Tauruss horoscope personality

The Core Personality of the Taurus Man
  1. Taurus: Taurus Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits
  2. Taurus Zodiac Sign
  3. Taurus: Taurus Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

They will shift their thinking only if they truly have a change of heart. There's something you still need to know! Ask an experienced psychic. With a rep as one of the hardest-working signs in the Zodiac, a Bull is never afraid to roll up those sleeves and get to work, and won't blink an eye at pulling an all-nighter to get the job done.

But it's not all work for Taurus. Anchored by the earth, this passionate sign is all about sensuality, and is always seeking out pleasure.

Taurus: Taurus Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

Whether they're indulging in luxurious massages, spending hours in bed with their lover, or going on a long run, Taureans love feeling present in their body and frequently need to get in touch with their physical self. When it comes to love, Taureans are all about honesty, which is why a first date with a Bull may resemble a job interview.

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They're not being rude—they're built for partnerships and are simply trying to see if you're a good fit at the start. And once you begin dating a Taurus, forget about white lies. A Taurus would much rather hear that an outfit is unflattering than endure hollow compliments. Taurus will hold a grudge against someone who lies, even if it's a lie just to make them feel happy.

In bed, Taurus is a giving lover—as long as their partner steps it up and makes sure to give as well as receive pleasure!

Detail-oriented Taurus may seem nitpicky even in the bedroom, a mid-romp critique may not be unusual , but that's not because they want to offend. They simply demand the best, and they expect the people in their life to deliver. While Taurus has an intense internal drive, they sometimes have trouble respecting authority, especially if asked to do something they think is pointless or should be done differently.

Learning to be flexible and go with the flow can be an advantage to Taurus.

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And while Taureans have a rich internal life, they value external attributes and may overlook someone who doesn't have the perfect outfit, car, or resume. Learning the benefits of getting to know someone before writing them off can be a lifelong lesson to a Taurean, especially in love, where they might be too hasty to write off a perfect match.

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Earthly note makes them overprotective, conservative, or materialistic at times, with views of the world founded on their love of money and wealth. The ruler of Taurus is Venus , the planet of love, attraction, beauty, satisfaction, creativity and gratitude.

This tender nature will make Taurus an excellent cook, gardener, lover, and artist. They are loyal and don't like sudden changes, criticism or the chase of guilt people are often prone to, being somewhat dependable on other people and emotions they seem to be unable to let go of.

Still, no matter their potential emotional challenge, these individuals have the ability to bring a practical voice of reason in any chaotic and unhealthy situation. Taurus — the Wandering Bull Being the one who betrayed their best friend, goddess Hera herself, this is an unfortunate being that has to wander the Earth in order to find freedom.

As if something was always poking them behind their back, reminding them of happiness that once was, stinging and pushing forwards, they close up in their own worlds, lonely and separated from their core. To find love, a Taurus has to travel the world, change perspective or make a shift in their entire belief system and their system of values.

Setting certain goals ahead of you, it is important not to forget to make enough time for rest and unpredicted troubles that might arise. This is a time of regeneration They are extremely sensual, touch, smell and all pleasurable senses being extremely important to them, but they also need time to create a safe environment and relax in their sexual encounters.

When they create enough intimacy with a loved one, they become a bit gooey, sometimes even needy, and have to keep their emotions in check, holding on to practical reasoning, while embracing change and initiative of their partner at all times.

Taurus: Taurus Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

For long-term relationships they often choose people from the same social environment that are able to respond to their intellectual needs, but also the expectations of their family and close friends.

Taurus compatibility with other signs can be complicated. Select the match in the widget bellow to discover who makes their heart jump:. Friends - People born in this sign are loyal and always willing to lend a hand of friendship, although they can be closed up for the outer world before they build trust for new social contacts they make.

Many of their friendships begin in childhood with a tendency to last them a lifetime.

Taurus zodiac sign personality traits & psychology in astrology

Once they make a clear intimate connection to another person, they will do anything they can to nurture the relationship and make it functional even in the hard times. Family — Home and matters of the family are very important to every Taurus. This is a person who loves kids and appreciates time spent with people who love them, respecting family routines, customs, and present in all events and gatherings.

Taurus representatives usually love money and will work hard in order to earn it. They are reliable, hardworking, patient and thorough, as an employee or someone in a position of power. When focused on a specific project, they will firmly stick to it, no matter what happens in the world around them.

Stability is the key to understand their working routine. The search for material pleasures and rewards is an actual need to build their own sense of value and achieve a satisfying luxurious, yet practical way of life.

Their job is observed as a means to make it possible. Taurus is a Sun sign well organized with their finances, and all of their bills will be paid without delay.

They care for their pension, taking responsibility and saving some money for a rainy day, able to make due with a really small and a really big salary just the same. Occupations that fit them are agriculture, banking, art, and anything that involves culinary skills.

If you are in search for a strong, loyal and generous man, Taurus is the person you are looking for. He is trustworthy, patient and tender when in love, always in search for a returned emotion.

He will not pick on subtle hinds and suggestive looks from those who flirt with him, being a bit slow on the uptake as if waiting for someone to ask them out.

He dislikes artificiality of any kind, and values conversations filled with genuine statements, especially when it comes to compliments and love declarations.

A Taurus man needs time to build trust and anyone on a chase for his heart needs to take the time earning it.