Libra february 2019 horoscope kelley

@Barbara Goldsmith - Libra 2019 -2020 Astrology Annual Forecast
  1. 2019 Horoscope
  2. Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope
  3. Horoscope by Kelli Fox, the Astrologer
  4. Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope
  5. Mars enters Aries

While it can be a blessing to be a chill air sign, you can sometimes give off a vibe of being icy or standoffish.

2019 Horoscope

Being vulnerable is a huge part of building trust and maintaining a healthy, reciprocal relationship. So speak up, sweet Aquarius. You will be surrounded by people this month, Pisces; some supportive and some not. Choose where to direct your energy and attention.

Spend time now cultivating what is important to you—autonomy, career, people, romance, hobbies—and you will bask in the results later this year.

Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope

Take a deep breath and trust. While winter can be a time of social hibernation for some of the signs, you might find old friends, acquaintances and relationships surfacing from the past.

True friends and family will recognize your growth and support your decisions to put yourself first. Now is a time for renovation and shaking up your space and routines. Your itch to travel may seem overwhelming, so pair that feeling and urge to an action: No idea is too outrageous for you, Taurus.

Get out a notebook and spend the time creating a plan of action—whether it be a new business idea, traveling or lifestyle choice. You will have the motivation to follow through, if only you just get started. Hold yourself and others to the same high but human standards.

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Your thoughtful nature and compassion can sometimes hold you up, Cancer. This year, make decisions. This month is a new chapter for you. There is so much alignment this month for you Leo, beginning with the new year and your desire for a completely fresh start.

If you want to change everything—do it. Maybe not right this second, but begin to find ways to supplement your income and focus on making every gorgeous thought in your big, beautiful brain HAPPEN. You may already have a new love interest, or perhaps things are heating up with a friend or partner.

There is also potential for a new living arrangement. There are a lot of metaphorical and physical walls this month for you, Virgo. Who are you letting in? This month might feel like a blast from the past—waves of sentimentality and nostalgia abound, dear Libra. This is a rare opportunity for you to get a grip on your finances, sorting out your future security and ensuring that your financial health gets a check-up.

This astrological vibe also bodes well for investments and for the first fruits from a new business of any kind. Energetic and ambitious Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. A New Moon in your career zone in early June is very beneficial, as is the arrival of Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

During , your image — and what other people think of you — will be very important to you; perhaps a little too important. From the very beginning of the year, following a Solar Eclipse in early January, your family may be at loggerheads over a decision you make.

Be fair but firm in your family leadership. September 23rd - October 22nd, is symbolized by the Scales, which are all about balance -- Libra's lifelong pursuit.

This sign is happiest when everything around it is in equilibrium; when everyone is happy and getting along, and there are no major injustices making life seem less The northern Winter brings a resolution to the ongoing family-related rumbles — once Jupiter breezes into your family zone in early December, peace will reign.

In mid-December, a delightful Jupiter - Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

A very flirtatious phase in late April comes courtesy of the arrival of Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. However, this comes against the backdrop of a very volatile Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

If you play with Fire Just as fire burns bright, crackling with heat and energy that are as essential to life as they are potentially destructive, so is the energy that burns within Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Fire Signs of the Zodiac. Each of these signs gains a vitality from their element that outshines the Once shock-jock planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

If you want to restore peace to an existing relationship, early April is your best shot, with a New Moon occurring in your love zone, enabling a new start if both parties genuinely want it. Any relationship which forms around this time will go through a meaningful phase during mid-October, when the Full Moon in your love zone brings something to fruition.

This is something of a challenge, especially once unpredictable Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it. Difficult squares between Jupiter and Neptune hint at a communications breakdown at work in January, June and September, and in March especially, with Mercury retrograde in your work zone, you may struggle to get along with your work-mates.

A very promising Full Moon in mid-May occurs in your money zone, however, so financial gain is on the way. If you can stick out the difficult transition period, things will settle down.

Watch out for a Solar Eclipse in your career zone in early July — there could be a surprise in store. This may come as a shock at the time, but it will be to your benefit in the long run. Luxury-loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

Fortunately, a New Moon later in October falls in your money zone too, so you should find it easy to increase your income to match your appetites! Once determined Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

It all starts with a Solar Eclipse in your learning zone in the first week of the year, which is mirrored by another such eclipse in the last week of — the distance you will travel, mentally, between these two dates is remarkable.

Make every effort to expand your mind and to take up new learning opportunities. Befriend someone who would benefit from your experience and help them to learn their own lessons too. A Full Moon in your own sign in May gives you confidence in how much you have to offer.

Another Solar Eclipse, in your philosophy zone in early July, proves to you that your knowledge and wisdom is needed in the world. Soon afterwards, Jupiter , the planet of growth and expansion, shifts into your learning zone, reinforcing all that you have learned in and setting the scene for further growth to come.

A delightful Jupiter - Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

However, rebel planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Horoscope by Kelli Fox, the Astrologer

With Mercury retrograde in your flirting zone throughout March, it could be that a particular encounter — innocent or not so innocent — is enough to spark chaos within an established relationship. Some of this angst will settle down in May, when a New Moon in your romance zone helps to calm and soothe anxieties and jealousy.

However, a very tough and tempestuous Square A square occurs in an astrological chart when two planets are ninety degrees apart. If your working conditions are not conducive to a good work-life balance, expect this to be a major source of tension in Much of the rest of the year is about you learning to handle these conflicts and learning to make choices which prioritize your loved ones instead of your career.

When diplomatic Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. However, a tumultuous Lunar Eclipse suggests that a shock may be on the way. By the time a dangerously volatile Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Tense squares between Jupiter and Neptune occur in January, June and September, highlighting the risks you are taking with either your income or your career; there could be some dramatic decisions made at this time. Fortunately, you are nothing if not resourceful.

A fortunate Full Moon in your money zone in mid-June marks the start of a financial come back. Ambitious Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

A New Moon in early August is the perfect time to take on a new role or to launch a new business. By the time winter arrives, you should be feeling financially more secure. A New Moon in your money zone in late November highlights your success.

More importantly, it suggests that you have forged a new relationship with and understanding of money during Your ruling planet, bountiful Jupiter , is in your own sign for most of the year, only leaving in early December to help bring abundance into your money zone. With pleasant developments in your love life and interesting times ahead at work, this could well be a red-letter year.

A Full Moon in mid-January promises recognition for you, so expect plenty of praise and attention right from the start of the year. At times, however, the year may seem just a little bit too full-on. Moments in January, June and September could be especially exhausting, when Jupiter squares up to Neptune. In these months, try to make sure that your home is a welcoming place to be.

Create your own sacred space and retreat into meditation or a peaceful sanctuary.

In July, your beliefs or philosophies may be challenged. You talk a good talk, but are you walking the walk? With Mercury retrograde in your philosophy zone in July, be prepared to take practical steps to back up your inner convictions.

Fiery Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope

A gorgeous conjunction between Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. There could be some karmic links at play here, as you encounter someone from your soul group and from a pervious lifetime. Be aware that too much of a good thing can cause its own problems, however. A highly volatile Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Once warrior-planet Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. In early July, a Solar Eclipse occurs in your intimacy zone — something which was previously secret may come to light, much to your shock. However, this sudden blast of honesty is a good thing in the long run, as it means you can stop hiding.

Welcome this Eclipse with open arms and open your heart to its lessons. In early December, a Full Moon in your love zone highlights how far your partnership has come this year and helps you to consolidate your love ahead of A Solar Eclipse in your money zone in early January may not be the ideal way to start a new year, but any financial shocks will be short-lived.

Use the New Moon in early February to get yourself back on track, perhaps with a new side hustle or a different approach to upping your income. Also, in early March, rebel planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

This lends an Air Phrases like 'the winds of change' can tell you a lot about the element of Air, which is associated with the Zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Some of these changes will not be much fun, but you will also have the chance to make your own changes and to take back control of your career. In July, a tense Square A square occurs in an astrological chart when two planets are ninety degrees apart.

This is an inconvenience to be sure, but again, behind the disruption you can find opportunities. In early December, bountiful Jupiter arrives in your money zone — just in time for the holiday season!

You can certainly expect an increase in income around that time, but also a shift in your own attitude towards abundance and finance. The Solar Eclipse in late December focuses on what you have versus what you want versus what you need — and your own philosophy on this is indeed changing.

Good, because is set to be a year when your creative boundaries are pushed further than you ever knew possible. There is tremendous growth ahead for your creative talents and for your spirituality too, all against a backdrop of steady progression in both your love life and your work.

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  • The year begins with a Solar Eclipse in your own sign in early January, prompting you to ask deep questions about who you really are. With determined Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    In late January, a soulful conjunction between Jupiter and Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Watch out for misunderstandings and miscommunications, however.

    Three times this year, in January, June and September, Jupiter squares up to nebulous Neptune , and each time you will struggle to get your message across. You may also suffer intrusions into your privacy at these times.

    Mars enters Aries

    Set clear boundaries between yourself and the rest of the world. In early December, expansive Jupiter shifts into your own sign, bringing a huge burst of creativity, warmth, generosity of spirit and optimism.

    A stunning Trine A trine between two planets in an astrological chart occurs when the planets are one hundred twenty degrees apart.

    By the time a second Solar Eclipse in your sign occurs in the last week of the year, you will have grown significantly. Playfulness is a key theme in your love life this year, most notably perhaps when energetic Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    Fast forward a few weeks and rebel planet Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

    Your partner may not love your new, slightly irresponsible attitude towards love. In mid-May there could be fireworks when Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    In July a potent Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    A Solar Eclipse in early July in your romance zone could mark a turning point, for better or for worse. It sounds dramatic, but you can lessen the tension considerably throughout the year by keeping your love life open-hearted.

    Go for complete honesty with your sweetheart and try to avoid anything deceptive. As ever, you are working hard and seeking to improve your lot, and this should get a boost in early February when there is a New Moon in your money zone — make a fresh start in wiping out debts at this point or look to see where an under-used talent of yours could bring in some income.

    The period between late March and late April could bring some changes at work. Two consecutive Full Moons in your career zone highlight difficult decisions you must make, or choices which appear to conflict with one another.

    At the end of March, argumentative Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. The best period for job hunting, promotion or successful business results is between late September and early October.

    A New Moon in your career zone could suggest a job change or a switch of direction, while the arrival of Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    Planetary activity in focuses on your spirituality and the part you play in your community and wider society. The energies this year are all about deepening your faith and opening your consciousness, starting with a Solar Eclipse in your spiritual zone in early January — another matching Solar Eclipse in the last week of will show you how far you will have traveled on this issue this year.

    Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

    This could be an unsettling experience, but hang on in there, you have so much to gain! Reach out into your local community and work with those who need you the most. You may come across as selfish in love this year. In late January, a Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. For a while, these are your sole focus.

    Watch out for tensions between your family and your in-laws too, especially in July when a difficult Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. July is a passionate month, with Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    The tensions and misunderstandings of the first half of the year do start to fade away following a New Moon in your love zone in early August. Your focus on community projects or philanthropic causes is also reflected in your working life this year.

    In January, June and September, tricky squares between Jupiter and Neptune highlight how your good intentions could be mis-used by others. Be very careful in your relationships with fellow volunteers or not-for-profit colleagues at these times.

    You should also take care in March, when Mercury is retrograde in your money zone — this is not a great time to make major financial decisions. Get expert advice — and listen to it! Mid-May is a more promising time, with a Full Moon in your career zone indicating recognition or progress at work.

    Finding meaning in your career is especially important to you just now and you may want to spend the summer months thinking about a career switch into a field you find more significant.

    Further career progress is likely in the fall. A New Moon in your career zone in late October pushes you ever forwards and when ambitious Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    Good for you, Aquarius! As a sensitive Water Ever hear the saying, 'Still waters run deep'? These signs are born nurturers, sensitive to fluctuations in their environment as well as within their loved ones. And they want to respond A Solar Eclipse in your friendship zone in the first week of the year may be a crisis point or a sudden shock which helps to clarify in your mind what needs to be done.

    A New Moon in Pisces , also in early March, helps you to put yourself first and to recognise those who are truly on your side. With Mercury retrograde in your sign at this time, you may find it awkward at first to say no to people, but it will quickly become second nature. Spend the year surrounding yourself with those who love you and those who are on the same wavelength as you.

    Once Jupiter arrives in your friendship zone in early December, many new faces will come into your orbit and new friendships will bring you great joy.

    Being stricter with the company you choose will enable your own identity to flourish — and not before time! A Full Moon in your romance zone in late February is an excellent time for a second honeymoon or for making special promises to a loved one.

    A Solar Eclipse in early July falls in your risk zone, so there could be a shock in store if either you or your sweetheart have been less than honest recently. Warrior planet Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    Keep your head, however, because this is not a life-changing moment unless you want it to be. All things can be healed, if the will is there.

    The end of August looks likely to be one such healing time in your love life. Within the space of a couple of weeks, Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Work and career are some of the busiest astrological zones for you in , so you can expect to see great progress here. Right from the start of the year, determined Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    An extremely fortunate Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Hold your nerve and keep riding this wave.

    Mid-February brings a volatile Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. Three difficult squares between Jupiter and Neptune occur in January, June and September, which suggest that your financial and career good fortune may cause you to rest on your laurels somewhat this year — maybe becoming a bit lazy or feeling slightly entitled.

    Watch out for this and nip it in the bud before it becomes an issue with your attitude. A Full Moon in your money zone in mid-October, coupled with a New Moon in late November, suggests that you will end in a good place both financially and work-wise.

    Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Saturn is thought of as the taskmaster planet because of its stern and sometimes guilt-inspiring influence in our lives. A trine between two planets in an astrological chart occurs when the planets are one hundred twenty degrees apart. It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

    The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it. Aries March 20th - April 19th. Chiron pronounced KY-ron , discovered in , is more than an asteroid but less than a comet. Taurus April 20th - May 20th.

    Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life. Gemini May 21st - June 20th. Cancer June 21st - July 21st.

    Leo July 22nd - August 21st. A square occurs in an astrological chart when two planets are ninety degrees apart. Virgo August 22nd - September 21st. Phrases like 'the winds of change' can tell you a lot about the element of Air, which is associated with the Zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

    Libra September 22nd - October 22nd. Just as fire burns bright, crackling with heat and energy that are as essential to life as they are potentially destructive, so is the energy that burns within Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the Fire Signs of the Zodiac.

    Scorpio October 23rd - November 21st.