January to September, when there may be additional resources or money to put into the family and home life, or when efforts to make you and yours feel more secure and safe have payoffs. Renovations on either physical or emotional planes are in order now.

Libra 2019

The North Node of the Moon transits your career, life path, responsibilities, and reputation sector all year, and you are called upon to sort out your life plan. This is about discovering your needs to balance professional and personal life. Nurture your desire to feel accomplished and to meet your responsibilities for best results now.

Your Planetary Ruler in Venus is your planetary ruler. Venus forms a freeing trine to your sign from March , and this is an especially warm and expressive period for you.

Libra January 2019

More power to you when your ruler is in your sign, and this year, this period is from September 14th to October 7th. Venus is not retrograde this year, and in a general sense, you should feel that your life is moving forward at a comfortable, natural pace. When Venus is out of bounds from November December 13 be a little more cautious and aware of a tendency to overdo.

Click for Yearly Forecast Specials. See our detailed Monthly Horoscopes and our Daily Horoscopes. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here. Perhaps you might look at ancestral karma and what you may perceive as a family curse.

What you fix within yourself in will be integral to your life-calling or career in 15 years time, so it is really, really important to make these foundations strong, deep and stable. This is your rock for many years to come. The solar eclipse in your 4th house on Jan 6 will bring extra focus on your living arrangements and they could well change over the course of the next 6 months.

Conversely, you might find a replacement parental figure in order to help heal a dysfunctional relationship with your biological parents.

Relationships you make at this time are highly likely to feel quite patriarchal. I mean this in the most positive sense, where you find a connection is both protective and supportive.

Pluto conjunct the South Node in your ancestral zone on Mar 28 is a good time to focus on your family roots and what behavior patterns….

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