February 23 2019 horoscopes

2019 Auspicious Wedding Dates of China Time Zone
  1. February 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits
  2. February 23 Birthday Horoscope
  3. Mercury enters Capricorn
  4. Chinese Calendar of February 2019

This is the month to investigate anything that needs an answer. Issues can be settled amicably.

After the 24th, you begin to question and reevaluate what your life means in spiritual terms. Enlightenment occurs on the 27th regarding your everyday environment.

March 21st — April 20th. Conversations, debates and finding a mentor all figure in. The work scene is pleasant. Watch the tendency to overindulge in food and drink. After the 15th, your mind will want to probe subjects intensely and penetrate deep spiritual truths.

After the 24th, make sure groups and friends you are involved with are worth your time and effort. Be sure you are associating with like-minded others! April 20th — May 21st. Your ability to be resourceful and productive is being tested on the work front.

Your workload has probably doubled. Keep on the lookout for increased opportunities for advancement through October Health should be excellent through this period. After the 13th would be a good time to begin new projects that either enhance your work environment or improve your health.

After the 24th, you may become involved with spiritual or occult matters within your career, or you could decide your present calling is not adequate. The 27th brings illumination to some personal issue.

May 21st — June 21st.

February 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits

Your inner cruise director is working overtime to choose between romance, creativity or pleasurable pursuits. The new moon on the 13th would be good for starting new creative projects that use your artistic ability. Communications increase with employers and employees. New health regimens will be considered.

February 23 Birthday Horoscope

A good time to start a sensible diet. After the 24th, your interests may be stimulated to connect with higher consciousness and spiritual truths. The 27th brings awareness to some mystical or spiritual discipline or emotional issue. June 21st — July 23rd.

Mercury enters Capricorn

The home front becomes your strategic command center! You might as well have a revolving door with all the comings and goings. Numerous visitors, nostalgic conversations, lively debates, renovations and expansion are all part of the scenario. Precise, well thought out communications gives way to the tendency to overindulge in food and drink.

Family disputes begin to be settled.

Chinese Calendar of February 2019

Mental activities will appeal to you. July 23rd — August 23rd. Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn February 2 nd: Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries February 3 rd: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius February 3 rd: Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius February 8 th: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries February 9 th: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries February 10 th: Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries February 14 th: Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces February 18 th: Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries February 18 th: Venus conjunct Saturn in Capricorn February 18 th: Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces February 20 th: Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn February 22 nd: Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius February 23 rd: Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn February 23 rd: Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn February 28 th: On February 4th, the New moon in Aquarius improves our social life, helping us to make new acquaintances.

Starting February 14th, with Mars transiting Taurus, connecting with nature and grounding is essential for our health. You are willing to put in the effort for a mental interest or project, and you can feel pleasantly dedicated to your work or ideas in the year ahead.

Saturn is transiting in harmony with your sign this year, and this is a stabilizing energy. You have the power of practicality, realism, and caution on your side in the period ahead.

Work you have done in the past begins to pay off this year—not necessarily in dramatic ways, but in small, measurable ways. You may be recognized or rewarded in some way for the efforts you put forth.

Changes occurring this year are generally measured ones. This is a year in which you put your life in order in some significant manner. Improved concentration, a more realistic outlook, and a practical awareness of the limits of time all help you to make steady progress, particularly in your career.

Your concern for your future this year is stronger than usual, and you may find that projects you start, or investments you make, this year will benefit you for years to come. Venus conjunct Neptune in your Solar Return chart this year is an extremely romantic influence, however.

This could be a year in which romance enters your life or is enhanced. The only real danger with this aspect is the tendency to be starry-eyed about your romantic and social relationships. Fresh beginnings on creative levels are likely. Heightened sensitivity to, and awareness of, beauty and spirituality characterize the year ahead.

You are easily influenced, seducible and seductive, and given to strong powers of imagination. You are more attuned to the world of beauty and romance, and gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. It can certainly be a magical time on a romantic and social level, but it could also be a confusing or illusory influence as well.

You should be more vigilant with money matters and watch for a tendency to glamorize your situation or relationships at times. Even so, Venus also squares Mars, and this aspect suggests some dynamic, exciting, or disruptive events in your romantic or social worlds this year.

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You are seeking out equal, fair, and balanced relationships. There can be a stronger inclination towards togetherness and sharing, creating harmony, and sharing power now.

You may gain an advantage in business or finances or by promoting harmony and beauty. Mercury harmonizing with Saturn certainly helps to ground your thinking and to turn your thoughts to practical considerations.

Advances in intellectual and mental pursuits are likely, as you make steady progress that has long-lasting results. Work done during this period in your life will have tangible results in the future.

Relationships with younger people in your life are solidified.