Horoscope for 1 capricorn

Capricorn Decan 1 eBook
  1. Capricorn Horoscope
  2. Capricorn October Monthly Horoscope ~ Darkstar Astrology
  3. Friday 28th December
  4. Capricorn traits

Venus spends most of the month in your social sector, supporting you and blessing your friendships and relationships with networks or associates.

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The last week of the month is influenced by a Full Moon that occurs in your partnership sector on the 22nd. Feelings are awakened and insistent.

Capricorn Horoscope

This can be a time for connecting with a significant other in wonderful ways or for awakening to emotions about a relationship. Days to watch include the , when you should avoid talking about or releasing something too soon. You could feel rushed or under pressure, but it's best to wait. A lot is going on at this time - the Sun is square Neptune, Mercury is stationing, and it's a Balsamic Moon.

All signs point to winding down rather than pushing forward with new initiatives. It's quite fine, though, for tying up loose ends. There is wonderful energy with you from the in particular as Saturn and Pluto in your sign harmonize with planets in your social and communications sectors.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special

It can be a fabulous couple of days for relationships and projects. You're determined, confident, positive, and can readily gain support or, more simply, understanding. This is what is asked of you now, and this theme is with you until Saturn performs very well in your sign, and this can point to various improvements in your mannerisms, personality, appearance, and personal reputation.

The more insular side of this transit is likely to become most apparent from November forward when Jupiter moves into your privacy sector for a year, and you find more solace, joy, and comfort in your private life or relative solitude.

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However, until November, Jupiter is moving through your friends and hopes sector, enlivening your social life and keeping you connected. So, while Saturn tends to add personal responsibilities to your plate in , the year offers some real joy in your relationships and projects. You continue to focus on going after your fondest hopes and wishes while also attending to your material affairs.

Those of you in business for yourself could enjoy an unusually profitable year. Do your best to avoid going overboard with self-criticism. Saturn in your sign will help you tame the urge to take on too many things—beyond your means or energy levels.

Capricorn 2019 Horoscope

A new theme entering your life this year takes away some of the pressure or unsettled quality surrounding home and family. Your romantic and creative worlds are heating up, but this influence will develop more fully in You come into closer touch with your spiritual and emotional renewal needs from November forward.

This can be a time when, more often than not, you may very well enjoy your own company!

Capricorn October Monthly Horoscope ~ Darkstar Astrology

While this is an important time for bringing more order to your life, there can be times, of course, when the people you love and the people you want to love may feel a little alienated, left out, or downright intimidated!

Making a conscious effort to let others in can help people understand you better. Watch for sending out vibes that may be pushing others away.

This is more likely after the first week of November when Jupiter retreats into your privacy sector. With Saturn in the foreground and Jupiter in the background in the last two months of , you can be quite self-protective and withdrawn, which may limit your love life.

Saturn in your sign can also serve to enhance your responsible side and this can be a major draw for some people in your life, however. There are times during this year transit when you feel very much ….

Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day. Everything in their life is a crusade, no matter how run-of-the-mill the situation might be.

But we are still in tropical Capricorn so this crusading is all very serious, even the comedians among them work incredibly hard to get a laugh. All work and no play made Jack a dull boy.

Friday 28th December

If he allows no time for relaxation or fun, he is liable to become tired and tense and he may find his mood fluctuates like the waves behind him, up one day and down the next.

This is where their prophetic ability comes from, the innate knowledge of natural law. What goes around comes around..

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  • Capricorn Monthly Horoscope?

To be drawn to work with the harder, more stressful, or the unseemly, side of life; To have a prophetic vision. A time of terrorism.

Capricorn traits

The Sun in Capricorn 1 is one of the most straightforward since this decan has such a very strong theme running through it and the Sun follows its very established path of the ecliptic.

We get no-nonsense, practical spiritualism here. If they are religious, they will be very hands-on in their practice with a missionary type energy. However, this is still a difficult decan for the Sun though as it is physically at its lowest point with the longest night of the year taking place in this decan.

In the Northern hemisphere. Since the Sun represents heads of states or companies, this is not a comforting image for it! However, those that do adjust to the shock of the fall seem to do very well despite the dark prognosis. After plunging to such depths, it takes longer for them to get to their destination.